76 The News

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Part 76 The news

Raizadas rushed to Anjali and kneeled in front of her.

"Di, please make yourself up..." Lavanya said, could not make herself up.

The other three didn't know what to say, how to console her. What was there to say? How could they even console her? That was the pain, could not even share with others.

"Di, please don't cry," Arnav said.

Anjali joined her hands,

"I'm sorry, Chotte. Please forgive me. My foolishness not only spoilt my life but also yours" she cried closing her face.

"No, Di... it's not foolishness but true love. True love won't suspect his partner, Di. That's what you also did. At the same time, you changed the situation by bringing Khushi in my life..." he tried to console her.

Arnav gestured for Nani to continue.

"Haan, Anjali bitiya... though Damadji is wrong his wrongdoer came to an end because of Khushi. That credit belongs to only you. Because of Khushi, Chotte got cured... without her Chotte could not have been cured."

"Why did you let him run away, Chotte?" she diverted the topic as she knew they were trying to console her.

"No, Di... he is the only trump card to get the criminals. The commissioner is tracking the suspects. Shyam can't escape because he will definitely call the culprit"

"You should not leave him. Get him punished" she said gritting her teeth.

"We will do it."

"I don't want such a man in my life... he is a backstabber... he is a cheater... his role in my life got over" she yelled.

"Di, please relax... don't get emotional. Let's go to your room. you need rest"

Arnav lifted her in his arms and walked to her room as she looked tired. He made her lay on the bed and was about to get off, Anjali clutched his hand. Arnav sat next to her.

"Are you angry with me, Chotte?"

"No, Di... why would I be angry with you?"

"I aborted my child... I not only killed my child but the theory of mother. Instead of pampering her, I killed her, Chotte" she cried, leaning on his shoulder.

Arnav caressed her hair with teary eyes.

"You should not have done that, Di."

"What else do you want to do, Chotte?"

"Just because her father is a wrongdoer, why did you punish the child?"

"I didn't punish her but saved her from blame. If I would not have done that, this world will punish her for the mistake she had not done. Her life would be hell with taunts. She would get affected by the mistake her father had done"

"Di, don't you trust me? Do you think I will let it happen? Won't I protect her?"

"Enough Chotte... what you did for all of us is enough. You protected our family... you protected me... you protected Lavanya. I know you will protect my child. But, you too have a family... you have your own life. Concentrate on it..."

Before Arnav answered, Khushi did.

"Di, you are also our family. Arnavji has the responsibility to protect all of us. He would do that wholeheartedly. You also know that"

"But, being his sister, I failed to protect my brother..."

"Di, you did what should be done. Don't blame yourself... please" Arnav looked at Nani.

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