𝐒𝐨𝐫𝐚'𝐬 𝐉𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐥 ||💧💜

291 1 3

Ship(s) in this chapter:


- Smut


TW: Smut💀

Light walked into Sora's room, closing the door behind him. He turned around and looked around the room, not seeing any trace of Sora there. He walked over to his desk and started looking through the drawers. Whenever he found it, he dug through the piles of papers and pulled it out. He closed the drawer and sat down in Sora's chair. He smiled to himself as he opened the journal and began reading. While he was reading, he spun around in the chair.

While he was reading, he noticed that it was mainly about him. It started off sweet and innocent, but progressively changed to something else. As Light continued to read, he felt his face heating up as he read all of the details Sora had written down. Then, the pages stopped. The last one written was on that exact same day.

Then, Sora's door closed. Light quickly placed the journal down and stood up. He immediately froze when he stared at Sora while Sora stared back at him.

"Did you read it?"

Light hesitated, but nodded his head.

Sora smirked, "Ya know, that wasn't written too long ago."

Sora walked up to Light. Light backed up a bit into Sora's desk. When Sora got up to Light, he placed both of his hands on both sides of Light so he couldn't run away. Sora smirked at Light as Light ducked his head into his hoodie.

"And, I'm still in the mood, if you know what I mean."

Light's face was painted a darker shade of red. Light didn't feel upset or anything, but felt excited. He knew exactly what he meant, and was waiting for the one question.

"Can I have consent?" Sora asked, staring into Light's purple eyes.

Light nodded his head and smiled back at Sora.

Sora asked again, "Are you sure?"

Light chuckles, "Yes.

And almost immediately smashed his lips into Sora's. Sora wrapped his arms around Light and guided them both over to the bed.

Light's back came into contact with the bed sheets. Light's arms were wrapped around Sora's neck. Sora gently bit on Light's lower lip, causing Light to open his mouth. Sora slid his tongue into his mouth and started exploring around in Light's.

They both went deeper and deeper into the session until they separated from breath, a trail of saliva connected from both their mouths. Light sat up and Sora sat on the bed. They connected their lips again. They quickly took each other's clothes off. Jacket, top shirt, and pants were all on the ground next to the bed.

Separating the kiss, Sora sat on the edge of the bed as Light got onto his knees in between Sora's legs. Light looked up at Sora for a quick second, before looking back down at his d!ck. Light took it into his hand and moved his mouth closer until it was pretty much touching it. Light started licking his tip, then started licking around. Sora groaned as Light teased him. Sora gripped onto the sheets as Light put his d!ck fully into his mouth.

"L-Light," Sora moaned, putting his hand through Light's hair.

Light looked up at Sora as he went to work. At some points, Light would do a "deep throat", but end up gagging. Then, after some time, Sora announced that he was getting closer and closer to his relief.

"I'm close... I'm cl- Ah~!"

Sora put his hand behind Light's head and held him there as he released his fluids into Light's mouth. Sora's moans filled the room. When Sora was done, he pulled his d!ck out of Light's mouth, catching his breath. Saliva and cum dripped down Light's chin. He wiped it away and swallowed the rest that was in his mouth.

Light got up and went over to the bed and layed down. Sora went over to Light, spread his legs, and stood in between them. He grabbed onto his d!ck and held it at Light's entrance.

Sora looked down at Light, "Are you ready? Are you comfortable?"

Light replied, "Yeah, go ahead."

Sora nodded and put his d!ck into Light's a$$ slowly. Light whimpered as Sora went into Light. Then, Sora leaned over Light as he thrust in and out of Light. Both of their moans filled the room. Sora picked up the speed. Light gripped onto the sheets, moaning loudly. Sora quietly moaned to himself as he thrust fast and faster.

Light gripped onto the sheets as if they were going to run away. His hair was plastered to his forehead by his sweat. He couldn't speak, he couldn't say anything. The pleasure was too much, so much that he had an orgasm right then.

He came, but Sora hadn't. Sora continued to fuck him through his orgasms, causing Light to moan louder than before. Sora closed his eyes. His thrusts were becoming sloppier and sloppier, his moans were becoming louder when finally.

Light whined, "Sora!"

"I'm c*mming!"

He released his fluids into Light as Light came a second time with Sora. Sora and Light were breathing heavily, trying to catch their breath. Sora pulled out of Light. Light turned to his side as Sora grabbed a towel nearby and went back over to Light. He cleaned up the access on both him and Light and on the bed.

He grabbed two hoodies and gave one to Light. Sora put a hoodie on and Light put on the other. They layed down in bed. Light grabbed the remote and turned on a movie on the TV. Sora wrapped his arms around Light.

"I love you, so much," Sora says, kissing Light's cheek.

Light smiled exhaustedly, "I love you too!"

They cuddled in each other's arms for the rest of the night as the movie continued to play.


Maybe I'll do this again, maybe I won't. I hopefully won't.

Word Count: 1003

☆♫︎ 𝙸𝚗𝚚𝚞𝚒𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚑𝚒𝚙𝚜 & 𝚁𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚙𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚜 ♫︎☆Where stories live. Discover now