Have my fucking children.

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Vivian watched as the rest of them slowly finished their food and began chatting loosely between themselves, each giving her a small glance every now and again.

She managed to force herself to eat it all before she jumped off the truck and began walking off through them again, not saying a word.

Yet she stopped as she felt a hand grab her wrist and gently try holding her back.

"Where you-"

Their question was interrupted as she spun around and grabbed their own wrist with her free hand. Giving it a sharp twist she flung Jack down on the floor as he yelped out in pain. Shoving his arm down she watched as he free hand went to cradle his, what was either broken or fractured, wrist.

"Have my fucking children."

Everyone's eyes fell on Ace as he stood still in shock. Charlie and Fuzzy began helping Jack up as Vivian kept her glare on him.

"Don't fucking touch me again." She snapped out.

Jack nodded in pain as he kept cradling his wrist.

"Please can we keep her?!" Eyeball said excitedly as he looked over at Ace.

Yet before Ace could answer, Vivian answered for him.

"I'm going." She snapped as she looked over at Ace.

"That was our deal right? You get me outta there so I can leave and go get what I want."

Ace nodded slowly as Vivian finally gave him a smile, but Ace knew it wasn't a real one.

"Great, well I'd say it's been a pleasure but you're still somewhat of a dickhead." She mumbled as a small smile came to her face.

Ace couldn't help himself but smile back at her. "You're still a bitch."

Vivian laughed slightly as she looked over at Jack. "Sorry about your wrist." She offered.

Jack tried shaking his head but only groaned out once more. "I think you broke it!" His words came out in pain.

Eyeball got up and moved beside Ace. "Sure you don't need our help Rach?"

Vivian gave him a confused look before remembering, Ace clearly still hadn't told them her real name. Ace shook his head slowly, unable to wipe the smile off his face.

"I think Rach baby has got it covered." Ace said with his confident smirk stuck on her.

Vivian smiled slightly at him. He was enjoying being the only one to know her real name too much.

"Goodbye Ace." She gave him a small nod before turning and walking off down the side of his house.

"You're just gonna let her leave?" Eyeball asked when she was out of earshot.

Ace turned to him confused. "That was the deal?"

Eyeball shook his head slowly. "She's got your top though?"

Ace shrugged as he turned and walked back over to the pick up truck, hoisting himself up, he leant back and lit another cigarette as Eyeball quickly followed him over, while the others attempted to find something for Jack's wrist.

"I got plenty more, I ain't worried." Ace mumbled, sensing Eyeball wasn't letting this go.

"You talking about the girl or the tops?" Eyeball asked.

Ace looked at him confused. "The fuck are you chatting about?" He snapped as he blew out smoke.

"I'm talking about the girl. She'd be fucking great with us." Eyeball started. "And she can help us fuck up those guys from the other night? They wouldn't be expecting a girl."

Ace shrugged his pleas off as he shook his head. "She made her choice."

Eyeball shook his head slowly. "And what about your choice?"

Ace scoffed and pointed over to Jack, where Charlie was now strapping up his wrist, ignoring Jack's vile language from the pain.

"I ain't having her do that to me." Ace spoke flat out.

Eyeball smirked. "No, you just want her to have your fucking children."

Ace turned to glare at Eyeball, who quickly raced off to the other side of the garden. He knew out of all of the cobras he could get away with the most when it came to Ace, but Eyeball was famous for dancing along the line of what he could and couldn't say without getting a smack.

He made a mental note to himself as he sat down next to Billy, talking about Ace's children proposal to her was on the No list. Still, it didn't stop him from giggling to himself as he kept glancing over to Ace, who was naturally firing daggers back.

Nothing entertaining happened for the rest of the evening, now she had gone. Ace spent the entire time sat on the truck, not saying a word as he smoked and vaguely listened to whatever the others were saying.

Slowly and steadily as the sun began to set they dispersed themselves home. He went inside and straight up for a shower. He saw two ripped shirts in the bin as he realised they were hers. Shaking the thought from his mind he took a quick shower and wandered back into his room, towel around his waist.

Crashing down on his bed he shut his eyes for a second and almost found himself imagining he was back in that small cell, with her asleep a few feet away from him. Quickly sitting up he ran a hand through his hair. Where had she gone? Who was she going to see? What was she going to get back?

Ace groaned out as he quickly got up and slipped some clothes on. Slipping his shoes on he quickly chucked his towel back in the bathroom before rushing downstairs.

"Curiosity is gonna fucking kill me one day." He mumbled to himself as he grabbed his car keys and slipped out the house.

Climbing into his car and starting it up, he flicked his headlights on. The sun had now gone down as he imagined most people had gone to bed. Had she? Was she back with whoever was clearly beating her?

Ace didn't stop driving around slowly, giving him ample chance to look left and right in search of her.

Sweet Dreams - Ace MerrillWhere stories live. Discover now