Bite me bitch.

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Ace couldn't help but find this girl intriguing. She fought against him with everything he said, didn't back down and had a tongue sharper than his own switchblade.

He slowly let her walk ahead as they noticed Irbys coming into view. Vivian stopped and turned to him.

"You aren't coming in with me?" She questioned.

Ace nodded slowly, "You not capable of going in alone?" He asked in a teasing manner. "Too many scary men?"

Vivian scoffed. "In case you haven't noticed, it's men that tend to be scared of me." She replied as she took a step closer to him.

Ace laughed and shook his head, looking her up and down. "You're about as intimidating as a butterfly Vivvy baby."


The pair turned as they saw Alex and the others had caught them up and Alex was looking somewhat confused between Ace and his sister.

"Figure of speech moron." Vivian mumbled as she looked back at Ace, "I wouldn't go near him if he begged me." She said with a laugh as she continued to walk away.

Ace exaggerated a cough as he instantly began following her, almost forgetting the others were there. "Excuse me but I think you'll remember I told you, I don't do the begging."

The others followed behind as they grinned at each other, listening to the pair in front.

"Oh yeah and I think you'll remember me begging you to shut the fuck up!"

Ace laughed. "Now why would I give you that satisfaction?"

"Because I'm fucking begging you!"

"You'd look better on your knees!"

Alex took a step forward but Eyeball held him back as Vivian clearly proved she was capable of handling her own.

"And you'd look better from behind but no! I'm stuck looking at your face!"

The others laughed as Ace reached out to the door, holding it open for Vivian. Their laughter stopped as Ace walked in, following her, letting the door shut, in their faces.

"Do they even know we're here anymore?" Billy asked, gesturing to the shut doors in front of them.

Eyeball scoffed as he reached out to open it. "Oh please, they haven't noticed us since that first night they met in lock up."

They all trundled in and saw Vivian now sat on one of the pool tables as Ace was holding two cues. Heading over to the bar they continued to hear their argument, or whatever it actually was.

"You know I may have actually wanted to play?" Ace snapped at her.

Vivian shrugged his comment off as she began to admire her nails.

"And I wanted to sit down!"

"There's fucking stools everywhere!" Ace snapped again as he waved his arm around the bar.

Vivian once again, shrugged his comment off as she leant her hands back on the soft velvet. "But this is much more comfy!" She mumbled as she ran her fingers up and down the table top.

"So do they actually wanna bang?" Charlie asked as he leant forward to the others.

They all shrugged as Alex quickly shook his head. Eyeball looked around and saw a couple of guys sat on another table.

"One way to find out." He mumbled as he took another swig of his beer before placing it on the bar.

Before the others could question his actions, he had taken off heading over to them. They all watched Eyeball curiously as he nodded towards Ace and Vivian, who were of course, still insulting each other, still arguing over the pool table and still telling each other to 'fuck off'

Eyeball soon returned to the others and picked up his drink.

"The fuck did you do?" Alex questioned as Eyeball leant back against the bar.

"Putting a theory to test." He mumbled as he took a drink before placing a finger over his lips. "Now shut up and watch."

They all fell into silence as they watched both men nod at Eyeball before getting up and slowly walking over to where Ace and Vivian were still arguing.

"I told you to move your fucking ass off my table!" Ace snapped loudly.

"And I fucking told you to fucking make me or fucking bite me! You're choice!" Vivian snapped back.

"And I told you not to fucking tempt-"

"Excuse me."

Ace and Vivian's heads snapped towards the two men, who had now approached and were cautiously looking over at Vivian.

"The fuck do you want?" Vivian snapped harshly at them.

"Yeah, can't you fucking see we're in the middle of something?" Ace snapped in turn at them as he instinctively moved himself closer to her.

"I know, we just wondered if we could buy the lady a drink." One spoke.

Eyeball's theory was confirmed as they all saw the look on Ace's face and heard his next comment.

"No you fucking can't!" He snapped at them as he moved himself in front of her.

"And I ain't no fucking lady!" Vivian snapped as she finally jumped off the table and moved beside Ace.

"Now fuck off and leave us alone!" Ace finished off as took yet another step towards them.

They quickly backed down and returned to their table, glancing over at Eyeball and the other cobras. Alex stared at his sister with Ace as they relaxed slightly before turning on each other again. Eyeball gently smacked a hand on Alex's shoulder as he sighed slightly.

"My sister's gonna fuck him, ain't she?" He let out with a sigh.

The others all nodded slowly as they turned and watched Ace finally start setting up the balls for a game. He took the cue from Vivian, yet just as he leant over to take a shot, it was interrupted.

Vivian reached her arm out and messed up the balls, sending them in multiple directions along the tabletop. Ace growled as he straightened up and glared at her. She simply stood there, arms crossed and with a smirk on her face.

"I really fucking hate you." Ace sighed out. "You know that right?"

Vivian kept her smirk as she nodded slowly. "Just as much as I hate you." She walked around the table slowly, letting her hand trail along it as she approached him.

"Now if you don't mind," she started as she reached him and found her eyes slowly going up and down his body. "I'm gonna play a game myself." She spoke softly as she reached out and took the cue from him.

Ace couldn't help but let his eyes trail up and down her body as she reset the balls on the table. Using one hand she leant against it.

"I thought I was here to have a drink?" She questioned.

Ace walked over to where the other cue was. Picking it up he sauntered over to her and copied her pose, using one hand to lean against the table.

"Loser gets the first round."

Vivian shook her head. "I got no money."

Ace smirked down at her. "Well it's a good thing I don't either then."

Vivian couldn't help but smirk as she moved over to make the first shot. Yet, just as she bent over to take it, Ace waved his hand out and messed the balls up, once again sending them all over the table. Vivian sighed as she straightened up and glared at him.

"I fucking hate you so much." She snarled out.

Ace laughed slightly as he shrugged.

"Bite me bitch."

"Don't tempt me cobra."

Sweet Dreams - Ace MerrillWhere stories live. Discover now