6 | do you like Messi ?

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The sound of the piano caressing their ears, the european music managed to create an elegant aura in a posh restaurant in the heart of the city

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The sound of the piano caressing their ears, the european music managed to create an elegant aura in a posh restaurant in the heart of the city .

Jay carefully cut a steak in front of him into small pieces, a sweet smile didn't immediately fall from his lips as his beloved one, Saena was busy recording their surrounding so she can post it on her instagram story .

"Here you go , enjoy your meal"
Jay said , exchanging their plates .

Saena's facial expression changed in a nanosecond , she then slowly pushed the plate away from her. 
"Jay, I told you before that I was on a diet"

"It's just a piece of steak, it won't affect your diet . Sometimes , everyone needs a cheat day "
Jay replied to her smoothly while cutting his own steak .

Saena's face wrinkled ,
"Jay, I need to be a model for a leading clothing brand later so I must look beautiful"

"You said it was just a piece of steak, huh?  It's greasy and fatty "

Saena then took a bowl of her salad and stirred it, she could not fail in her diet . Frankly, Jay was disappointed with Saena's answer.  He brought her here because he was worried about seeing her state which was getting thinner day by day .

As her boyfriend, Jay wants Saena to be happy and healthy.  Trying to be a good and understanding boyfriend , which he is , he chose to seal his lips and ate all by himself so he wouldn't hurt her heart with his words .

"Jay , Jay , Jay ! Look at this !!!"
Saena shoved her phone in front of Jay's face, startling the man.  She was showing him a picture of Chanel's latest handbag .

The handbag looks simple yet exquisite ,  which makes it look really classy . His eyes then shifted towards the price of the bag, it was beyond his imagination .

"It's a limited edition and there are only 10 in the world, I also want to have it ..."
She said with a pout .

Jay just gave her a tiny smile, he took Saena's phone and scrolled over the website.  In the nick of time, he successfully did online-banking for that handbag .

Saena smiled happily , shouting in happiness .
"Thank you so much , Jay ! Other models will not look down on me ever again when they see me bring that bag tomorrow !!! "

"I love you so much !"

Jay chuckled , he rested his chin on top of his knuckles ,
"Then, let's get married"

“No one will look down on you when they know you are my wife "

Saena seemed surprised over Jay's reply.  The man has proposed to her several times and asked her to get married but she always rejects his proposal using the excuse that they still need to know each other .

"Jay , I'm still not ready ..."

Jay's bright smile was slowly fading away from his lips .
"We've been in a relationship for years, how much longer do you need for us to get married? "

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