27 | engagement ring

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Day by day, Riki and Aeri's condition is getting better

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Day by day, Riki and Aeri's condition is getting better . Aeri no longer screams when she sees men and she has Hwan by her side who is often looking forward for her recovery .

Meanwhile , Riki's relationship with his dad is getting stronger.  It brings peace to both of them .

If you feel your life shaky for having a problem, remember that others have a problem as well . It is not about who owns the most problem out here but how to accept and the way of the selected solution .

Will you run away from the problem and let it hang forever? Or , will you solve it wisely to take it as an experience of life ?

You decided yours .

Never run from your problems . That only makes them harder to deal with . No matter how deep , dark or strange your problems may be , handle them as best as you can . You'll be so proud of yourself once you start attacking problems and find solution .

You can't skip chapters , that's not how life works but you have to keep going .

Face each chapter and take it as an experience or lesson to become a stronger person in the future .

"Ms. Ryu ..."
Uyeong's voice startled Joa from her deep thoughts . She fixed her eyes on her as Uyeong signalled her something .

She gazed over the door and was shocked to see her figure , smiling brightly to Joa .

"Saena ?"

"I'm sorry for stealing your rest time but now is the only time I feel I can see you"
Saena said , earning a nod from Joa .

"It's okay . I only drink lattes during breaks, thank you for paying for mine"
Joa was happy when Saena decided to pay for her latte, but what bothered her even more was why Saena wanted to see her .

"I just want to go straight to the point.  Joa, I want to say thank you for giving Jake to me"

"Even everything happens out of our control and Jake still treats me badly, I sincerely love him"

"But his love is only for you, Joa.  He only has eyes for you "

"I don't want to abuse Jake again with this force relationship, so I'm asking for your help"

Joa's eyebrows creased in confusion . Saena then pulled out her engagement ring, placing it in the middle of the table .

"Joa, I know I'm very rude and shameless to say this but please accept Jake for me"

"Accept Jake in your life and love him.  Give him the love he deserves, make Jake happy"

"I can't do those stuffs for him, it tortures me to see Jake gloomy all day"

Joa shook her head ,
"Saena , this is too much . You know that I am Jay's fiancé, right ?"

"How can you ask me to get engaged to Jake if I'm already engaged to his cousin?"

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