17 | myeongdong food

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"What are you waiting for? Get in the car now"Jay yelled at Joa through the car window as the female teacher was crossing her arms close to her chest

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"What are you waiting for? Get in the car now"
Jay yelled at Joa through the car window as the female teacher was crossing her arms close to her chest .

Jay sighed ,
"Do you want me to open the door for you like a queen? "

Joa rolled her eyes annoyingly ,
"Why do you suddenly want to take me out?  I'm tired and I want to rest "

Jay pinched the bridge of his nose, he wondered if Joa was really stupid or pretending to be stupid .
"Miss soon-to-be Mrs. Park, can you use a little of your smart brain?"

"The netizens will start questioning about our relationship if we keep our distance"

"I do this to keep my profile. If i'm being honest , I don't want to spend time with you at all"

"Now, get in the car and be a good fiancee "

Joa relented, she opened the car door and hoped inside his car . Jay smiled triumphantly, he fixed his position and held the steering wheel tightly . Their car moved down the city streets, past the magnificent night lights . Joa decides to throw her gaze out the window, admiring the view outside and observing other human behaviours .

Jay occasionally stole a glance at Joa who was watching the scenery outside . The dim street lamps illuminated Joa's face, making her face look aesthetically beautiful .

His eyes seemed to be glued to her beauty, until he did not realize that the traffic lights had changed colour . The car behind pressed the hon, startling both of them at the same time .

"Oh god, the traffic lights have changed colour"
Jay mumbled, feeling ashamed of himself for the default .

Joa pursed her lips forward, looking at Jay who was driving.  He looks very handsome and hot .

"I know I'm handsome but you don't need to stare at me like that"
Jay said, making Joa's eyebrows automatically furrowed .

"Euw , you're so full of yourself"

The drive stopped in front of a fancy restaurant.  Joa peered out the window, the cars parked in front of the restaurant were all expensive cars . She feels like an idea for dinner here is really not good .

"Oh gosh , Are you waiting for me to open the door for you then you will come out? "
Jay mumbled, opening the door for Joa .

"Jay , are you sure to have dinner here? "

Joa's question made Jay's eyebrow rose up .
"Yeah, why? Isn't this store fancy enough for you ?"

Joa sighed .
"Let's eat somewhere else, I know a place where you can eat everything at a reasonable price"

Jay didn't want to give in to Joa, he crossed his arms and was determined to have dinner here .
"I've been craving their tomahawk steak for a long time, do you want me to starve because of you?"

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