38 | smart watch

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"How dare you try to escape from me?  Aren't you tired of seeing me chased by the police !"

"I can't even get out of this area, it's all because of you !"
Daeho slammed Joa into the wall as she immediately fell down on the floor .

She winced in pain, the wounds caused by the glass shards were still fresh . Daeho laughed heartily seeing the miserable Joa in pain .

He placed a plastic on the table, then took out a box of milk and a loaf of bread .
"Finish everything immediately , it will expire tomorrow"

"Unless you want to bear the pain then up to you"
He left Joa alone in the room, the female still struggling in pain.  Slowly, Joa got up from the lying position and tore her sleeve to wrap her bleeding head.

Joa leaned against the wall, she was very dumbfounded.  She doesn't know what to do.  Daeho strictly controls this apartment area, the control gets tighter when she tries to escape .

She only hopes for the God to help her escape .

"I have already spoken to the Inspector General of Police . They agreed to find Joa now even though it hasn't been 42 hours because of you"
Jay is satisfied with the report from Heeseung.  He knows he can't find Joa without the help of the police. Thanks to their friendship, the police agreed to help .

Jay rubbed his chin,
"I'm sure the person who kidnapped Joa is Daeho. But what's strange is that he didn't call us to ask for compensation money in exchange for Joa"

"If he doesn't want money, what is the purpose of kidnapping Joa ?"

Jay clenched his fist ,
" I swear I will kill him with bare hands if he touches my Joa"

"He certainly has other intentions, he is now a fugitive.  Even if he has a lot of money, he can't go out shopping . I'm sure he has other motives"
Heeseung replied .

Jay hummed ,
"Find and observe Aeri.  I'm sure he will go to Aeri too"

Aeri who has just arrived home is trying to find the keys to her house . After day after day, her health has improved.  Thanks to Riki and Hwan who always look after her .

Little did she know, a man dressed in black came from behind . He reached a piece of brick in Aeri's house before approaching her secretly .

In the blink of an eye, he swung the brick right at Aeri's head.  Aeri screamed but he immediately cupped Aeri's mouth .
"Aeri darling, do you miss me ?"

Aeri's eyes widened, this voice was very familiar to her ears.  She automatically trembled with fear, anxiety increased which she started feeling short of breath .

"I miss you and I want to take you out on a date for a while"

"It's been a long time since we went on a date, right ?"

Joa was biting the rope on her wrist, she had to free herself . Her whole body felt very weak , but she did not give up .

To her surprise, Daeho stormed inside the room while dragging a girl.  He pushed the girl harshly towards Joa as Joa immediately recognised her face
"Aeri! Aeri! Are you hurt ?"

"Ms Ryu !!!"
Aeri immediately hugged Joa and sobbed . Joa glared at Daeho who was making an indifferent face .

"I told you not to disturb Aeri ! You son of bitch, you really are a beast !"

"What do you want from us ?"

Daeho laughed out loud.  He wiped his fake tears and smiled at them .
"Do you think I did this for money?"

"No . I also didn't kidnap you just to torture you physically"

He approached Joa and Aeri, immediately grabbed Aeri's hair and placed scissors on her neck .
"I want to give you both a horrible experience"

"An experience that both of you will never forget"

"And then both of you will be tormented for the rest of your life remembering this event"

Joa kicked the scissors in Daeho's hand .
"Shut the fuck up. You will be punished worse if you kill us"

"You may be hanged to death . Is it worth killing us for revenge?"

Daeho chuckled in excitement.  He shook his head as a response .
"No, I will let you both live"

He got up and reached a rope.  He tied the rope into a circle and hung it from the ceiling .
"Whose turn is it first ?"

"Mr Park !!"
Riki stormed inside Jay's office, surprising the older .

"Yes, Riki .  Is there anything I can help with ?"

Riki immediately approached Jay.  He looks really anxious .
"Aeri has been kidnapped by Mr Kang! She is not at home but her purse and everything is outside the house"

Jay immediately stood up ,
"WHAT ?"

"His car passed me!  And I saw his face"
Riki added . Jay feels very uncertain.  He is getting worried about Joa .

Riki spoke up .
"We can track their position"

He took out his phone and opened an application.  Immediately showed his phone to Jay. 
"I gave Aeri a smart watch as a gift. And I have installed a tracker in the smart watch for her safety"

"She stopped moving here, Mr. Park we have to go here"

Jay examines the map in Riki's tracker.  He suddenly felt tight in his chest. 
"This is…."

"This is the apartment I visited last night.."


Two chapters left !!

Thank you for staying with me until here !!

Sending lots of love (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

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