28 | confession arguement

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"Uhhh, I hope Jake and Saena's relationship will go well

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"Uhhh, I hope Jake and Saena's relationship will go well ..."
Joa stretched her body , she used her energy a little bit too much lately .

She sat on the corner of her bed, was about to jump and rest on the soft mattress .



Joa sighed, pinching her forehead .
"Where is Hwan ?"


Joa groaned in annoyance , she jumped onto her bed and rolled over as an objection but she can't do anything.  She should help her family as well.  The tired teacher quickly grabbed for her jacket and immediately went downstairs to take the order .

She started driving carefully despite being tired and feeling like she wanted to go home immediately . Joa followed the directions shown by the GPS carefully.  Her forehead creased when she entered the quiet playground area .

Joa parked her motorbike on the side of the road and entered the playground area with doubts.  She took out her phone to check the received location and it turned out she was in the right place .
"Who ordered fried chicken at the playground at night ?"

She took steps to enter the playground area.  After a few steps, she caught a glimpse of a man sitting at a gazebo table near the slide .

The man sat with his back facing Joa so she couldn't see his face . 
"I guess, he is the one..."

She ran in tiny towards him ,
"Hello sir , I'm here to deliver an order of chicken— JAY ?"

"Uh , it's you again !"

"Why are you ordering chicken when you can come to our shop to eat ?"

Jay just gave her a very straight face , no smile nor warm greetings .
"I believe you have a lot to say , that's why we're here "

Joa frowned ,
"What do you mean ? I just got home from school and I'm very tired "

"I believe I didn't do anything wrong"

Jay scoffed in disbelief, he stood up and approached Joa which startled the female . Jay gazed at her with a sharp look as Joa felt very dwarfed when standing like this close to Jay .

She braved herself to look into Jay's eyes too . To her astonishment , her heart beats like crazy when their eyes connected .

She could feel those butterflies which is long gone . And that's when she realizes that her feelings for Jay are valid .

Jay moved his face closer to Jay, admiring her facial.  He then suddenly kneeled down to tie Joa's shoelaces which had come off .
"You should be careful . You can trip and get hurt if you fall"

Joa's heart softened upon receiving his small acts of service .
"Thank you Jay"

Jay smiled and quickly stood up back after tying Joa's shoelaces for her.
"Joa , i have something to tell you"

"What it is ?"
Joa asked him .

Jay debated with his own self , whether he should proceed what he wants to say or nope . He then hesitantly took something from his pocket and placed it on the gazebo table .

It was Jay's engagement ring .

"Why did you take off this ring?"
Joa asked him again which made Jay lowly chuckled .

Jay rubbed his nape ,
"I want to end our engagement , Joa"

"You're free now . You can go to Jake and live the best life with the love of your life"

"I'm letting you go"

Joa was speechless by the sudden announcement from Jay . It would be a huge lie if she wasn't affected by his words , her heart broke into pieces .
"Pardon me ?"

"This is too sudden—"

Jay cut her off ,
"This engagement began because of a revenge . Now, I got my revenge and I also don't like Saena anymore"

"So , what's the point of keeping this relationship if we don't have feelings for each other ?"

Jay glanced over Joa's hand , he noticed Jake's ring on Joa's finger . The man chuckled in disbelief .
"You have accepted his proposal"

"I didn't announce yet that our engagement will be canceled but you already threw away my ring and used a ring from Jake"

Joa was clueless when she heard Jay's words . She looked at her hand and that's when she cursed herself for being so reckless . She forgot to take off Saena's ring on her finger and ended up going home with it after seeing Jake .

"Jay , this is Saena's ring—"

"Where is my ring ?"
Jay said . He extended his hand to Joa , asking her to give back their engagement ring .

"Give it back to me ,"

Joa was deadpanned , she feels like she wants to jump off a building.  She accidentally left her engagement ring at the coffee shop she and Saena went to because she was in a rush to look for Jake .

"Jay .. I accidentally lost it "
She muttered , lowering her head but audible enough for Jay to hear it .

Jay cackled in a mocking way .
"Of course you lost it, you got a ring from Jake!  My ring couldn't compete if Jake gives you a new ring"

Joa shook her head , denying .
"Jay , that's not the real thing—"

Jay distanced himself from Joa , asking her to stop talking .
"Enough Joa . I'm fucking tired now"

"It should be like this "

"Let's end our relationship"

Joa clenched her fists , her chest felt suffocated because Jay didn't want to listen to her explanation .
"Am I really worthless to you?"

"You're so fucking jerk . You used me and threw me away when I had no function for you anymore"

She took a bold step towards Jay and continuously punching his chest .
" At least you should be responsible !"

"Responsible for making me fall in love with you who is a selfish man and never cares about other people !!"

"I know that in the first place, I shouldn't fall in love with you !"

"I hate you for everything that you had done to me !"

Joa stomped her foot.  She put the chicken on the gazebo table and immediately ran towards her motorbike with watery eyes .

Jay groaned in frustration , he kicked the gazebo table to vent his anger .
"Fuck it , "

"What kind of nonsense did she just say ?"

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