8 | wheelchair

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"You're lucky, your nasal bones are very strong

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"You're lucky, your nasal bones are very strong.  People who got hit by a ball at this rate usually have broken noses"

Heeseung let out a sigh of relief when the doctor said so. The doctor completed the checkup by giving him a list of medications that should be available over the counter .

Well, Jay actually doesn't need any medicine but the male insists on getting the medicine even it's just a few packets of vitamins to add bone calcium .

Heeseung thanked the doctor and led Jay to get out of the treatment room.  As soon as they stepped out, Joa immediately got up from the waiting seat and rushed towards them.

"What did the doctor say?  Is the injury so bad that you can't breathe through your nose? "

"Or do you have to breathe through your mouth like fishes?  Blup blup blup ??? "

Heeseung snorted, couldn't believe he would get this kind of priceless reaction .
  "Ms Ryu, thank you for worrying about Mr Park but he is fine—"

"Auch , it hurts !"
Jay suddenly winced . He cupped his nose and clenched his eyes tight as if he was bearing with the pain .

"What happened? ”
Heeseung became worried .

"My head throbs so hard, my eyeballs feel like they want to roll out! The cracks in my nose make me feel like a head in two chops!"

Heeseung frowned, wondering why Jay was overreacting even though the doctor said he was fine .

Joa freaked out ,
"I'll get a wheelchair !! Please sit here first, Director Park!"

She immediately ran towards the counter to get a wheelchair that she herself did not know where she should get it .

Heeseung fixed his eyes on Jay who was holding back his laugh .
"Why did you lied to her ?"

"You are healthy and do not need any medicine"

Jay gave Heeseung a smug grin ,
"I'll make her feel guilty, I ended up here because of her unprofessionalism at school"

"Directing her a bit won't be troublesome"

Heeseung scoffed in disbelief , doesn't get why Jay didn't end this pointless drama .

"Director Park , please sit down"
Joa appeared while pushing a wheelchair.  Jay immediately changed his facial expression and pretended to be sick again .

Joa helps Jay to sit in a wheelchair as Heeseung silently laughed as Joa believed Jay's words without counting common sense logic .

"Please take Director Park to the parking lot. I need to take some medicine at the counter"
Heeseung handed a car key to Joa .

"You can count on me !"
Joa responded .

Heeseung just smiled, he bowed a bit before bringing himself to him to take medicine.  Deep in his heart, he badly cursed Jay who was just wasting time asking for medicine when he didn't need any supplements to cure .

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