9 | report card

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"Aeri has a very high imagination, she likes to help her friends in class and she is very good at enlivening the atmosphere "

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"Aeri has a very high imagination, she likes to help her friends in class and she is very good at enlivening the atmosphere "

"She also helps teachers very often"

"She is very focused when studying and even when doing outdoor activities "

Aeri's mum smiled proudly to hear the compliment from Joa to her daughter . Aeri who was sitting next to her mum peeked at her report card like a meerkat.  She smiled proudly with her own efforts .

"Thank you Ms Ryu.  I know this is not a gift, but please accept it. "
Aeri's mum placed a basket of fruit on Joa's table .

"Mrs Lee , why did you bother to prepare all this!  It's very unnecessary, I'm just doing my duty "
Joa politely said .

"This is just a gift for taking good care of my daughter, people always say that we need to honour teachers for their efforts"

Joa knew it was impossible to refuse this gift, she finally accepted the gift and thanked Aeri's mother .

Once they were both out, Joa flipped through the next list.
"Nishimura Riki"

Ni-Ki walked in casually, his hands were tucked in his pants pockets.  He did not bother to greet the teacher and immediately sat on a chair facing Joa .

"Where are your parents? "
Joa asked him .

Ni-Ki replied ,
"They are too busy and can't come"

Joa froze for a while, she was instructed not to give the report card without the arrival of the student's parents .
"When will they be free? I can't give you your report card without your guardian"

Ni-Ki sighed , without any complaint, he immediately stood up and walked out of the room, leaving the dumbfounded Joa alone .

Joa was utterly speechless , she gazed at Ni-Ki's report card and heavily sighed ,
"His grades dropped very badly"

"Ms Ryu , are you going home ?"
Jake asked Joa as he stopped his car in front of the female .

Joa nodded, she pulled up her jacket to hug her body ,
"I will—"

"Get in the car ,"
Jake cut her off .

"I want to take you somewhere , get inside the car"

Joa frowned , she looked at her wrist watch .
"It's almost nine o'clock at night, where do you want to take me? "

Jake just innocently giggled like a cute puppy . He placed his index finger on his plump lips .
"It should be a secret"

"Let's go , I already told your parents and I promised to send you home before eleven o'clock "

Joa gasped ,
"You asked permission from my family ?! "

Jake nodded ,
"Of course, I can't take people's daughters out at night without their parents' knowledge "

Joa pressed her lips together, she finally opened the car door and hopped inside Jake's car .

After she put on her seatbelt, her eyes shifted towards the back seat.  There is a bouquet of red rose flowers and a heart -shaped helium balloon .

Jake noticed the sudden change of her face expression, she clearly looked surprised ,
"I will give a surprise to a woman i love tonight"

Joa felt half of her soul had left her body.  She couldn't explain the pain she was facing .
"And why do you want to give me a ride if you want to go confess your feelings? "

Jake smiled ,
"I need your help .  I have booked a restaurant and it is completely empty.  I will go inside and prepare everything before she arrives "

"And your role here, you have to go into the bar and bring this bouquet of roses and balloon once I give you the hint"

Joa's eyes were watery but she immediately restrained herself from crying.  It hurts so much when a man she loves for years will propose to a woman he loves, and she needs to watch it live .

She didn't give any answers to Jake since she was hurting.  Jake smiled at her and turned his body to face the road again, driving out of the school compound .

As soon as Jake's car left, Ni-Ki immediately came out of his hiding place . Without wasting any precious minutes, he dashed inside the school building and rushed to the teachers office .

He approached Joa's desk and began to open the drawers and look everywhere .
"Where the hell she keep that thing .."

Ni-Ki saw a black file on top of a pile of documents, he reached for that file and opened it . His eyes glittered as he let out a sigh of relief when he found what he was looking for .

"My report card ..."
He muttered .

He scanned his report card and noticed his grades were plummeting down real bad . Instead of feeling disappointed, he started laughing like a happy little boy after getting a lollipop .

"This is so great !"

"They will bear the shame of me"

"Good job , Ni-Ki"
He patted himself .

Ni-Ki put back his report card inside the file . He made sure the files and documents on Joa's desk were arranged as they were .

Whistling, Ni-Ki walked out of the teachers office with a happy heart . As he walked down the hallway, he was startled to bump with Aeri who was coming out of their classroom. 

"Shi—, what the hell are you doing here at night ?"
Ni-Ki asked her , he patted his chest to calm himself down .

Aeri didn't answer since she was very surprised to bump with Ni-Ki at this time .

Ni-Ki narrowed his eyes, scanning Aeri .
“What is the purple colour mark on your neck— ?"

"Highlighter, Reena was playing around with me during recess and poked me with a purple highlighter "
Aeri cut him off .

She fixed her hair, making sure her hair covered her neck ,
"Get off ,"

She hurriedly walking away from Ni-Ki , leaving the scoffing boy alone on hallway .

Ni-Ki pursed his lips, he turned his body to face their classroom door.  Without any suspicion, he opened the door and switched on the lights.

"No one's here ..."
He muttered to himself .

Shrugging his shoulders , Ni-Ki closed the door and continued his steps .
"Whatever, what matters is that I accomplish my mission "

"Can't wait to see their reactions .."


tomorrow's chapter will turn this book into a big mess 😔 tighten your seatbelts !!!!! Vroooooommm🏃

tomorrow's chapter will turn this book into a big mess 😔 tighten your seatbelts !!!!! Vroooooommm🏃

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Have a great day lovelies ❤️❤️❤️

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