37 | she was infront of him

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"Will you marry me ?"
Jay knelt in front of Joa, holding a diamond-encrusted ring, hoping that his beloved would accept his proposal .

Joa cupped her mouth, she didn't expect this surprise proposal from Jay.  They were in a garden that had been specially rented by Jay .

This is the moment she's been waiting for, where the two of them will be united .

Before Jay could put the ring on Joa's finger , her body was doused with a bucket of water which startled Joa from her sleep . And that's the moment she realized, Jay's proposal was a dream.  What was more surprising was seeing she was in a dilapidated room .

"You sleep well, I'm glad you're comfortable spending the night at my house"

Joa's eyes shifted towards a man in a black hoodie, who was holding an empty bucket . Joa gritted her teeth in anger .
"Mr Kang, stop doing stupid things"

Mr Kang cackled , He placed the empty bucket below and sat on the corner of the bed where he had tied Joa . He observed Joa's hands tied to the bedpost, the same goes to her legs. She basically couldn't move even an inch .

"I won't do stupid things if you don't put me in jail first"

Joa answered ,
"You won't be stuffed in jail if you don't break the law in the first place ,"

Her statement made Daeho laugh while clapping his hands uncontrollably . He leaned closer to Joa's face, close enough to make that female feel scared .

He looked at Joa from her eyes, to her nose and landed on her pearly lips . As his hand traveled closer to Joa's face, his thumb slightly brushed her lips .
"You will stay with me from now on"

"You must be wondering how I got out of jail, right ?"

He leaned closer to Joa's ear and tucked her hair strands behind her ear . He smirked when he saw Joa's body trembling with fear .
"I escaped from prison, baby.  You must miss me so that's why I'm here"

"We will live together here"

"Ah, I almost forgot.  Where is my lovely Aeri ?"

He laughed harder ,
"Should I bring Aeri to accompany you here ?"

Joa felt angry when he brought up Aeri's name . She bravely bumped her head with Daeho's head as the male screamed in pain .

"Don't you dare to say Aeri's name with your stink mouth !"

"Crazy bitch ! "
Daeho slapped Joa's cheek loudly .

He grabbed a handful of Joa's hair, making the female wince in pain .
"I'm the king here!"

"If you want to live like a queen then treat me like a king !"

Joa giggled ,
"You will never be treated like a king even in your dreams "

"You're a beast "

"Worse than the beast"

Daehi scoffed in disbelief , he let go of Joa's hair and distanced himself from her . Knowing that Joa will not be able to escape makes him feel relieved .

"You are so wild, baby.  No food for you today"

"Happy starving , i'll be back"

He left the room, leaving Joa alone.  Joa grunted in frustration.  She tried to free herself from the bindings on her wrists that hurt too much .

"Damn it , I hope he won't see Aeri"

"Oh god , please protect Aeri"

"Kang, who was arrested for sexual harassment of his students has reportedly escaped from the prison"

"Kang is now a fugitive and wanted by the police.  Police from all districts have worked together to block roads on every route in and out of the district"

Jay turned off the television, he was frustrated with the news of Daeho's disappearance from prison .
"How can the police be so careless in this regard ?!"

He paused for a while, Joa's face was imagined in his mind.  Suddenly he felt very nervous as his chest felt tight.  He reached for his phone and immediately looked for Hwan's phone number.


"Hwan, I want to ask. Is Joa at home? She didn't answer my call"

"JOAA— give me the phone !— MUMMM —"


"Jay ! Joa went out to make a delivery yesterday but she didn't come home"

"I am very worried about my daughter now, what should I do?  Should I go to the police station ?"

"The police will not start a search operation if someone is missing for less than 42 hours.  Don't worry, mom.  I will try to find Joa around Seoul"

"Can I get the location where Joa went to make the delivery?"

Joa massaged her red wrist, luckily Daeho agreed to let her go on the grounds that she wants to use the toilet .

She slowly came out of the toilet after making sure Daeho was asleep on the couch .

As fast as lightning, Joa went to the door and turned the knob.  Surprisingly, the door was left unlocked, as if it had been left on purpose .

She couldn't care less, Joa immediately ran out even with bare feet . She approached the elevator but in vain since it was not working.  Joa immediately used the stairs to go down to the ground floor .

She gasped for air but she knew she couldn't stop, otherwise Daeho would catch her . As she arrived at the ground floor, she took a long time to find the exit .

When she finally arrived in front of the exit, her eyes shone brightly when she spotted a black car entering the apartment area .
"Yes , I need to ask for their help..."

Before Joa could run towards the car, her head was hit with an empty soju bottle, immediately making Joa feel dizzy .

Droplets of blood flowed on her forehead as Daeho grabbed her arm .
"I told you not to run away!"

He grabbed her hair as Joa was unable to fight back due to the pain she was experiencing . He dragged Joa with him , far away from the black car .

"Are you sure this is the right address?"
Jay asked Heeseung as they parked their car outside the old apartment area .

"Yup, it's here.  It is surprising that Seoul still has slum apartment areas like this"
Heeseung replied , peeking outside the car .

"Wait— , Heeseung did you hear?"
Jay asked Heeseung. Heeseung gave a confused look

"Hear what?"

Jay answered ,
"Sound like breaking glass"

Heeseung stared out the window before shrugging his shoulders .
"I didn't hear anything"

Jay made a thin line with his lips, he was sure that he heard something just now .
"I will look around first"
Jay got out of the car and approached the apartment area.  

"This area has long been abandoned by residents"
Heeseung said .

Jay frowned, he peeked at the apartment once again and there was no denying that it looked abandoned .
"Are all the residents out of here ?"

Heeseung nodded ,
"I guarantee, this area is not developed.  Who will live here?"

Jay hummed , he started to feel something uncomfortable .

"This doesn't sound right ..."

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