16 | his cute habit

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It's been almost two weeks since the announcement of Jay and her engagement aired on television

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It's been almost two weeks since the announcement of Jay and her engagement aired on television . After the press conference, she can say that Jay will only do his works whilst Joa will do her works.  They never met or talked to each other .

Joa is relieved that Jay is not determined to maintain the image of the 'dovey-lovey couple' that he told her before so she can enjoy her day without any trouble .

Since that day, Joa has not met Jake anymore.  She actually really misses the golden retriever man but she can't do anything . It looked like Jake avoided meeting her, Jake avoided her whole presence .

"Ms. Ryu, can you send this report to Mr. Park in his room?"
Mr. Han handed a file to Joa as the woman's mouth opened wide .

"Why did you ask me to send it? "

Mr. Han cackled while shaking his head ,
"Oh gosh , You two are the official couple at this school but both of you act like strangers! "

Mr. Han looked to the left and right before leaning closer towards Joa .
"I know you're both embarrassed so I'm trying to make you both spend your time together "

"Send this file to him and enjoy ~ "
Mr. Han winked at the end .

Joa glared at him .
"Just admit that you're lazy to walk there, tsk"

Joa stomped her feet and complied with her senior's instructions . She headed to Jay's room but deep in her heart, she was very nervous to meet that man who is her fiancee .

She stopped in front of Jay's room door with a hand raised to knock on the door, she didn't know why but she felt really nervous .
  "Calm down Joa, this isn't the first time you've met him ..."

After taking a deep step, Joa knocked on Jay's door and turned the doorknob .
"Mr. Park, I came to give—"

Her words disappeared as soon as her eyes clung to Jake's eyes. She didn't expect to meet Jake here. Jake also misses Joa, he looks towards her but immediately changes his direction of view to another place .

Jay lowly chuckled in amusement, this was so much fun to watch .
"Yes, love? Why did you come here?"

Jay got up from his chair and approached Joa while opening his arms wide, welcoming Joa into a big, bear hug . Before Jay could hug Joa, Joa firstly blocked his body with the file on her hand, poking the file in his tummy while staring angrily .

Jay widened his eyes to her, gesturing to act like a happy couple in front of Jake but Joa shook her head in response .

"Act like a real couple !"

"I don't want to !"

"Oh , come on ! Give me a hug "

"You're disgusting shi—"

Jay pulled Joa into his embrace and softly stroking her hair as the girl was fighting to escape .

Jay laughed .
"Do you miss me? I'm sorry, love. I'm too busy with work"

He pushed Joa a bit from him and hold her shoulders, staring into her eyes adoringly .
"What if we go to dinner together, hm? We can go date too"

"I'm sorry, I think I'm going to go now"
Jake exclaimed, gaining their attention .

Jake glanced at Joa, but when their eyes connected he immediately changed the direction of his gaze and walked out of the room .

When the room door closed, Joa immediately pushed Jay away from her and gave him a completely judging look .
"You are so immature"

"How can you try to make Jake jealous by doing that cringey stuff?"

"A real man will not demand his revenge in that cheap way! "

Jay scoffed , he crossed his arms close to his chest in a sulking way . His tiny pout made him looks cuter .
"Oh yeah ? Then, tell Hwan to get out of this school now "

Joa rolled her eyes , she shoved the file to Jay which startled the man .
"Whatever , Mr Pouty "

She noticed that little and cute habit of him . He will pout once he got too engrossed in doing something , and he will pout when he is sulking too .

Jay widened his eyes ,
"What did you say ?"

Joa smirked naughtily .
"Mr Pouty "

"When did i pouted ?!"
Jay fought back .

"You did "
Joa stuck out her tongue and laughed wholeheartedly .

She immediately rushed out of Jay's room when the man started swinging the file towards her .

"Ryu Joa, come back here !"

"You're a son of bitch !"
The man swung the golf club right at Riki's body . Riki winced in pain, the blow too strong .

"Elections are coming soon but you are only tarnishing my name! "

"What will people say when they know my son skipped school and got trash marks all year!"

Riki didn't say anything, he just giggled to himself.  This pain seemed to give pleasure to him .

"Why are you laughing? Do you think this is a joke ?!"
His dad swung the golf club once again and hit Riki on his stomach .

His secretary approached the angry politician , asking him to put down his golf club .
"Sir , Reporter Jang has arrived for your interview about the upcoming election.  I think you should be ready now "

"Reporter Jang has arrived?" 
He asked his secretary as he nodded .

Riki's sudden laughter caught their attention, the youngster wiped his fake tears on his cheeks .
"Oh dad, is that why you hit me in the stomach?"

"Are you worried if that reporter sees my wounds and starts writing news that will destroy your profile? "

He laughed harder ,
"You're so clever , dad "

"Now I understand why you are an election candidate"

His dad clenched his jaw, was about to hit him again but his secretary stopped him .
"Sir, you have to go to the interview now"

He took a deep breath and exhaled sharply.  He had long hunted his own son who ran away from home, luckily, his bodyguards found him near the school as Riki was trying to skip the school and hurriedly dragged him to his office .

He fixed his tie and glared towards Riki without any apologetic look ,
"Go home and get some rest "

He walked closer the door and shut the door hard , heading to the interview . After his dad left, Riki clenched his fists as tight as he can .

"It's not in vain that I slept during the exam "
Riki mumbled .

"It was fun to see Dad be like this"

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