25 | hot tea

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"Thank you for helping me , Riki"Joa thanked Riki for helping her to bring books to the teacher's office

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"Thank you for helping me , Riki"
Joa thanked Riki for helping her to bring books to the teacher's office . Riki smiled as a response .

As he wanted to walk out of the office , He felt like he was being watched by a few people . Riki turned his head, meeting two teachers who were whispering to each other while looking at Riki but then they immediately acted like doing nothing and stopped talking when Riki saw them .

Riki shrugged his shoulders , he felt uneasy with those glances given by those teachers but he tried to calm himself down . He took a deep breath and walked out of the teacher's office .

Joa took out the ring pop given by Jake, she gently rubbed the ring pop.  She wants to eat it but she refuses to open it . Ring pop is her childhood sweets, it’s hard to find in the 21st century .

"Are you telling me the truth ?!"

"Of course ! Mrs Jeon told me about this !"

"Oh god , that's really havoc ! I didn’t think that Riki’s father is double -faced, Riki is also a bad kid"

"I know right ? He certainly followed in his dad's footsteps, that's why he always skipped school and caused troubles"

"Mrs Jeon said , after the death of Riki's mum, Riki's dad slept with a different woman each night "

"That's disgusting ! He can't be our prime minister with that kind of behaviour !"

Joa's ears hissed upon hearing Riki's name, including his dad being a hot topic of their conversation .

She pulled up her swivel chair and approached both teachers .
"You two look lively talking. What are you talking about?"

Both of them flinched and patted their chests .
"Joa , you startled us !!!"

One of them continued ,
"You do not know ?  Almost every teacher already knows about this"

"Mrs. Jeon is clearly gossiping everywhere "

Joa raised her eyebrows in suspicion ,
"What is it ?"

Her colleague took a deep breath before starting the talk again .
"Mrs Jeon said , Riki's dad is—"

"Ms Ryu !!"
Everyone in the teacher's office was shocked when Heeseung stormed inside .

Heeseung panted for air , looking left and right before he spotted Joa . He hurriedly rushed to her .

"What's happening , Mr Lee ? You're sweating a lot !"
Joa gasped , handing a piece of tissue to Heeseung .

"Ms Ryu , Director Park insisted on being discharged from the hospital even though his wounds had not fully healed"

"The doctor can't do anything because he refuses to let the nurse clean his wounds if they didn't want to let him out"

Joa's eyes widened ,
"Where is he now ?"

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