23 | women's rights

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Jay stopped his car in front of Joa's family fried chicken shop

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Jay stopped his car in front of Joa's family fried chicken shop . With him, he brought along a box of cake that he bought on the way here .

Luckily, their shop was still not closed so Jay decided to go inside.  Not many customers stayed because the store was almost closed, Jay cast his gaze around the store to find a glimpse of Joa .

"Jay my son ! What are you doing here at this hour ?!"
Joa's mum rushed to him as soon as she caught his presence there .

Jay gave her the sweetest smile before bowed politely to the elder .
"I'm looking for Joa ,"

"Is she here ?"

Joa's mum shook her head .
"She was here earlier but then she rushed out. I don't know where she went but I guess she left things at school"

"Maybe she went to get her stuff.  Don't worry, she'll be back in a few minutes "

Jay felt disappointed but tried not to show his disappointment to his mother -in -law.
"Then, I will wait for Joa here"

Jay hurriedly placed the cake box on the table before picking up the pile of dirty plates held by Joa's mum .
"I'll help you"

"The kitchen is here right? "
Jay walked into the kitchen, looking for a sink to wash the dishes as Joa's mum tailed him from behind to stop Jay but the young blood insisted on helping her .

While Jay was washing those dirty plates, for some reason he felt something uneasy touched his heart .
"Hmm, something doesn't feel right"

Daeho said repeatedly while grabbing Aeri's hair roughly.  He kept on slapping Aeri since the girl was fighting for her life and was unwilling to do what he wanted .

Feeling angry because Aeri refused to help him satisfy his lust, Daeho decided to do it forcibly .

"Okay, you asked for this thing to happen rudely"
He said while unbuckling his belt .

Aeri's eyes widened, she shook her head multiple times while screaming for help .

Daeho yelled, hitting Aeri with his belt which caused the girl to shout in pain .

Aeri cried even more harder when she got hit with the belt , her thigh began to throbbed as it turned red.  Blood flowed in her forehead since her head was hit many times on the wall .

Daeho dragged Aeri and slammed her back in a locker.  He forcefully grabbed Aeri's hands and tied them in the locker holder with his belt .

Aeri can't move since she's running out of energy and the belt hurts her wrists . Daeho smirked in satisfaction, he lustfully licking his lips .
"I like the view infront of me"

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