14 | permission given

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"Mum , i'm home— WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE ?!" Joa's heart almost dropped when she saw Jay's figure in her house

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"Mum , i'm home— WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE ?!"
Joa's heart almost dropped when she saw Jay's figure in her house.  He was sitting at the dining table with her dad, chatting so friendly .

"Joa, my daughter! You're home"
Her dad greeted her happily.  Her mum came out of the kitchen and placed a tray of hot tea on the table before rushing and hugging Joa .

"Joa, why are you keeping this a secret from us? "

"Why didn't you tell us you had a boyfriend ?"

Joa's jaw dropped ,
"I had a boyfriend ?"


Her eyes shifted towards Jay who was smirking . And that's when Joa realizes that Jay is serious about their contractual agreement.  He looks like he really wants revenge on Jake .

Her mum continued ,
"You two have been a couple for two years already, how can you keep this a secret ?"

Before Joa could defend herself, Jay first dominated the attention to open the talk .
"I'm sorry for coming uninvited"

He fixed his eyes on Joa's parents .
"Mum , Dad—"

Joa's parents began to scream happily , they hugged each other and spun around as if they won the lottery .

Joa was utterly speechless , she had to admit Jay's action was so brave and bold . He wasn't kidding about the revenge he wanted from Jake for snatching Saena .

Jay nodded to her parent's reaction .
"Yes , mum and dad"

"I am here to ask your permission to allow me to tie our relationship to the next stage "

"I want to be engaged to Joa"

Jay's voice echoed in every corner of Joa's house as everyone remained silent, too shocked by Jay's sudden request .

Joa scoffed in disbelief, she couldn't think of the courage Jay had to take revenge so she was able to jump into a serious conspiracy like this .

Her eyes shifted towards Jay who looked very scared when the look in her parents eyes turned serious.  That's it, Joa knew that her parents wouldn't allow a man they just knew to bond with her that easy which caused a sly smirk plastered on Joa's plump lips .

She leaned her body to Jay and whispered ,
"You see?  I will not agree to that contract if my parents do not give permission "

"Joa 1 - 0 Jay"

Jay on the other hand was already feeling very nervous, he mentally slapped himself for saying such a thing in front of Joa's parents. Jay also doesn't understand why he is so obsessed with revenge but it's like his inner self is whispering to him to get revenge for all the pain .

He has received too much grief before , he cannot let another grief envelop him .

Jay fidgeted with his fingers , lowering his head down .
"I'm sorry for this sudden—"

Joa's parents shouted in unison .

Her mum yelled in happiness as her dad was already running towards the kitchen quickly .

He came back with six bottles of soju stored in the refrigerator and on the table.  He opened the lid of one of the soju bottles and raised it up .
"Let's celebrate with alcohol !"

Joa's jaw dropped . She couldn't believe how easy it was for her parents to give their blessings to him.

Jay looked towards Joa and lowly chuckled in amusement, he moved closer to her ear and whispered with his husky voice .
"Apparently, destiny allows things according to my will"

"I will hold a press conference soon to announce that you are mine , my fiancee"

The press conference will be held today, news of their engagement has spread to every corner of the school.  Joa is bombarded with millions of questions regarding her relationship with Jay as they are shocked by the news that the newly moved director from America will be engaged to one of their colleagues .

And what’s even more surprising is that the lucky girl is Joa, Ryu Joa .

When it was time to go home, Joa immediately packed her stuff since she needed to hurry to the press conference avenue.  Joa felt a bit nervous and she thought of hiding and not showing up during the press conference .

She rushed out of the teacher's office and sped towards the exit.  Her steps froze when Hwan called her name happily .

He and his new friends approached Joa with big smiles .
"Are you going to the press conference now ?"

Joa sweetly nodded ,
"Did you make new friends? "

Hwan's eyes shone at the fullest as the bubbly boy nodded aggressively .
"The school is great, all the facilities are complete and modern.  I don't think the students at this school are really warm and kind "

"It was like a new thing to me to be at school without being haunted "

One of Hwan's new friend exclaimed ,
"Ms. Ryu, we plan to take Hwan to eat at a famous tteokbokki shop here to celebrate his first day.  Do you want to come with us? "

Joa chuckled ,
"I'm sorry sweeties, I need to go somewhere else.  Please treat Hwan well "

The friend exclaimed excitedly .
"Right, Ms Ryu will be engaged to Mr Park! I hope you two will stay until marriage"

Joa oddly smiled and thanked them.  She approached Hwan and lovingly patted his head like a puppy.  Hwan then grabbed his friends hand and rushed to the main gate .
"Bye bye Joa, see you at home!"

"Bye ~"

Joa looked at Hwan from a distance, seeing Hwan happy made her feel this contractual deal had a good effect .

"Three months of being Jay's fiance won't be a big problem to me as long as Hwan goes through the youthful beauty he missed"

As Joa continued her step, her sleeve was pulled by Jake from behind.  As soon as her eyes met Jake's mesmerizing blackjet eyes .

As a cue, those butterflies began to fly wildly in her stomach with a single eye contact with him .

"Is it true that you will be engaged to Jay ? ”
Jake asked her melancholy . It hurts for sure .

Joa's lips parted, she lost her words.  Her feelings for Jake are still not gone but she is stuck in Jake's cousin's game .

"Ryu Joa , is that true? "
Jake asked her again, feeling nervous but he still wanted to know the answer from Joa .

"Joa ..."

"There will be a press conference today, you can watch it for yourself"
Jay's manly voice was heard out of nowhere.  He came between Jake and Joa with a proud smile attached on his border lips.

Joa was surprised when Jay suddenly interlock their fingers together .
"We will be engaged, "

Jake frowned , he felt tightness in his chest once Jay held Joa's hand but he tried to calm himself down .
"Aren't you two just met?  How can you think of getting engaged in the nick of time? "

Jay lowly chuckled ,
"Haven't you ever heard of love at a first sight?  That's what happened to us "

"Well, we don't want to waste time with those couple dates.  We should tie a definite relationship"

"So no one will dare to bother my Joa "

Jake clenched his jaw , his both hands formed fists in anger . Only the god knows how mad he was now, his emotions were very unstable .
"Isn't this too fast? "

Jay smirked ,
"See you at the press conference man"

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