31 | go and get her

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Jay arrived at a restaurant that Jake asked him to go to . As soon as he parked his car, he started feeling downhearted .

He hasn't seen Jake for a week because the man took sick leave for too sudden.  He doesn't know if this meeting is good or not but Jay hopes everything will go well .

He examined himself through the mirror in his car, fixing the neck tie around his neck.  For some reason he feels challenged because Jake is a man that Joa loves .

After making sure he looked good, he got out of the car and entered the luxury restaurant.  In the blink of an eye, he was greeted by Jake who was waving at him from a few tables away from the counter .

He arranged his steps to get closer to Jake, the closer he got to him the more clearly he saw a female next to Jake . But, he couldn't see her face since she was sitting with her back to him.  His heart began to shake uncontrollably ,
"Is that Joa ?"

Thinking about those who love each other, Jay has prepared himself to receive any heartbreaks.  Plus, he knows that he doesn't deserve to be loved from the beginning .

Shrugging his shoulders, Jay approached Jake and sat in the chair facing them .

To his surprise, the female sitting next to Jake was ,
"Saena? What are you doing here ?"

"Ayy take a seat first man . There is a long story you need to know"
Jake exclaimed as Jay obeyed, sitting on the chair with a million questions lingering in his mind .

"Jay , actually ... We came to clear things"
Saena uttered .

"Forgive me for giving you hard times when we were dating, I admit that I did all those stuffs because I wanted you to hate me and break up with me "

"It's because I love Jake, you also know that I'm willing to be your girlfriend because of him.  But I am truly sorry for all the immature actions I did to you"

Jake nodded , he wrapped his arms around Saena's shoulders to give her some courage . Jake said ,
"I hope you will forgive Saena"

"We want to see you not only to apologize but we also want to tell you about our wedding that will take place in three months"

Hearing the word 'wedding' made Jay's eyes went wide .
"W-wedding ? Are you and Saena getting married ?"

Jake shyly smiled before nodding his head like an excited puppy .
"We confessed our feelings and here we are"

Seeing Jake and Saena became all lovey-dovey makes Jay fuming up. He clenched his jaw and suddenly stood up from the chair before grabbing Jake by his collar .

"Jay , let him go ! What are you doing ?!"
Saena yelled , trying to free Jake .

Jay panted angrily .
"How dare you play with Joa's feelings?  You know that Joa loves you, right?  Why do you want to marry someone else?"

"You're such a jerk ! You gave her hopes and ended up leaving her hanging alone !"

"If anything happens to Joa or if even a drop of Joa's tears fall because of you..."

"I will not be gentle with you"

Jake groaned , he pushed Jay away from him and fixed his collar .
"Are you crazy ? Since when did I give her false hopes ?"

Jay chuckled sarcastically .
"I saw you gave a ring to her. Why did you give a ring to Joa if you wanted to marry Saena?"

Jake frowned ,
"A ring ?"

"Jay , I believe there is a misunderstanding . Joa loves you"

Before Jay could say anything, Saena immediately came between them .
"I think I'm the reason you and Joa are like this"

"Actually I gave that ring to her because I wanted Joa to take care of Jake for me"

"I planned to go and live in Paris, but then Jake came to me"

Jake exclaimed ,
"Joa is the one who brought us both together"

Listening to their statements made Jay dumbfounded . Saena immediately took out something from her handbag and handed it to him, it turned out to be their engagement ring worn by Joa .
"I took her ring by accident and I thought of giving it back to her"

"But I guess you should do it, Jay"

"Go and get your endgame"

Joa stretched her body, feeling pain from facing the computer for a long time . She glanced at her wrist watch, it was time to go home . Joa immediately packed all her stuff .

As she was packing her stuff, she heard a knock on the door . A delivery man was revealed, making Joa frowned .
"I'm sorry but you are not allowed to enter the school grounds"

"Delivery for Ms Ryu Joa"
The man said, placing something on the table before immediately running away .

Joa was speechless, she approached the item and was surprised when she saw a packet of dumplings . In the plastic, there is a small note .

"Meet me at my office - Jay"

Joa's surprise grew, she immediately left the teacher's room and headed to Jay's room . If he can text her, why does he use this method to meet her ?

Every of her step is followed by millions of questions . As soon as she arrived in front of Jay's room, she was about to knock on his door but stopped halfway when she received a call from Hwan .

She took a few steps away from Jay's room and answered his call .
"Yes, Hwan?"

"J-JOA , HELP !"
Hwan cried harder .

Joa began to feel uneasy ,
"Hwan , what's going on ?"

She could clearly hear Hwan's sobs that were very dumbfounded .
"D-dad !! He suddenly had a heart attack !"

In Jay's room, he has placed everything.  a candle light dinner, roses , balloons , beers and her engagement ring .

He wants to propose to Joa again, in the right way .

He waited for her patiently even though she didn't show up even though it was three hours after she received the note from the delivery man .

Jay walked back and forth, he reached for his phone and tried to dial Joa's number but he couldn't reach her .

Hours dragged by, Jay finished all the beers and began to hiccup . He glanced over his watch, realizing that it was almost 3am which made Jay laugh to himself .

"She doesn't love you, Jay.  She didn't come to you"

"You lost her , Jay"

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