39 | no point crying over split milk

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"Whose turn is it first ?"
Daeho asked them both, he let the rope hang in front of them.  Both Joa and Aeri were already in fear when they realized they were both on the brink of death .

Aeri started sobbing, her anxiety and trauma came back.  Joa felt sorry for not being able to hug and comfort Aeri since her arms were tied .

"Mr Kang, stop this madness"

Daeho frowned ,
"Why should i stop?  I've been planning this since the first day I was thrown in jail !"

"It's useless if I live.  I have nothing.  My life has been destroyed."

"I want to die ."

Daeho approached the hanging rope, he took a chair and immediately stood on the chair . 
"I wanted to commit suicide since I was in prison. But I don't think it's worth it"

"I want you both to watch me die and you will be haunted by this thing forever"
Yes, he wants to commit suicide in front of Joa and Aeri.  He has nothing, it is useless to continue living.  He would rather die than return to that heartless prison .

He took a chair and climbed on the chair before putting the rope loop around his neck.  Aeri was getting nervous, she was sobbing while hugging Joa . 
"Mr. Kang, don't do this !"

Daeho ignored them, he just wanted to hasten his own death . Seeing Aeri who was scared when he saw him on the verge of death made Daeho smirk in satisfaction . That was the reaction he wanted, he wanted them both to be traumatized until they both wanted to kill themselves because of this thing haunting them .

Within a few seconds, he dropped the chair he was standing on and hung himself . He thrashes in the air when his airway is blocked, his legs shake violently . His eyes were red, holding back this pain .

"Mr Kang , stop it !!"
Joa tried to save him but it was useless because she was tied to the bedpost .

"Mr Kang , Suicide is not the best option !  Stop running away from problems !"

Tears flowed down Daeho's cheeks, it really hurt.  His head feels very heavy and dizzy . What he heard was Joa's screams and Aeri's cries . He smiled when his eyes started to blur .

"On the count of three, we'll be in"
Inspector Noh led this operation.  All his team members agreed.  They were all outside Daeho's apartment .

Jay and Heeseung waited patiently, even though they themselves were scared to witness this .

"One ,"

"Two ,"

"Three !"

They kicked the door roughly, making the door immediately open wide.  They all, followed by Jay and Heeseung from behind, stormed into Daeho's house .

To their surprise, they didn't see anyone in the living room . This house looks untouched, everything is dusty and messy .

Inspector Noh gave a signal to his team to search in every room . Jay looked at the whole room, deep in his heart he was very worried about Joa's safety .

He walked around the apartment and stopped when he saw a human shadow moving through the door .
Without hesitation, Jay stormed inside the room.

Inspector Noh was surprised by Jay's dangerous actions.

As he stepped inside the room, his eyes connected with a pair of eyes that he missed.  But, what was surprising was that Joa was pushing Daeho's chest non-stop as he lay stiff on the floor .

"Jay , call an ambulance quick !"
Joa shouted , she continues to provide emergency aid to Daeho .

Jay hummed and immediately took out his phone to call an ambulance.  Inspector Noh scurried over Joa and replaced her to provide emergency aid to Daeho .

Daeho still didn't move an inch, making Aeri cry even harder witnessing the commotion . Inspector Noh did not give in, he tried to save Daeho.  He took the attempt to give CPR to Daeho.

"Uhukkk.. hukkk"
Daeho finally woke up, he coughed repeatedly as he panted for the oxygen to enter his lungs .

All of them let out a sigh of relief, they were all grateful for successfully saving Daeho . Joa's legs felt very weak after witnessing a suicide attempt in front of her.  She fell seated in the floor, crying full of gratitude when she and Aeri were safe .

Jay rushed towards Joa, hugging her tightly.
"I'm sorry for being late"

"I'm already here now, we're going home okay ?"
Joa couldn't say anything other than nodded and sobbed.  Jay broke the hug but still kept his hands on Joa's shoulders.  Seeing Joa's face that looked pale, had scratches, blood stains and bruises made Jay feel really angry .

He cupped Joa's face, planting a soft peck on her forehead .
"You are safe now, I will always protect you"

"Let's go now, you and Aeri should go and receive treatment at the hospital"

Joa hummed in response.  She crawled towards Aeri and helped the girl to stand up . Aeri's body was still shaking with fear, Joa immediately hugged her shoulder tightly while whispering some comforting words to reassure her .

As they both stepped out of the apartment, Joa's head suddenly felt very light.  In a split second, she crashed on the floor .

"Ms Ryu ! Ms Ryu !"
Aeri screamed for help . She shook Joa's body but she didn't give any responses .

A few policemen and Jay rushed over her after hearing her screams . Jay sat on the floor and lifted Joa's head to place it on his lap .

"Joa , Joa !"

"Ryu Joa , wake up !!"

"She passed out due to extreme fatigue . Make sure she gets enough rest and does less strenuous activities "
Jay thanked the doctor, he thanked the doctor a million times for helping him .

After the doctor left, Jay went into Joa's room to see her.  He sat next to Joa's bed, his hand gently stroking Joa's hair .

Deep in his heart, he sympathized yet admired Joa who always faced various challenges but never once admitted defeat.  She is not afraid to uphold justice and speak out her voice.  She has passion in everything, and always smiles despite all the commotion.

This made Jay fall in love with her even more .

As he was engrossed in staring at Joa's face, her closed eyelids suddenly moved . Joa finally woke up from her long sleep .

Jay gave her the sweetest smile while caressing her cheeks .
"Do you have a beautiful dream, my love ?"

Joa smiled at him , she reached for Jay's hand and placed it on her own cheek.  She closed her eyes and enjoyed his warmth .
"Your hands are so warm"

"I feel like I'm home.."

Jay let Joa hug his hand even he started to feel numb for lifting his hand for too long .

"Joa, I want to ask . Why did you save Daeho?"
Jay's question made Joa open her eyes again .

She took a deep breath .
"Because no one deserves to die that way"

"Even if he does a lot of bad things, suicide is not the right choice.  If he is upset with his actions then he should accept his punishment here instead of escaping by killing himself"

Jay patted Joa's head, he was very proud of her . Jay tapped her tiny nose and giggled .

"Joa, do you want to know something ?"


One chapter left ! Imma leave yall with cliffhanger 😎

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