32 | misunderstandings

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"Jay , put that glass down now"
Heeseung begged , he was very worried when he saw the state of Jay who was completely drunk .

Jay groaned, refused to put down the glass . He reached for another bottle of alcohol and poured it into the glass , attempting for another shot but Heeseung immediately grabbed the glass from him .

"Give it back to me !"
Jay yelled , standing out with his wobbling legs, trying to get the glass back from Heeseung. 

Heeseung shook his head , he insisted .
"You might die, you haven't stopped drinking for the past three days !"

"Do you want to kill yourself ?"

Jay cackled in excitement , tapping his chin like a curious youngster .
"Will Joa come if she knows I'm in critical condition ?"

He took a new bottle and started chugging down straight from the bottle , he held back the pain in his throat and let the hard liquor flow down his throat .

After finishing the alcohol with only three gulps, Jay wiped his lips and chuckled to himself, he had lost control .
"Joa hates me, Joa doesn't love me back"

"I'm waiting for her to come , Heeseung.  But she didn't come and she took sick leave for three days"

"I went to her house but there was no one there, their restaurant was also closed"

Heeseung ran his fingers through his hair, he was very worried to see Jay like this only because of a broken heart .

As the two of them were arguing , the door was suddenly opened by Mrs. Jeon , the school counselor who once badmouthed Riki and his father .

Both of them stopped and focused on the counselor to come closer .
"Yes, is there anything you need Mrs. Jeon ?"

Jay rolled his eyes, he wasn't even interested in looking at Mrs Jeon as he immediately sat on his swivel chair and spun around while singing a random song that crossed his mind at the moment .

Mrs Jeon took a few steps closer to Jay and Heeseung as she hesitated to take out something from her handbag .

He took out an envelope and put it on Jay's desk .
"Joa asked me to hand you this"

"It's her resignation letter ,"

Jay's senses seemed to knock him back, he snatched the envelop and tore it . He took a piece of paper in the envelope and read the details filled in.  It turns out that it is true that Joa wants to resign, the proof is clear in her signature .

Jay clenched his jaw , he felt very stupid for believing that Joa would not leave him like others did .

He noticed that there was a piece of paper inserted in the envelope . Jay unfolded the letter and read everything written there .
"Dear Jay, I want to cut off everything related to you.  I don't want to see you ever again and I hate you.  I regret meeting you.  I hope you will do fine without me,"

Jay slammed the letter hard on the table , his blood circulation seemed to flow so fast that he started to feel nauseous and dizzy .
"You may go out now"

Mrs Jeon nodded , he bowed to Jay before walking out of his room . As soon as Mrs Jeon came out, Jay pushed all the items on his table and screamed in anger .

"Fuck it , i need no one in my life"

"Not even Ryu Joa"

The students are busy doing their own thing while waiting for their teacher to enter the class .

Some are chatting, some are preparing homework, some are eating, and some are sleeping.  Various behaviours can be witnessed .

Riki who was about to fall asleep was surprised when Mr Wong entered their class . It was surprising to see his presence because he was not scheduled to teach their class .

Mr Wong fixed his glasses and stared at the students infront of him .
"Hello class"

"I will replace Ms Ryu as your homeroom teacher"

Joa wipes her father's forehead with a wet towel, it's been two days since her father was in a coma .

Luckily, her father passed the critical stage but he still needs to be monitored by the hospital.  Joa knew that her mother was also not well so she took sick leave to take care of her father in the hospital .

She fidgeted with her fingers, she was still puzzled by Jay's words asking her to pee to her room.  She felt guilty for leaving without telling Jay. She tried to contact Jay but the man could not be reached .

Hwan stormed inside the room while pulling Riki who was still with his school uniform  , startling Joa .

"Hwan , slow down !"
Joa scolded her younger brother as the youngster grinned and showed her a peace sign .

Hwan also didn't go to school for days because he took turns taking care of their father with Joa and Riki coming to the hospital to visit .

"What hot news do you mean ?"
Joa asked them again .

Hwan and Riki looked at each other , pushing each other and debating about who needs to tell her about that .

Knowing Hwan's childish behaviour , Riki finally gave up and looked at his teacher .
"Ms. Ryu, is it true that you want to resign?"

Joa's eyes went wide ,
"Me ? Resign ?"

She was deadpanned, that word was completely out of her mind, how can Riki suddenly ask her about that .

Riki nodded ,
"Mrs. Jeon fussed saying that you want to resign.  And Director Park has appointed Mr Wong to replace you as our new homeroom teacher"

Riki pouted ,
"We want you as our homeroom teacher, Ms Ryu..."

Joa frowned ,
"What the hell is happening ?"

"Since when do I resign ?"

Riki shrugged his shoulders ,
"There are rumours about that and Director Park has confirmed it "

Joa huffed in anger ,
"Oh so he wants to see me that day because he wants to fire me?"

"Now I understand your game ..."

Joa chuckled in disbelief , she felt so stupid for believing and had faith in Jay .
"Fine , i don't need anyone "

"Not even you , Park Jongseong"

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