7 | the flying dragon ball

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"Good morning Ms Ryu !"Joa smiled upon receiving numerous greetings from her students

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"Good morning Ms Ryu !"
Joa smiled upon receiving numerous greetings from her students . She waved a little and even happily high five with certain students that she close with .

She walked while hugging a pile of student files that she knew she would spend the whole day checking them out . The young teacher arranged her steps carefully , she worried if she missed her steps and ended up causing problems to herself .

To her horror, she accidentally bumped onto someone from the opposite direction at a strong pace until all the files were scattered on the floor .

She was fuming, ready to use her power as a teacher to scold the careless student . Joa titled up her head .
"Hey— Ni-Ki ?"

Ni-Ki's innocent eyes immediately turned into a fierce and scary look, he shoved both of his hands inside his pants pockets and fixed his position . He immediately called off his intention to retrieve all those files .

Ni-Ki just moved his pupils up and down, asking permission to go . She knew it, this boy right here would act like he was a dumb person .

Angered by Ni-Ki's behaviour , Joa suddenly grabbed Ni-Ki by his arm .
  "Is this your treatment when you make a mistake—"

"Ouch , it hurts . Let me go !"
Ni-Ki's yells startled her.  The youngster pushed her hand away and quickly distanced himself from Joa .

Ni-Ki rubbed his arm, his face wrinkled in pain.  He fixed his eyes on Joa, giving her the unpleasant look . Joa was deadpanned, wondering why Ni-Ki screamed in pain earlier as she didn't grab him that hard so it hurt him .

Deep in her heart, she wondered if Ni-Ki was deliberately overreacting so that her image as a loving and soft teacher would be tarnished.  Did Ni-Ki hate her so much that she wanted to bring down her reputation ?

In the nick of time, Ni-Ki immediately walked away from the scene.  He did not apologize to Joa and did not collect those scattering files on the floor .

Feeling frustrated, Joa clenched her jaw in anger.  Despite having the urge to kill anyone, the young teacher took a deep breath and tried to calm down . She picked up those files on the floor while muttering something to herself .

"Why is Ni-Ki so weird ?"

Jay was walking around the school grounds, watching every student and his workers . His mouth was full of sweet smiles, proud to see their good manners.  His father wasn't joking about Parkland highschool being one of the prestigious schools .

He arranged his steps out, his eyes greeted by a vast greenish field that stretched infront of his eyes . The gentle breeze gently blew his hair, making his hair wavy like a soft melody.  Everyone who stole his gaze agreed that he had that main character vibe .

Some of the male students were nimble playing soccer, he was amazed with the reliability of them all controlling the ball . The match unconsciously made him stand still there, enjoying the match.



Joa's screams made the soccer players scream for joy.  Their zeal to win the match is growing .They started the game again but the game became more lively and energetic since each of them craved the deliciousness of crispy fried chicken .

Jay frowned, watching Joa who was standing on the other spot, facing him but she was unaware of his existence .

Joa was busy cheering with other female students who were watching the game .

He scoffed ,
"Seriously ? Is my money spent on a clown who is basically unprofessional at school ?"

He fixed his sharp gaze on Joa , the female teacher was clapping and shouting her student names to give encouragement.  Hearing her high pitched voice alone was enough to make Jay's ears hiss even he stood 100 meters away from her .

"What a dolphin ,"

"How can Jake likes someone like her ?"

"She is not feminine at all"

The ball was being kicked out of the court, it rolled and stopped infront of Joa .

"Ms Ryu , can you give back the ball ?"

Joa nodded and was about to take the ball with her bare hands but the male students immediately stopped her by saying she can kick the ball to them .

Joa nodded, she stepped backwards and wiggled her body for a brief workout .
"Make sure you catch my kick ,"

"It's so fast, your nose might break! "

Joa ran towards the ball and kicked the ball wholeheartedly , at it's maximum speed .

"Catch the dragon ball !!!"

The soccer players tried to catch the ball but it flew past their heads with lightning speed .

Joa's jaw dropped when she realized in whose direction that ball was heading .


Jay turned his head once his name was called, but his soul left his body as soon as he watched a ball was accelerating towards him .


The ball hit him right on his face, making the poor director to fall to the ground . Joa gasped, she immediately ran towards Jay ,
"Director Park !"


Jay groaned , cupping his itchy nose . He pushed Joa's hands away from touching him ,
"Please act professional when at school!"

"I don't want my money spent on someone like you! "

Joa flinched once she got scolded out of a blue.  "I'm sorry, Director Park!"

"I will be more professional, please forgive me "

Jay huffed, he tried to get up and dusted off his clothes.  His hands movements stopped when he felt a thick, crimson red blood dripping and falling on his pure white shirt .

"D-Director Park ! You're bleeding !"
Joa freaked out, she tried to help Jay but once again, she got pushed by the male in a harsh way .

"Please don't come close to me, "

"Meet me in my room ,"

He began to walk away from Joa, his right hand wiping the blood with his handkerchief.

Joa fluttered, she immediately tailed Jay from behind ,
"Director Park !!!"

"No negotiation !"
Jay yelled .

"No , Director Park !"

"I will teach you a lesson! "

"Director Park !!"

"I will probably report your behaviours to my father, he may be rethinking why he accepted you in our school"


Jay's ears hissed , his blood pressure rose when she called him by his real name . The male director finally stopped walking and turned his body to Joa.

"WHAT ?"

Joa froze on her spot ,
"DUCK !!!"

Jay's eyebrows knitted in confusion, he looked around and was shocked to see the next flying ball that was accelerating towards him . Apparently, Joa tried to warn him but he was very stubborn and didn't want to listen .


But it's too late for him.
  "AHHHHH !!"

He fall to the ground again, eyes clenching close . Joa ran to him, trying to wake Jay up but he didn't respond at all .


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