26 | deep talk

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"Is Director Park okay ? ”Uyeong asked Joa who looked very disturbed

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"Is Director Park okay ? ”
Uyeong asked Joa who looked very disturbed .

"Hm , he's doing fine but yeah "
Jay has been a bit distant with her lately, and of course she doesn't know the cause .

"Stop about Director Park, let's talk about a hot topic now "
Mrs Kang exclaimed, moving closer with other teachers who went out to eat together .

"Oh you mean about Riki?  Gosh, it's really a hot issue"

Joa arched a brow once she heard Riki's name being mentioned in their conversation .

"What about Riki?  I'm sure he's getting better now"
Uyeong said , drinking her juice .

"Mrs.  Jeon, tell me from the beginning!  It seems that Uyeong and Joa don't know about this issue "

Mrs. Jeon , the school counselor laughed out loud . She doesn't seem to believe that Joa and Uyeong will be left behind on this hot topic .

Mrs.  Jeon pulled his chair closer to the table .
"Well, Riki came to my office a few days ago"

"And he told me about his dad.  It turned out to be his dad is a bad guy !!"

"He hit Riki and even went out to have fun with various women at the night club"

"I heard one of his mistresses is pregnant"

Everyone except Joa and Uyeong gasped, shocked by the news about one of the famous election candidates .

"We can't vote for him!  Just thinking about it makes me sick"

"You're right ! Why didn't Mrs Jeon announce this on social media ?"

"Right, netizens will quickly spread this news!  We can boycott his dad"

Hearing their comments made Joa scoff in disbelief .
"Mrs Jeon, I am sure that when a student tells about their problem to you, they put their full trust in you"

"Which you have no right to sell their story to anyone as gossips ."

Mrs Jeon huffed, she crossed her arms .
"I'm not selling stories. I'm telling this so you all aren't easily fooled by Riki"

"He may be young but a son always follows in his father's footsteps.  What if he has bad intentions to us ?"

"I can always feel the weird look from Riki on me , it's scary ! "

Joa suddenly stood up, startling everyone. 
"Are you sure this story is one hundred percent from Riki?"

"Did you swear you didn't twist his real story ? "

Mrs. Jeon cleared her throat ,
"Hey Ryu Joa !"

"Do you think you can be rude to me just because you're our director's fiance?"

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