35 | bold little missy

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"Why must I be the one to go ?"
Joa growled angrily, she didn't want to set foot in the school again but because today is a student consultation with their guardian, her parents asked Joa to attend on their behalf for Hwan's sake .

"We are both busy, please help us"
Her mum begged .

Joa huffed ,
"I can help with the business why do I have to go there?"
Joa knows that no matter how many reasons she gives, her mum's decision will not change.  She has no other choice but to agree .

Joa immediately went up to her room to get ready.  To her astonishment, Jay returned home as early as 4 in the morning where Heeseung came to pick him up because there was a consultation today . Of course he needs to be at school too .

And if it wasn't because of Jay, they wouldn't know about this event since Hwan tried to hide this fact—sadly, his secret is revealed .

Joa sighed , this uncertain situation made her head dizzy . Was the kiss yesterday sincere or did he just do that because he was drunk ?

Jay didn't seem to remember anything about it either .

"Hwan's grade are greatly increasing ! Although his improvement was not encouraging, he managed to pass all his subjects"
Joa stared at the report card in her hand, she examined everything from top to bottom.  Hwan who was sitting next to her just prayed that Joa would not give an unpaid lecture to him because of his bad result

"This is quite impressive ! Hwan has already started working hard , and of course it takes a long time to get the best results.  What is important is to trust the process"
Joa replied with a sweet smile following her lips .

Yes, just trust the process.  It's okay if you fail many times.  Failure is natural in learning.  You must believe in yourself and do your best for the final result . Joa doesn't want to scold Hwan because she has also been in his position.

  At a teenage age like this, most students will be involved with many problems.  Problems with friends,  with family, love life ,  problems controlling feelings, problems with learning difficulties .

Teenage, the age where we will meet many human characters and try to blend with them.  Some may challenge your mind but you have to deal with the situation wisely .

"Thank you Mr Nam, I hope you can help Hwan to grow even more"
Joa ended the consultation session by shaking hands with Mr Nam who used to be her colleague.  Mr Nam gave her an apologetic look, it felt very awkward without Joa in the teacher's office .

They both walked out of the room, making room for other students to go in .

"Stop playing around, okay? I'll go home now"
Joa intentionally messed with her brother's hair, Hwan growled in anger and immediately fixed her hair.

  "Sure, just go! But, don't you want to meet Jay Hyeong?"

Joa froze on her spot , she slowly shook her head .
"Nope , i'm going directly home"

Hwan waved towards her before running towards Riki who was waiting for him.  Joa smiled looking at them both .

As she walked down the path, she accidentally bumped onto Mrs. Jeon, the school's counselor .

Mrs Jeon was surprised to see Joa there, she immediately approached the female .
"What are you doing here? Didn't you resigned already?"

"I came for a consultation"
Joa replied shortly .

Mrs Jeon nodded, she slightly smirked at Joa before patting her shoulder .
"It must be hard for you, your own fiance fired you"

"What really happened between the two of you? Don't tell me your engagement with him has been canceled?!"

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