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(a/n: before I continue this story I want you all to understand that I hate sports with the core of my heart but here I bored you all with that content because I wanted to show how fucked up her parents are... now you know!! so you guys read further without being bored cause the twist is about to come...🙃)

(a few weeks later)

y/n pov:


so where are you?
I'm at college!

I'm around you.
but as you promised
don't act like we talks

I'll behave rudely
and I'm sorry in advance 😭

don't be! I understand tae.

so how is seokjin? did
did he contact you?

Yupe! he needs time
and I think you should give
him some time
to think.

but it's already been
more then two

I miss him!



taehyung didn't reply anything further so I put my phone back and enter the class. it's been more than two weeks of me being absent from college... now I'm fully recovered from my foot injury.

things got more worst. shaily and my guards never showed up but I heard they gave dad an earful lecture behave of me and I don't know how they get away with that.

I just hope they are okay!

I took a promise from hoseok to not tell yoongi about the stalker thing. I'm not even sure if that is real anymore. like he never made any move plus things are getting better between me and taehyung.

we talk every time and sometimes he acts differently like whenever I say how much seokjin means to me... he always goes offline without a word.

not even once we talked about us. about our relationship... I want to know what he feels for me. confessing one time and rejecting thousand times always outcast the confession.

I love him but he doesn't seem like... if we are talking secretly he can say his feelings and assure me of us right? I don't know what is going on in his mind.

my angel hoseok, as usual, took care of me by taking my notes out, handing me a pen by his hand, tugging my hair back so it won't disturb me and he even complete my notes every day.

I stared at him with my emo face "we could have good together only if you were not gay!"

he laugh clapping his hands then yoongi commented... "don't worry! when we'll plan kids we'll come to you for help."

hoseok and I gasp with open mouths and yoongi smirks chuckling... this pale bitch has way ahead goals. hoseok turns red and heads down on the bench to which yoongii pokes his inner cheek with his tongue proudly.

they look so good together... I need this too badly.


turns out seokjin is absent from that day and no one knows where he is... I wish could just turn back time and take my words back.

after we exit the class yoongi requested hoseok for a date but hoseok wants to accompany me. I already hurt many people so I let yoongi take hoseok.

I'll go alone and maybe see taehyung once before going. with that thought, hoseok and I parted ways and I dash to taehyung class.

maybe see him there and go home. as I reach their students start to come out possibly their class is done too... all give me space to go with a smile.

but one person blocks my way... Jimin.


"I want to apologize y/n!"

Jimin muttered sitting beside me in the same place where we talked earlier. where I thought he is an imgoodboy and come to disclose me.

"It's alright, if I can forgive everyone then why not you?"

he sigh and looks at me with concern "taehyung is my buddy and I had to lie to you just for him" he said "but trust me he had never bad intentions, he loves you."

A small smile appears learning that taehyung loves me. if jimin, his buddy saying this... means it's true. he does love me.

"Just keep smiling like this y/n... I was guilty of lying to you and you know how many times I forced taehyung to stop all this?"

I raise my brows in response so he continues... "I told him many times but he was waiting for that yoongi party, so because of my pressure he asked you to make that party fast.. he wanted to end that imgoodboy tag and he did too!!"

hearing him I remember what tragic happened that night, that accident, him soaked in blood... everything appears to my vision in sequence.

Jimin continues.

"that night when he went to pick you up he was so happy and nervous too! he was scared that you'll leave him after finding out all this... so he thought to complete in one go and pretend that imgoodboy never existed."

his story starts to become interesting cause I never thought about taehyung point of view, and how he felt that.

"That's why I immediately deleted that account when I couldn't get in touch with him after that party."

my slow eye widens hearing him.

"that account is deleted?"

he nods.

then whom I talking till now?


(A/n: 😬😬)

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