Good chance to die

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y/n pov:

"y/n I zzweaaarrr uuu wwlll riigratttt this, fuckuuunnng leaaaveee miiii!!" Jungkook attempt to utter while my hand is covering his mouth.

after tying him on road corner like the way I was before. I sat on one knee, grabbing his hair from back I made him face me. moving closer to his face I whisper in his ear.

"I'm tired, thanks to namjoon... I'll end everything tonight." he shook his head desperately to stop me but in return, he earned a slap.

"and this was for fooling yoongi."

I strolled to that place with Jungkook's pocket knife but his muffled scream was audible from afar.  I just hope dad and hoseok are okay if they're hurt, I swear I will kill namjoon.

with my soaring body, somehow I enters the location and witnesses everyone getting beat up by namjoon dogs... dad is tied up in a separate area.

every clothes and face are bloody and still, they are fighting... but for what? I need to stop this.

opening the knife I place it on my neck and yelled... "KIM NAMJOONNNN!!" with that every head turns to me.

Namjoon eyes widen watching me like this. but before he take steps to stop me, I deepen the point on my neck letting few blood drops flow down.

"don't even think of coming near me."

"NO Y/N!! STOPP PLEASE" namjoon requested and others eventually joined him.

"send your dogs away... right now!" I said maintaining the grip of knife on neck... the very next second namjoon hurriedly action guards to go.

I look at dad firstly from distance...  "you didn't have to come, now look at you and please stop crying. I will correct everything."

dad shook his head defeatedly... "y/n don't do anything stupid, your mum is waiting for you, please!"

"what you'll do after we go home? Lock me for months? add bodyguards around me? I'm sick of all that!!"

"Don't say that y/n, your dad is actually concerned... we couldn't have found you without him!!" Jimin defended dad effortlessly.

"How did you all find me?" every face went pale after my question. so I repeated.

"Because your dad installed a tracking chip inside your body."

yoongi speak sighing out and my Jaw dropped.... "inside me?? huhh.... dad?? is yoongi saying the truth?" I can't believe that not even my room but my body was under surveillance.

no response from dad side.

seokjin, taehyung, hoseok, yoongi, and Jimin is trying their best to stand because all are hurt... on my other side namjoon is standing with fear in his eyes that I might actually do something.

"Jungkook is okay outside, and let me warn you no one will come near me... until I'm finished talking," I said letting my tears roll on my cheeks.

"y/n, what are you talking about? drop that thing, and let's go... Jimin call the cops!" seokjin stated signaling Jimin, but before Jimin take his phone out... "JIMIN! DON'T! I NEED TO END ALL THIS BY MYSELF."

I yell terrifying all. "y/n please stop, I'm letting you go... just don't hurt yourself! please!!!" namjoon begged falling to his knees.

"WHY?? I DON'T WANT TO LIVE... you tell me, why should I live this fucked up life where I'm already dead."  I said staring at taehyung... he knows how much I want to kill myself but couldn't.

"why would I want to live, when my 15years old friendship can be ruined with a stupid text and my friend stop talking to me." seokjin tears didn't stop in guilt but I couldn't find another word seeing hoseok.

"What I did do to see you like this?" hoseok asked nibbling his lip to act tough guy who is without tears... "y/n, you know I have no one. you are the one who I need in my life... my best friend. so please!"

I shook my head not wanting to hear his words.... "why do I want to live when people lie to me?" Jimin's head lowed hearing me.

"look y/n, I understand whatever happened is wrong... but you still can't do this," yoongi stated fisting his palms tight... 

"sorry yoongi, because of me your friends turned into foes."

"I'll forgive you only when put that down." he said walking closer which alarmed me to place deeper the knife on my neck.

"yoongi step back... I can't afford to lose her!" hoseok directly push yoongi aside and I lose the grip slowly... I know what exactly I'm doing and I will do it.


(a/n: should she really kill herself? Like even if she tried, they'll somehow save her. 🙄🙄)

Btw... It's the 38th chapter... I'm speechless at how easily im dragging this stupid thing till now! 🥴

Bts after y/n killed herself:

Bts after y/n killed herself:

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Pack up!!

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