another baby?

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The dance floor is filled with couples... and somewhere in the middle of the crowd, you and Taehyung can be spotted dancing slowly in each other's arms. All you can wonder is why hasn't Taehyung proposed to you yet?

It would be so romantic if he had done that, but sadly he hadn't yet.

Taehyung's long finger curves your waist securely while his eye is stuck on your face like a boy deeply in love.

"Everyone is getting married... when are you going to do it?" You randomly whispered, leaning against his ears, hoping he'd initiate, but the response he gave left you stunned.

"I know, right? Maybe when I find my true love? Do you know where I can find her? " His teasing smirk turned into a groan after earning a foot kick from you.

"You don't have to find it! Because I'm standing right here! and bitch, you'd better never jok----"

He grip your neck in half-talk and kissed your parted lips. You forgot how mad you were a second ago and kissed him back effortlessly. Soon you both pull back, as he whispers.

"Okay, my true love... although it's the first time I've heard 'bitch' from you! You sound too mean! " Taehyung fakes a sad pout with a snruch nose.

"That's not mean! It's my love for you, babe!" You wink, pecking his lips, making him blush mush. The slow dance goes on throughout the talks.

"Okay, but be serious! When do you plan to propose to me?" You question Taehyung as he argues without a second pause. "Why can't you propose to me? hmm? I would love it! "

You hum with a longing thought while resting your arms on his shoulder, allowing him to completely envelop you in his embrace.

"You are right, though. So should I break the stereo and propose?" Your question lingerie around his earlobe, creating a cocky smirk which you can't notice because of the hug.

"Someone is desperate to get married!" he asserted.

"So what? All of my friends are getting married, and I want to join them. What would you say if I asked you to marry me?" Just then, he broke the hug and made you face him.

"I would say that I'm the happiest person on this planet now!" You chuckle, but suddenly an amazing question pops up in your mind... "And what would Goodboy say?"

He leans towards you seductively, licking his bottom lip once with a smirk, and whispers, "I can't wait to have five kids with you!"


"Ohh, come on y/n, it's been 15 mins since we talked about it!! Would you speak now? I didn't mean to freak you out! I was just kidding, okay? "

It's Taehyung's 8th attempt to make you talk while your brain is doing unnecessary math right now. He takes you to the buffet section and serves you a few side dishes... with the thought that you'll forget the five kids thing.

Taehyung spoon-feeds you rice, and you chew quietly. Now Taehyung is cursing himself mentally for telling you the baby hing.

"I'm sorry, okay? I was just joking... and you know what? You don't have to propose to me; I will do it. Just say something, please! " He begs with puppy eyes, then you finally speak.

"Three years and nine months!"

"Hehh?" taehyung brows, Farrow.

"For five kids, I have to be pregnant for three years and nine months. That's a very long process!"

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