hope of end

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(A/n: this continues from where namjoon went to answer the broker call)

Y/n pov:

After namjoon left to receive the call, I strived to crawl on this plastics sheet with the hope to find anything sharp to cut my ropes and run away.

I don't understand namjoon and his mentality. he could have chosen the right way and maybe I would have given him a try but all he did is created problems for himself.

and I pretended to agree that my parents don't love me, well they really don't, but I know for sure that dad will find me anyhow.

he always does... Just a matter of time.

I couldn't find any element for help but namjoon found me. by my abdomen he picked me up with his one arm... urghh I hate this muscle man.

"no use in running away, we'll be doing that in an hour" he mummers placing me down to the earlier place. and all I could do is clench my jaws with a struggle to release myself.

he arranges a table and sits facing me. turning my face to the other side I ignored his existence but his phone again rangs.

but this time he didn't leave the spot but raised eyebrows impressively watching the screen... he answered.

"What happened?" he asked over call and soon his smirk convert into chuckles but why his stares are scanning my body??

no way! is he planning to sell me?

ughh, stop your stupid brain y/n!! he won't be doing that for sure.

"huh! I really had no idea about that," he said poking his inner cheeks while leaning down to stroke my hair once. stupid me let him do that Because my mind is trying to figure the conversation out.

"Why you scared?... let them come, our plan is still on play." he ends the call with this sentence. who is coming?? does by 'them' he meant father and police?

the very second he calls somebody again.

"send your men's right now and arrange that god damm fucking ship fast." his angry dark tone almost killed me, I gulp glancing at the way his hand Made a fist and hit his thighs.

I have to get out from here before he takes me in that ship or whatever he was talking about.

using my butt to turn my body around I Crawl but was soon caught. his hand is literally gripping my one leg fuck!!!

"let's not make things hard y/n... come here," he speaks pulling my leg while leaving the chair and kneeling with a serious face.

"namjoon let me go, you are scaring me right now!"

and that's when his eyes leave that darkness and his grip got loosen. raising his both hands as a surrender he continues...

"look I'm not doing anything, I'm sorry."

how can he change the whole character in a second? the lump on my throat was difficult to swallow but his pure smile made it easy.

"who you were talking to? the first call?"

I said getting back to my place. then he stands monitoring me and replies...

"you'll know in few minutes but y/n! remember this I won't let you go in any fucking ways... am I Clear?"

I hear him but couldn't take myself to speak up. please god! just send someone to this stupid college and save me.!!

Or else just free my hands I will save myself.


After a while, 4-5 men came in a crew and bowed to namjoon. he commands all something inaudible because I'm at very distance still tired up.

all took each corner to stand then namjoon came to me.

"you won't abandon me, right? like my parents did?"

this was his last question before I hear many familiar voices. I look around desperately cause I know it's hobi and seokjin.

they came!! they found me. but before I yell back so they know my location I was shut by namjoon hand.

his strong hand tightly covered my mouth with his whisper to my ear...

"be quiet if you want them alive. Do you see my dogs? they will kill your friends, so think wisely."

then he let me breathe.... "namjoon I swear to you!! if your dogs lay a finger on them. I will kill you."

he scoffs at my courage and signals all guards to stay still. the very next second, I start to hear more than two voices, please dad finds me!!

my tears never left the scene. I just don't know what I did to experience this. I wanted a good partner, good parents but all I got is a psycho obsessive stalker.



their shouts were becoming clear but I couldn't yell back, I feel they will come here eventually.


suddenly I hear namjoon jumping while waving his hands in the air. running footsteps gets clear and clearer until I see more figures than I expected.

I burst into tears instantly. every eye is filled with concern... taehyung is here too.


seokjin commanded me walking forward him but he was halted by namjoon dogs. wiping my tears with my shoulder sleeve I notice dad is here too.

but how does everyone knows I'm here? and that's the least I care about.


(a/n: I'm so sorry for keet disappointing you'll 🙃)

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