Sleep call {chapter 13}

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Hello I MADE IT PAST THE 1 hour long mark I am so
happy. I'm watching Bads hot wing stream and I remembered about the hot wing stream he made a long time ago. Please vote it will make my day ILY
Credit to the person who made the beautiful fanart <3

It was about 9:10 and Karl was tired. But he said yes to go onto sapnaps stream. He was tired and excited to go onto the stream. Karl goes upstairs to his room where his streaming setup was. He sits down and gets ready to go onto his stream. He pulls up sapnaps stream.

Sapnap was playing Minecraft with what sounds like with dream.

Sappy 🐼🔥

Hey I'm ready to join - K

Ok I'll introduce you to my stream - S

Karl looks up add hears Sapnap talking about a new friend he has AKA him. Karl joins the call and is nervous. Karl is joining a call with popular kids at his school who would have thought. "Hello?" Sapnap says

"Hi" Karl said nicely. "Chat this is Karl my new friend" Sapnap said. "Hi chat hello". Karl looks over at the chat and sees chat spamming 'Hiii <3' and 'KARL'. It's funny how some people already know him.

"Hello Karl how are you doing" Sapnap says. "I'm good and very tired I just finished streaming with foolish". "Oh really how did his stream go?" Sapnap said. "It went fine it was a good first stream, we did it at my house when I was done with cheer" Karl said. They were quiet for a bit until Karl remembered. "Oh shit shit shit wait oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to swear" Karl said. "You can swear I'm not a Family friendly streamer but what happened?" Sapnap said confused. "I Honking forgot to do my homework" Karl said.

You could hear that Karl was moving around getting his backpack and pens to do his homework. Sapnap started giggling. "Hey don't laugh I bet you didn't do it either stupid" Karl said. "Hey I did do my homework because I am a good influencer unlike you" Sapnap said. Before Karl was gonna do his homework he heard two other people join the call.

"Hiiii" George said followed with a "hello" from Dream. "Hi guys I'm live" Sapnap said warning them. "Hi guys" Karl said focusing on the homework. All three of them kept on talking except for Karl. He did talk for a bit only because they would ask random stupid questions. But he would be mostly focusing at his homework.

"Ok I'm probably going to be ending the stream so I'll be right back". They all said ok and Sapnap had to deafen himself. "So Karl why havent you talk a lot in the call.... You ok?" George said worriedly. "Hm oh um I was just doing homework and I had to focus" Karl said. "Oh ok... we'll I'm going to leave the call I'm very tired and if I don't sleep I won't wake up for school tomorrow" George said. "Yea me too I'm also tired... Bye Karl tell Sapnap I said bye" Dream said leaving the call right before George left the call.

"I'm back... where's George and dream?" Sapnap said. "Oh they left to go to sleep... and I'm done with my homework". "Wait are you also gonna go to sleep too?" Sapnap said with a sad voice. "I mean yea I'm very tired and I gotta get ready to sleep it's like almost 12am" Karl said. "Take me with you I'm not tired" Sapnap said whining.

"Fine but I'll call you on my phone so imma hang up on here" Karl said. "Ok". Sapnap was very happy Karl said yes because Sapnap didn't want to be alone.

Karl got his phone and went to call Sapnap on FaceTime. "Hiiii" Sapnap said. "Damn you do have alot of energy". "Mhm so what you gonna do?" Sapnap said. "Well I'm going to get ready for bed like duh" Karl said. "Well what's your first step to get ready for bed dunbass" Sapnap said giving the sass back to Karl.

"Let me just get my pjs so I could change". Karl put the phone on a spot where Sapnap could see everything and started picking out his pjs. Once he picked his pjs he had to go to the bathroom to change. "We'll take me with youuu" Sapnap whined. "No stupid, I'll change fast".

Just like he said, Karl changed fast. When he got out of the bathroom he showed Sapnap his pjs. His pjs had little blue dinosaurs all around. "Look at my pjs" Karl said happily standing in the t-pose position so his could see. "It looks so cute" Sapnap said smiling.

After that Karl had to charge his AirPods because he would have to use them tomorrow on the way to school. He packed his things in his backpack for tomorrow while talking to Sapnap.

It was about 12:30 am and Karl was very very tired, but Sapnap was not tired just yet. "Well I'm probably gonna go to sleep.... End the call when you are going to sleep ok" Karl said as he was putting his phone to charge so it wouldn't die. "Ok I'm going to be editing the stream... goodnight beautiful" Sapnap said. "Goodnight" Said Karl as he yawned and went to sleep.

Karl woke up. He was in the woods at night. He didn't know what he was doing or how did he get there. He looked at himself to see his shirt covered in blood with a knife in his hand.

Seeing the knife he got scared and dropped the knife. Did he kill something?. He turned around to see a random car. Was it his?. He walked up to the random car and saw it was also covered in blood in the back.

He opened the trunk. There sapnap was lying with a puddle of blood. Dead. Did he do this to Sapnap?. Karl started crying. He was a murderer. But why Sapnap why couldn't he have killed Emily instead.

He heard a noise but didn't bother to check. Mostly because his eyes were full of tears. "You know if you were never his friend you probably would have not killed him... or maybe if you weren't gay faggot he would have been fine. You should have died no one would have missed you. No one likes you. You just made sapnaps life worse you fat ugly shit. No gives a damn fuck about you. Now just go kill your self while you can".

He couldn't continue with the voice in his head he had too. Karl stood up looking down at Sapnaps dead body. It's now or never. He went to get the knife we're he dropped it. The knife was covered in blood. He was crying to much that his eyesight was getting blurry. 3..........2..........

He woke up. But this time he was full of sweat. He looked at the time 1am. "Karl are you ok?" Sapnap said. Shit he was still in the call. "Yea I just had a nightmare" Karl said. "Wanna talk about it?" Sapnap said. "Um no I'm f-fine I'll just go to sleep again I'm tired". With that karl laid back down and fell asleep to Sapnap humming.

[words 1247]
Hello it is currently 1 am exactly and I am going to sleep. So goodnight vote if you want that would really make my day/night. Mwah -3- <3

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