Cold {chapter 27}

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TW: mentions of pain, language, mentions of car crash

Karl POV

Karl continued to go to classes, trying not to show that he was in pain. He was the last to change in his physical Ed. Thankfully no one noticed if he limped for a bit, or winced if he had pain.

Finally school had ended, Karl didn't have plans for today, probably just cuddle with his boyfriend and watch TV.

"Hey cutie" Sapnap said hugging Karl. "Hello" Karl said melting into the hug from his boyfriend

They had gotten to his house. Karl opened the door to find his mom bringing her suitcases in front of the door. "Uh hey mom" Karl said.

"Oh hi guys, imma bout to leave in just a few minutes, my Uber is going to pick me up!" Evelyn said bringing the last of her suitcases.

After a while there was a car waiting outside. "Oop that must be my ride, I'll see you guys soon ok, I love you Karl" Evelyn said.

"I love you too mom, and make sure to be safe!" Karl said hugging his mom back. "Oh and Sapnap... please take care of my son" Evelyn said. "Of my course I'll take care of your son" Sapnap said hugging Karl from the back and putting his head of Karl's shoulder.

Karl's mom eventually left grabbing her suitcases and headed to the Uber. Once they both watched the car drove off they went up to Karl's room.

"So whatcha wanna do?" Sapnap said sitting down. "I'm so tired I'm probably gonna take a nap". Karl half-lied, he wasn't tired, but he was tired of all the pain and trying to act he was fine. "Ok! Wanna cuddle?" Sapnap asked looking at Karl as he went to grab comfy clothes from his closet.

"Sure, I'll be right back!" Karl left to the bathroom to get changed. Once he came out he went to the bed. Sapnap being the big spoon and Karl the little spoon. Karl fell asleep to the humming Sapnap was giving him while scrolling on his phone.

Time Skip <3

Karl woke up sweating, it was weird since it was like the middle of winter. Karl saw Sapnap playing in his computer. Karl groaned to get his lover's attention.

"Oh hi Karl your awake!" Sapnap said turning his chair to look at him. "Karl... your sweating? Are you ok?!". Sapnap got up and put his hand on Karl's forehead. "Your also burning, Karl your sick!" Sapnap said sitting near Karl.

"I'm fine, let's go somewhere...anywhere!" Karl said sitting up. "Karl we can't just go outside your sick, it will make you even more sick" Sapnap said caring for Karl.

"Let's just cuddle I'm sure I was just hot" Karl said. "How about I treat you because I can sense you are clearly sick" Sapnap said. Karl nodded.

"Here let's take of this hoodie". Karl nodded and lifted his arms so Sapnap can take it off. Sapnap giggled and took off his hoodie. (He has a shirt under 😅)

"When I was little my mom would make me some soup that I loved, so I'm gonna be the mom today and make it for you" Sapnap smiled and gave Karl a kiss in his forehead.

Sapnap got up and went downstairs leaving Karl alone in his room. Karl groaned, he hated being alone, with his thoughts. So he got up grabbing the blanket he had and making himself into a burrito.

He went downstairs and into the kitchen. "You look so hot when you cook" Karl said sitting down in the counter. "I have to cook for you more then" Sapnap said turning around and kissing Karl.

Karl melted into the kiss, feeling sad when Sapnap had to break it to continue cooking. "I have a question" Karl said. "What's your question handsome?". "Why don't you talk about your family?" Karl asked.

"Because I'm with you and I want to spend every minute hearing you talk" Sapnap said turning around and giving Karl some alphabet soup. "Ooo-... but what I want to hear more about you and your family!" Karl said taking the soup. He brought a spoonful to his mouth and ate it. "Mm so good!" Karl exclaimed.

"Well what do you want to know about my family?" Sapnap asked serving some soup for himself. "Anything and everything!" Karl said eating another spoonful.

"Well I mean I have an older sister but she's away for college and I have a dad, my mom died from a car crash a few years ago" Sapnap's explained.

"Oh I'm sorry" Karl said putting his bowl next to him and went to hug Sapnap. "It's ok you were just curious about my family" Sapnap said smiling.

"When your down eating soup im going to prepare a bath for you" Sapnap said. "I'm not that sick it's just a small fever, you dont have to do that" Karl explained.

"Well I want to treat my beautiful cute boyfriend so I'm gonna do it" Sapnap smiled and kissed Karl on top of his head.

When they were done they both went upstairs to get the bath ready. Sapnap made sure the water wasn't too hot nor too cold. "Karl you ready?".

Karl was in his room scrolling through Twitter and replying to peoples post. "I'm coming!". Karl got up and left his phone on his bed.

"Tada" Sapnap said. "Wow I've never had a bath before, oh my god" Karl sarcastically said. "Shut up before I got back to playing games" Sapnap replied.

Karl giggled and went to take of his shirt. He blushed when he saw Sapnap looking at him in the mirror. Sapnap snickered and went to scroll at TikTok in his phone.

Before pulling his bottom clothing off he got a bit embarrassed. Yes, Sapnap was his boyfriend but for some reason he got embarrassed.

Sapnap looked up to see Karl fiddling with the two strings connected to the sweatpants he was wearing. "You ok?" Sapnap asked turning off his phone to give Karl his full attention.

"Y-yea I'm fine" Karl said. Sapnap looked at what Karl was fiddling with. "You know I already saw your dick right?" Sapnap mentioned while smiling and walking up to Karl.

"Shut up" Karl said rolling his eyes. Karl took out his clothes and jumped in the bath. Sapnap smiled while messing up Karl's hair. "I'll be right back" Sapnap said, getting up and leaving. Karl got bored and opened cupboard under the sink.

Sapnap had gotten back to see Karl playing with rubber duckies. "You're a literal child" Sapnap said giggling. "Shut up I was bored" Karl said playing with the ducks. "Do you wanna join me?" Karl asked smiling.

"Your to cute to say no" Sapnap said kissing the top of Karl's head and taking of his clothes. He go inside with Karl. Karl had handed him one of his ducks and making up names for them.

They spent a bit more time playing with the ducks before Sapnap went and washed Karl's hair, giving Karl small kisses on his cheek.

[words 1222]
Hello I gave you guys a bit of fluff there <33 School is starting soon :( which means which probably means a chapter every week/2 weeks.
Anyway I love you all and *virtual Huggies*

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