Hang Outs {chapter 20}

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I FOUND MY STUPID EARPHONES :D. Can we get a vote for me getting the courage for getting up of my comfy chair and look for my earphones
Also if I forget to put a TW on any of my chapters please say so ILY <3

It was already 4:50 and I was waiting for Sapnap to pick me up. After a while I saw the usual white Tesla driving up into my driveway. "Get in cutie" Sapnap said through the car window. "We are gonna be late, hurry up and let's go pick up the boyfriends" Karl said.

They had to hurry up because they were gonna be late if they spend an extra min together. They made it to dreams house and George was also with him too, thank god. "Hurry up and get in we are gonna be late" Sapnap screamed so dream and George can hear him. They both get on the backseat and Sapnap starts driving again.

Finally they made it into the movie theater and went to go buy the tickets. "Wait so movie are we watching?" George said. "A scary one" Dream said with a smile. "Yea so I hope you don't get nightmares tonight" Sapnap said smirking. "I'll go buy the tickets you guys get the snacks" Karl said.

They all said ok and Karl left the group to go get the tickets. "Hello" Karl said. "Hi which movie would you like to see" The worker said. "Oh can I get 4 tickets to the Annabelle comes home please." Karl asked not looking at the worker. "Karl you dumbass" the worker said. He got confused until he looked up at the worker. The worker was none other than Quackity. "Dude you never told me you worked here!" Karl said. "Yea! I work here for my future college money" Quackity said laughing.

"Your watching Annabelle?" Quackity asked. Karl nodded, "mhm I'm here with some of my friends". "That's cool! I get off in a few minutes! You mind if I join you guys?" Quackity asked. "I don't mind at all!".

"Well here you go 4 tickets for the movie Annabelle comes home" Quackity said. "Thank you! I'll see you soon" Karl said leaving.

Finally Karl went back to his group. "I got the tickets" Karl said. "Finally what took you so long" Sapnap said getting Karl's cheek and kissing him in the lips. "Your so clingy and I might've invited a friend of mine to watch the movie with us" Karl said. "Who?" George asked. "He's a friend from school! I met him at the party we went too. His name is quackity" Karl replied. "Oh I have him for my math class"George said. They all went to go get their seats and to get comfy. Moments later Quackity joined and sat next to Karl.

Time Skip (I do not watch scary movies so Annabelle is the only one I thought of)

Finally the movie ended. Dream and Sapnap were mostly the ones who were scared. "Real tough huh" George said. "Oh shut up you had Dream to hug you" Sapnap said. "You have KARL to hug" George said. Karl and Dream giggled at the fight both of them had.

When Everyone was leaving the room, Karl waited for Quackity so he could walk with him. "So do you have a ride?" Karl asked. "Yea I brought my car" Quackity replied. They walked to the entrance and went their separate ways. Karl taking a moment from the group to say goodbye to Quackity.

"I call shotgun" Dream said. "That's ok I'll just make out with George in the back seat" Karl said. "Yes Karl Kiss me in the cheek"

Karl went in to kiss him until Sapnap stopped him. "NO none of that Dream get your boyfriend and go in the backseat" Sapnap said. "Bro he is not my boyfriend" Dream said. "You're right he is mine" Karl said.

They went to their assigned seats by Sapnap. Dream was in charge of the music. Sapnap had his hand on Karl's thigh while Karl was texting Quackity.

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