New friend {chapter 10}

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Hello I can not believe Tommy is 18 now wow but happy birthday >:3
(Karl's POV)

Karl was having trouble sleeping thinking about what happened. What am I gonna do now. How will he act when I see him at school. I should just ignore him. I'm probably going to be busy with cheer and with foolish.

Time skip to Monday morning

Karl groans as he gets up to stop his stupid alarm. Karl goes to his bathroom to get ready.

Once he is ready he goes to his mini fridge and gets his morning monster and some candies. He walks out the door and gets his AirPods. He puts his favorite songs and goes walking to school. Karl checks his phone, 1 message from foolish

Foolish 🦈

Foolish : hey Karl good morning

Karl : hi foolish good morning

Foolish : u at school?

Karl : no I'm walking there I'm almost their

Foolish : oh ok it was just that sapnap was asking where you were, see ya later

Sapnap? Suddenly he remembered what happened the other night. Honk I don't want to talk to him now. No no no I just can't.

Now Karl was getting closer to the school. He had to think of a plan to ignore sapnap. Probably won't be hard he can just ask girls to go all up on him or hang with foolish all day.

He finally caught up to school. He saw sapnap and dream on one side of the school and foolish on the other. Easy just let's go with foolish.

"Hey foolish" Karl said walking up to foolish. "Hey Karl can you help me with homework I'm having trouble". "Sure lets see"

My wonderful time skip time to 7 am I guess still Karl POV

Once I helped foolish we both went inside the school. I was being careful not to bump into sapnap. As soon as I entered the school I saw sapnap and we both locked eyes. Shit shit shit. I turned to foolish and said. "I think I forgot something outside be right back". Foolish nodded knowing nothing about what happened to Karl and sapnap. Karl ran outside not giving sapnap a chance.

After a few minutes of not seeing sapnap, Karl went inside to get to class.

A few classes later


When the bell rang I started packing my things up to go to lunch and also waited till foolish was done packing too. "So like I was saying you should join my Minecraft world I only have my two friends on their it's Chris and Chandler, which were my friends back at where I used to live." Karl's says. "I'm so goood at building I can build you a whole kingdom if you want." ( hehehehe ) foolish said. They both start laughing.

They get their lunch and go take their seat with Sam, ponk, Badboyhalo and skeppy. "Hey guys" Karl said. Almost everybody said hi to him at the same time. "You fuckers wanna play uno" Sam said smiling. "Language" bad says. "Sure I do". Karl sat down and started to eat while playing.

The bell had rung meaning we all had to get back to class. But the next class I had was with sapnap and we sit next to each other so i am going to have to skip but I don't wanna do it alone so who would want to skip. Not foolish he is a goody shoes, hm not Niki she doesn't like skipping, Sam can't skip because he needs to have a good grade for football, and bad and skeppy are just how do I put it nicely... nerds. The only person I could skip with is sapnaps friend George who I have never even talked to but he seems like a good person and would skip so why not.

I go to George, luckily he was alone. "Hi" I say. "Um hi, are you Karl" George says pointing at me. "Oh yes" Karl says. "Oh hi I'm George, Sapnap talks about you a lot" George says putting books in his locker. "Oh really" Karl says. "Yup so did you need something" George said. "Oh I was wondering if you would skip class with me because none of my friends are willing and I don't wanna do it alone."  George thought about it for a moment. "Sure why not especially since my next class is really boring"  George said.

George and Me talked for a bit until he was all done putting things back in his locker. After that we left the school grounds. "So where do you wanna go?" George asked. "Well we can go to the gas station to buy some snacks then go to the park I guess" Karl said. "So what do you like doing?" George said trying to make small talk. "Well I love streaming and playing Minecraft." Karl said. "Really I love playing Minecraft too maybe we can play together" George said. "Oooo I can add you to my world the people that are in it is my two best friends from back home and foolish" Karl said. "And maybe we can add my friend dream, Ooh and you can add Sapnap he also loves playing Minecraft" George said. Karl just nodded wanting to change the subject but sadly couldn't. "So sapnap, is their something wrong between you two because i haven't see you with him and you guys were like kind of always together now" George said looking at Karl. "Hm oh um no nothing is wrong he is still my friend it's just that foolish wanted help with the math homework so I couldn't talk to him".

Once Karl said that they both started talking about other things until they got to the gas station.

The gas station smelled really bad. Karl and George got the snacks and left as soon as possible.

George started laughing when Karl was complaining about the hideous smell from the gas station. "I mean like it could make someone vomit, literally" Karl said.

They got into Karl's house and settled down their snacks at the table. "Hey you wanna watch a movie." Karl said. "Sure what are we gonna watch" George said. "Um I don't know what do you wanna watch". "Let's watch Harry Potter, I love that movie" George said.

"Really I love it too, let's watch it!" Karl said getting the remote and lookin for the first Harry Potter movie.

George was getting bowls and placing the snacks in them. He had a bowl of popcorn, and a bowl of candy. They also had monsters.

They both settled down at the couch and pressed play.

I can not believe George and Karl kissed I mean like what. Also I wonder how Dream found out did like George call him or did Sapnap exposed them. KNF <333

Eat and drink water, love ya <333 [words:1150]

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