Orange Lily {chapter 26}

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Hello <3 Watching Sapnaps stream rn, Please vote it will make my night <333
Karl POV

The winter break had finished. Karl had spent most of his time, since the incident, in his room.

It was Monday, and Karl was rudely woken up by his annoying alarm. He gotten up and turned off his alarm before going back to bed. He was going to sleep until he got a notification on his phone.

He got his unplugged his phone from the charger and looked at the time. 6:50, Shit he was late. He looked at the notification and it was Sapnap.

Sappy <3

Hey Karl im outside you coming? - S

I barely woke up! - K

Karl got up from his bed and started panicking. He got a knock from his door. Karl opened his door, and saw Sapnap standing there. "Hello" Sapnap said. "Hi, help me we are going to be late!" Karl said.

"Want me to pick out an outfit?" Sapnap asked while Karl was getting his homework he left last night at his desk. "Please" Karl replied.

After Karl finished putting his homework away he looked at Sapnap who was ready with his clothes. "Here you go cutie". Karl looked at the clothes that Sapnap had handed him. It was one of his signature fire hoodies he always wore in school with some jeans. "Really?" Karl asked.

Sapnap smiled innocently at Karl. Karl just went to the bathroom to put on what Sapnap had given him since he had no time to find different clothes.

The hoodie was a bit big for him and went to the middle of his thighs. He did everything else and finally got out of the bathroom. Him and Sapnap both ran to the car, only having 5 min left.

They make it to the schools parking with 2 min remaining. "Bye see you later" Karl says kissing Sapnap in the cheek and running out.

Karl makes it to his first period. "Were have you been?!" Foolish asked. "I woke up late" Karl said. "So stupid" Foolish said giggling.

Time Skip

Finally first period finished and Foolish and Karl headed out the classroom doors to go to their lockers. They both headed their own ways saying goodbye to each other. Karl walked down the hall getting weird stares from people. 'Did I do something?' Karl thought.

He went to open his locker taking out some notebooks and putting stuff in. Once he finished he could still sense that people were looking at him. He went to the Boys restroom to see why they were looking at him.

He went inside and set his backpack in the ground. He looked at the mirror trying to figure out why people were looking at him. "Hey Bitch!". Karl looked at the door to see one of the football players talking to him.

It looked like he was annoyed or mad. 'What did I do?' Karl thought. "Um h-hi?" Karl said looking at him. The football player was tall and had dark brown hair. Karl remembered something that Niki had told him in the first day of school.

This football player was named Shlatt and he would bully everyone even for the slightest thing. "What are you looking at bitch!" Shlatt screamed but not to loud so the school can hear.

Karl didn't answer knowing something was gonna happen if he talked back. "Emily told me you were the one who got her expelled, She said and I quote 'Kill that stupid son of a bitch for me', she also offered me some drugs so im for sure gonna kill you" Shlatt said.

Karl was crying already. "Ha, How come she didn't kill you herself your so weak, I thought you were gonna be tough to get, oh well" Shlatt said. Shlatt put his hand in his pocket and got out a small pocket knife. "P-please" Karl whined, tears coming down.

"Or what, you gonna hurt me?" Shlatt said coming closer and closer. When he was close enough he got Karl by the neck and squeezed it. Karl couldn't breathe.

"How did you even manage to get away from her freak" Shlatt said. Shlatt tightens his hand.

"You know what, Tubbo actually said you were nice to him one day so I'm not gonna kill you" Shlatt said releasing Karl. Karl gasped for breath.

"But I did promise Emily I would hurt you" Shlatt said. After he said that Shlatt launched a punch right at Karl's stomach.

Shlatt laughed menacingly. "Now freak if you tell anyone about this, Tubbo's not gonna save you this time bitch" Shlatt said leaving the boys restroom.

Karl sat on the floor, hands wrapped around his stomach, crying. The punch on the stomach was gonna leave a huge bruise.

With the scene that was presented, Karl had been late for his next class. 'Why bother going in right now' Karl thought.

Sure he didn't wanna ditch school, but he couldn't just walk in the class and act normal.

He had about 30 minutes till his next class starts so he got up the ground. The pain from his stomach hurt so bad, but he couldn't show none of the pain.

He looked in the mirror and fixed himself in case someone was ditching class and was at the hallway.

He got his backpack from the ground and started walking. He started walking like nothing happened but I'm reality he felt a pain he had never felt before, It hurt really bad.

He walked outside of the school grounds trying his very best to ignore the pain he had.

He saw the lovely flower garden outside and decided to sit in the nearby bench. He was looking at all the pretty flowers, when one particular caught his eye. It was an orange color flower.

It was quite beautiful if Karl was very honest. He looked at the little tag below and saw that the flower was called 'Orange Lily'

The flower actually reminded him of Sapnap. It was perfect just like him. Karl always thought sapnap had the best life, but Sapnap never talked about his family now that Karl is thinking about it. 'Maybe I hadn't asked about his family?' Karl thought.

[words: 1083]
mcc was today :D congrats on the team who won <33
Anyway I love you guys so much, Huggies and Kissies for you (unless you don't want them which is ok 😁)

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