Why even say goodbye

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After everything I just went through, you would think I would have just got back into my car and drove off until nobody could find me. What do you do when you find out the person who has been raising you isn't even your real parent? To be honest, I never saw that one coming. I know I look nothing like him, but I always brushed it off because I looked just like her. I won't say ″mother″ because she has no right to say that she is my mother. She left us alone with a monster for so many years and didn't even bat an eye when she did.

Don't even get me started on my so called ″mate″. With my luck, I would end up with a whack job of a mate. I still have mixed feelings about him and our situation. We slept in the same bed, but nothing happened. Even though I fought him about it for hours and we ended up just dealing with it for the time being. Now my bed is smothered in his scent, and I bet he has been sleeping in here since he had arrived. I wonder if he came in here when I was home before I left for school.

I didn't speak to him all night and I could tell he was getting upset and guilty about almost everything. I could give him the cold shoulder for a while, but what good would come out of that? My wolf, on the other hand, likes being close to her mate, which I find annoying about the mate bond. I should not have to rely on someone else to help me with shit or anything. I have no idea what I am going to do about this. He killed my father, but knowing what he did makes this even more difficult to be upset and mad at him. I would probably kill the person who killed my family, too. What do I do in this situation?

I was lying in bed since last night trying to absorb everything I have learned in the last 24 hours. I have a brother that's been here all along and I finally get to know him. I'm happy I don't have to be Beta anymore. I can finally be the head warrior, and I don't give a fuck if Eugène does not like that idea. I earned that title, and he knows it too. Since he told me about the whole, I have been watching you for years. Kind of creeped me out at first when he told me, but now I kind of find it nice that someone has been looking after me for a long time. Still creepy, though.

Claire left this morning to go find Austin's dad and tell him the news about my father. Do I even call him that anymore? My life has been nothing but a big, fat lie. Do I even really know myself at this time? I just want to scream into my pillow and take my angry out on someone who deserves an ass kicking. Why did this happen to me?

″ You need to eat something, Alina, and stretch your legs. I am heading downstairs to get stuff ready for the funeral tomorrow.″

''That monster does not need a funeral, just burn him like you did to the others. Don't need a reminder of a murdered who called himself my father. He does not deserve a headstone or anything. Please don't argue with me about this one.''

″You sure? You might regret one day that you didn't bury him on the pack lands.″

''Positive, He does not belong to this pack anymore. No need to waste a good grave site for someone else who deserves it more. No need to worry about me. I am fine.''

″Okay, if you change your mind, just let me know. I will be in my office if you need anything.″

''What about Austin? When can I see him?''

I can tell he does not like Austin by the way he is holding on to the doorknob and the face he just gave me.

″Maybe later he still acting like a dickhead and trying to hurt himself. I will go with you so that I know he won't try anything on you.″

''You do know that he would not hurt me, right?'' I raised my eyebrow at him.

″You never know Alina. He is not acting like himself right now. His wolf has taken over.″

''Whatever, not in the mood to argue with you right now, Alpha.''

″Don't use that tone with me Luna, just trying to keep you safe.″

''I wonder how the pack felt when you attacked us?''

Without another word, he slams the door and stomps away to his so-called office. What a big man baby he can be. Lord, help me with this one. I guess it is time to get up and take a long hot shower and eat something, too. I want to know more about Eugene and my brother, but I just want to go for a run and clear my mind for a bit. Hopefully, he will let me do that on my own as well.

I take my shower and get dressed for the rest of the night. I walk towards my window and see the moon is still full tonight. I wonder if she can see what her creations are doing right now. Would she be ashamed of my behavior? Or would she understand where I am coming from? I know she paired us for a reason, but I don't see why just yet.

I walk out of the room and head towards the kitchen and, to my surprise, the witch who healed me is drinking out of my coffee mug. I should have known she was involved. Witches don't do anything for free. Did Austin really save her daughter, or was that a lie? I wonder who tries to poison Austin?

''Should have known you were involved when you healed me.''

″Ah, you finally figured that one out. Eugene is like a son to me, so when you were in trouble he asked if I could help, and I had no problem helping him out.''

''I bet he was the one who order for the poison to hit Austin and not me?''

″You're a smart girl, you tell me?″ She is getting on my damn nerves already. ''You witches and your mind games.''

″No mind games here Alina, I don't need to play those with you. You're too smart for them.″

''Good to know. How long have you known Eugene for?''

″Over ten years, he came to my coven for some help since the coven he was at didn't want nothing to do with his revenge. He came and asked me, a dark magic witch.″

''Not many of you left, is there?''

″No, dark magic is not for everybody, and I was fine with selling my soul to Hades. Not all of us are bad. You know, Eugene is a very powerful witch and werewolf.″

''Isn't that like impossible?!''

″That's what we all thought until he showed us what he can truly do. We were all very much surprised about it.″

''Why did you help him?''

She had a far distant look on her face and I kind of felt bad I said anything.

″The werewolf king and my partner were best friends for many years, but one year, the king got jealous about something and ended up killing him. To this day I never found out what the cause of the jealousy was. I vowed myself to never trust another wolf, but when you Eugene came to me, I knew what he was up to, and I was willing to help him out. Witches stay together. Our magic is one. It is very hard to explain to a non-witch, but you should know something about yourself.″

''I have a feeling I won't like your answer.''

″You have magic inside of you locked away, and I wonder how you could never feel it. Your mother's father was a witch. Somehow, it skipped your uncle and went to you.″

What the fuck did I just get myself into?! Why did mother never talk about her family?

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