Hello Austin.

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I walked outside so I could calm down before I rip somebody's head off. I understand she is going through a lot, but why take it out on me? Dad never marked her, so why is this so much harder on her? There was never a mate bond in the first place and now that she had a mate, he can heal her heart slow and steady. She is just being stubborn, like always. I guess that's just the witch in her coming out.

I pity for Nic right now, he does not deserve the cold shoulder she has been giving him since the day they meet. Have I been doing the same thing to him since I have been here or is our situation different from theirs?

I wonder where jake went after mom told him to leave before Eugene came. To be honest, I'm surprised Jake even left home. He has too much trust in her, and she had barely shown her face since she left unless he has been in contact with her and me not knowing? Who knows, since everything has been fucked up since I came back home? Did I act right when I saw her face for the first time since I was 9 or did I act irrational?

″Alina You, okay?″ I knew he was behind me, but I tried to ignore him since I was trying to clear my mind before I blew up.

″I'm fine, just trying not to rip someone's head off after my talk with Jane. I can't believe she spoke to me like that.″

″I heard everything, and I get why you're upset. You're not him and you never will be.″ I let out a heavy sigh.

″I know. I'm just worried if I ever decide to open this magic inside of me if I will become a different person.″

″You will grow as a person, but I doubt you will change in any way besides having magic flow through your veins.″

″What If I do change, then what?″

″I will make sure that does not happen, Alina. You are very special to me, even though you don't see it yet.″

I blushed at the thought that he thinks about me like that. What do I say back to him that won't sound so creepy?

″I hope one day I will see that and be able to feel the same way about you. I really don't want to ruin this nice time, but I need to see Austin.″

I hear him exhale and turn towards to door but first he looks at me with a concern face. I wonder what state Austin is in right now. Can I really pity Austin right now? He could have just surrender and pretended he was a loyal wolf to the alpha and go find help later. But of course his ego got in the way, but we don't need help since Eugene is kind and an outstanding leader.

We walk side by side down the long hallway to the dungeon doors. We come face to face and Eugene says, ″Don't get mad at me when you see him. He only did this to himself.″

″Go figure. Austin never could tell when he got defeated, and it clearly shows that he still thinks that way. Not a good thing for an Alpha.″

I get this feeling we are being watched by somebody, but I don't recognize the smell. I turn around and see a little girl holding her teddy bear very close to her body and she is defiantly observing me hard. She must be from Eugene's pack, and she keeps looking at Eugene like a big brother.

″Emily, it's not nice to creep on people and didn't we talk about this already?″

″Sorry alpha, just wondering who the pretty lady is, that's all.″

″Emily, come here and meet your future Luna.″

The little girl eye's goes big, and she starts to fidget with her tiny hands and starts walking towards me in a slow pace, knowing it's going to annoy Eugene. I can see the smirk on his face, knowing what she is up to.

″Hi Emily, I'm Alina and I guess I'm your Luna.″

″Nice to meet you miss Alina, you're one lucky gal.″ She smiled, and she has her front teeth missing.

″Is that so? How lucky?″

″You won the jackpot, Luna!″ Is that so?

″Emily, it was nice to meet you, but Alpha and I have some big wolf things we need to do, so can you go back to your mommy for us?″

Emily nodded her head and walked away towards the stairs that go upstairs. Wonder how many other children he brought with him.

I turned around and followed Eugene down the stairs to the creepy basement that I barley visited. Dad never liked when I came down here. He said it was too dirty and bloody for someone like me to be down here, and I'm sure there was more to it than just that. The smell down here is horrendous, and it's so bad I actually want to throw up. Wonder why you can't smell this from upstairs? I hope this is my last time being down here. This place makes my skin itchy, and I can smell the mold on the walls. Can we just burn this house down and just start fresh?

We stop at a metal door and one warrior opened the door with a pin and let us in. The door close behind us and it makes me jump a little since I did not expect for it to be so damn loud. Austin has his head down and it smells like he pissed himself a couple of times while being down here. He looks like a caveman with that beard and his hair that is overdue for a haircut.

″Did you knock him out again?″

″No, he must have made himself tired again from all the thrashing he does daily.″

I see that the warrior has a bottle of water in his back pocket, and I have an idea. I walk over and ask him for the bottled water he has, and I walk back over and pour it over Austin's head until he decides to wake up from the cold water rushing down his body. He starts to wake up, and he looks up at me with black eyes and bags under his eyes.

″Austin, are you in there somewhere? Your wolf has been in control for too long.″

I got a grunt and a laugh, and then he said,

″You're a traitor, just like your father was. Good luck trying to get Austin back in control.″

Now I was getting pissed off. Who does he think he is talking to like that? I have never seen his wolf look at me like that, with disgust written all over his face. What do I do now....

I walk to where we were face to face, and I slapped his face so hard to smack against the wall, making his nose start to bleed. I don't care if he is in pain or not, no male wolf will disrespect me like that in my house or in front of pack members.

″Don't you feel bad for hurting your best friend?″

I thought it would smack some sense into your head or his, but I can see nothing I do will help either of you out. ″Why are you not letting Austin back in control?″

″Because he is a weak Alpha and let his guard down to be stuck with a needle. No wonder nobody has come to his aid or rescue him.″

″Has he been able to mind link his father or anybody here?″

″No, something in that needle cut off the connection, and I am done talking to a traitor.″

″I don't want to use force on you, but I have no choice. I need him back in control, not you.″

″What is a weakling like you going to do?″

″Alina, are you sure about this?″

″Have you tried torturing him?″

″That's not my style, Alina, and I hope you don't go too far on it.″

″Oh, don't worry, this will only hurt for a second.″

I take a step towards him with my claws out and dig my claws into his chest until I get near his heart. I get no reaction and only a wicked smile from him. Two can play at this game. I put my mouth near his ear, so he thinks I am going to tell him something, but I bite half his ear off and spit out on the cold ground. He starts to break, and he finally screams in pain and tries to fling me off of him, but he realizes if he does that his heart will be ripped out in seconds.

″Alina, that's enough. Back down.″ Eugene orders me with a stern voice.

″Aww, I was starting to have fun with him. You're no fun.″

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