Baby steps

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I was in shock when she started to act like her mother when she started her torture Austin just now. I had to use my alpha voice to get her to stop before she killed him. What has gotten into her? Was her wolf in control during the time she had her hand in his chest cavity? I am not liking this one bit. Austin wolf is still in control, so I don't think Austin will ever regain his mind and body. I know Alina won't be happy once she realizes her friend is gone and is never coming back.

Turning around and see Alina starting at her bloody hands and there is no emotion on her face, but I wonder what is going through her mind right now? Fearing that she might go through a metal breakdown once she wakes up from whatever this is and sees what she did to him. I need to get her out of here and quick. I walk over to her and pick her up bridal style and walked out the room and up the stairs towards our room.

She is still staring at her hands, but I can see the tears running down her face. She is having a hard time hiding her emotions, and that fucker raised her to hide them because it was a sign of weakness, so now she is about to break since she has been pushing things back for too long.

I open the door to our bathroom and put her down on the toilet seat. I turn the water on until it's hot the way she likes it. After taking her clothes off, I take my shirt off and pick her up and hold her in the bathtub and I start to wash the blood off her hands. I have never done this before, so what do I do now? This feeling in me is foreign and I don't want to do the wrong thing here.

She turns around, and she took me by surprised and grabbed my face and started kissing me. I move my lips with hers when she bit my lip and pulled it. This was not the way I wanted it to happen. I wanted her to kiss me with a rational mind, and it was something she wanted. I pulled away, and she expressed disappointment when our lips weren't pressed against each other.

I could tell she was trying to avoid what she just did to Austin. I hate that she has no idea how to cope with her emotions in a good way. Her father was too hard on her the day she could start training to become a beta and a great warrior. Alina's brother should have become the next Beta since he is older than her and is a boy. Most fathers that are betas make their son the next one, so I was confused when he decided that she was going to be the beta after he retired.

''Alina, please talk to me and stop using other methods to distract yourself.''

She took her hands off my neck and started to bite her nails and avoid eye contact with me. I could get into her mind with my powers, but I rather not invade her personal space, plus her wolf would try to block me out and then she would know what I was trying to do.

″Why did I do that to him? I felt like I had no control over my body or actions.″ Alina had a far off look on her face.

''What was your wolf doing during all of this?''

″I could not feel her that much. It was something I have never felt before. I'm scared Eugene.″ I hugged her tightly.

''Would you like me to ask Lynn to come back and see what's going on? It might be your magic trying to escape since it has been locked away since you been born.''

″Not yet. Let me talk to jane and see if she can sense anything different with me.″

''I'm sorry Austin might stay that way until he dies. I hope he can break through his wolf.'' If he does die, oh well. Not my problem.

″I don't understand. His wolf has never done this before, so why now?″

''He became the alpha, and the pack was under attack, so his wolf took control to protect his pack, but I don't know why he never let Austin take back control.''

″He was not meant to be Alpha. He never thinks straight when it came down to stressful situations. The previous Alpha was a fool. What would happen if it was not you that attacked us, and some awful alpha or rouge killed almost everyone and made the women slaves to their own needs?″

''I don't know and I rather not think about that. You mean everything to me and just thinking you could have been hurt or even worse makes me want to burn everything in sight.''

″So, the big bad wolf is showing me his soft side, huh?″

''Only when it comes to you, my little red.'' I would burn this world for her if she asked me to.

″I don't recall red riding hood to be this smutty. Is the big bad wolf going to eat me too?″

''No, I am going to dine on some delicious juices, my dear.''

Her cheeks turn red, and she covers her face with her hands. God, she has no idea how much self-control I have. I just want to pick her up and devour her until she can't take it anymore. My dick is throbbing against my pant zipper and her on top of me is not helping either.

''Don't ever hide your face from me Alina, it brings me joy that I can make you blush like that.'' She smacks my chest playfully. Her laugh is music to my ears.

″Please stop teasing me like that. This is all new to me, Eugene.″

''I know that's why I said we can take baby steps towards being full mates. I did enjoy that surprise kiss, but it felt odd in that situation. I will only touch you if you ask or when you're more comfortable with me around you.''

″Thank you, Eugene. I also enjoyed that kiss, but next time I hope I am in control of my body. I can see why the girls here melt when you're near them. That body is meant for a God.″

''I mean, can you blame them?'' She rolls her eyes. ″Cocky much?″ I shrug my shoulders.

''Just telling the truth, but what do you want to do about Austin?''

″No idea, I guess for now just leave him where he is. Has the old Alpha sent a letter or called to check up on him?″

''No, that is why your mother is going to find him and let him know what is going on and what will happen to him.''

″Was Austin's dad also involved?″

''Yes, and I hate to say that he will need to be punished for his crimes. I don't know if killing him will do any good. Your father was the one who murdered my mother.''

″So, what do we do now?″

''I don't know, but we can't just sit here and be lazy. We never know when the king will show up and try to kill me and take you as his mate.'' disgust ran across her delicate face.

″I would kill myself before he got his dirty hands on me. I think the best way for us to be stronger is for us to mark each other so that way he can't mark and make me his slave. Who knows what would happen if he ever got his hands on me.″

''Are you sure you're okay with that? Once that happens, you could go into heat, and I don't think I can resist you.''

″Do you have a better idea?″

''No, not really, but I don't want to pressure you into something you don't want to do just yet.''

″I need to realize I can't just sit here and wait for my feelings to emerge for you. I need to break out of my shell. We do live longer than humans, but I can't make you wait forever. That's not fair to you. I was trained to never show my feelings since it could show that I was weak. Plus, we're kind of stuck together, forever.″ Damn right we are.

''Okay, but if things go too fast for you, please tell me. So, can I kiss you?''

She bites her lip once again, making me even harder, if that's even possible. She is such a temptress, and she knows what she is doing to me.

″Sure, my big bad wolf, but only if we can do it on the balcony under the full moon.″

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