Asking for help

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Why was it so hard to leave my children behind once again?

I know they can take care of themselves, but I'm worried about Alina's powers taking over her and her emotions. Dark magic is rare to be passed on by family since Alina never meets my father, so why did the dark magic choose her instead of me? We are both hot-headed werewolves, but I thought I was worse than her in that matter. She looks just what I looked like when I was her age, but with blond hair instead of her auburn locks. I wish I could remember who her father was so I could find him and figure out who he exactly is.

I'm surprised he never once thought she was not his daughter. I was sure his wolf would have realized something was off about her, but he never said anything. His wolf never really liked and then he hated me when I turned into a hybrid.

I knew motherhood was not meant for me once my children were born. I never had that motherly love when I saw their faces for the first time, only sadness. If I never went to that bar in the city, that one night Alina would have never been conceived. I did feel bad about lying to her about who her father was, but when I saw the love in Jeremy's eyes for her, I didn't have the heart to tell either of them the truth.

I hope one day Alina forgives me for all the pain I have caused her and Jake. Jake accepted my apology and understood that it would take his sister a lot longer to accept one from me. I am happy that the moon goddess picked a great man as her mate, and I hope he has enough patience to deal with her attitude and mood swings.

I never found my mate and once I met Jeremy, I gave up looking for him. Jeremy chose me to be his second chance mate days after we met. I knew I could never live up to the previous beta mate, but I was willing to try my hardest to make sure everyone could trust and accept me as the new beta female, which they did.

Years went by and everything went great until one night I overheard a conversation between my mate and some of the pack warriors on what they did many years ago to a witch coven nearby. I was so disgusted by what I heard what some of them did those poor children and mothers.

I could not believe I married and had kids with this monster, and I was the who took care of these other monsters. I knew my children would by safe here because I saw the love and affection; he gave his own kids, so I knew he could never harm them, but I could not stay here and share the same bed with that man and if I did, he would know I overheard something I shouldn't of. I would be so bad at hiding my disgust if he would try to kiss me or hug me. I knew I needed to find a way to escape and become a vampire, since I knew he hated them.

I lost almost everything once I became the beta female and a mother to my children. My mother and father shunned me from the coven after I went to visit them when I was a vampire, and they told me that being a vampire was from using black magic and they didn't want me near the coven. I haven't seen them since that day and I am sure they have passed by now, but I have to go back and see if my brother, the coven leader, will help me with Alina's powers before they get out of hand for her. I'm sure Eugene would help her in any way, but he doesn't know how to deal with this kind of black magic that runs in my family's blood.

I haven't seen my brother in over 20 years, and I am hoping he will help me with Alina abilities and not shut me out because this has nothing to do with me. I want the best outcome for my daughter when it comes to this.

The coven is near the old kingdom, which is near the Louisiana border where the king lives. I despise that man which so much passion. How can you make orders to kill innocent children and people because you felt treated by a mere child?

I have finally arrived after a few days of driving, and I wonder how Alina and him are getting along. Hopefully, she caved in by now and was letting him sleep on the same bed as her, or at least in the same room. The only reason I helped that boy was because I felt pity for what my ex-mate did to his coven and for him also being my daughter's mate. Once I became a vampire, I was not the same naive girl I once was. The reason I act like a bitch is because I cannot let my guard down again to anyone but my own children. I will never fall in love again or trust another man with my life, but for one expectation, and that is Eugene.

Well, since I was shunned out, I can't just walk right through the gates of the estate. I will have to cross over the property line to alert someone. I hope he will hear me out, since it's about helping Alina, his niece.

I park my car about 1/2 mile from the coven and walk the rest of the way in this muddy and humid environment and I don't understand why anybody would live down here. I don't know what is worse, the damn bugs or the animals that live in the swamplands. I need to remind myself I am doing this for my daughter and hopefully; I don't come out empty-handed.

This place hasn't changed one bit, and they are still using a spell to hide the coven, making it look like you would still be in the swamplands. Since I am a vampire, that spell won't work on me, but I will still alert one of them when crossing the property line. I really hope it's somebody I know and not some asshole who will kick me out, so here goes nothing.

So far, nobody has come to see who came through, which is surprising since father used to kick out anyone who did not have an invitation from the coven or a family member. My brother must have changed some rules, which means dad has died. The power in our family line sucks the life out of us if we use too much of our magic but Alina is a hybrid which makes it more difficult to deal with plus that black magic running through her veins will make it very hard to control once it feels an ounce of anger coming from her.

I have no idea how it has been dormant for so long, but I can feel the seal slowly fading away, which means she does not have much time before that seal breaks. I don't understand why she ended up with because only the men in the family ended up with the dark magic and it somehow skipped my brother and my other brother Jacob ended up with fire magic instead.

I heard a twig break behind me, making me jump onto a tree branch with my back to whatever was below me. I look down and see a black cat with a purple star on its forehead and its paws are also a bright purple. I don't ever recall seeing a familiar with those markings, which means some child is hiding nearby and I really don't like interacting with small children. Jumping back down, knowing there is no threat nearby, but I have this odd feeling about this cat. I hesitate to turn around because I don't smell that stinky furry thing.

″The world must be ending if you are showing your face here for the first time in 20 years.″

″I don't recall you having a spicy cat with those markings, Shay and the world might be if I don't get our brothers help with something.″

″For the love of God, Claire, what on earth have you done now?″

″For once, nothing. Your niece needs help and fast and I came here to see our brother. So, will you grant me access this one time and have you guys hear me out?″

″I am not our parents Claire, and we hated that dad shunned you from ever coming to visit and you are lucky dad has passed away. I felt a shift in the air recently, but I really could not figure out what it was since it didn't last too long.″ That is not a good sign.

″Let's go, since it will be a long night after the story, I tell you guys.″

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