Chapter 18

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After she calmed down, she knew she was going to lose this argument, so she slept in the same bed with me but made sure to have a pillow in between us, like a pillow would help anything. Once her head hit the pillow, she was out for the night, besides the few times she talked in her sleep. I wonder if she knew she smacked people in her sleep as well, especially near the groin area. Maybe she is dreaming of ways she wants to hurt me or someone else who has ruined her life for a while. I don't blame her for being angry at the way her life has been lately.

I get up out of bed quietly so that I don't wake up the sleepy beauty next to me and get smacked for no reason. I have never been a good sleeper since that day, always trying my best to find a way to take my revenge. Now that half of my plan is done, I can take some time off and rest until the next part, which is killing the king of werewolves, but it will be a while before I try that.

I walk downstairs to find Claire drinking and talking to Lynn about gods knows what. I really hope she leaves soon and takes her sweet ass time coming back here. I cannot deal with two hardheaded women at the same time. I need to focus on my mate and my pack.

″Good morning, Eugene. Sleep well?″

″Good morning, Lynn, and for once, I did.″

Lynn chuckled before turning around and refilling her coffee mug.

″Glad to hear that. I bet she didn't want to sleep in the same bed as you?″

″How you guess that?″

″I saw the way she acted yesterday when she came home, daughter like mother.″

Claire has been listening but has not said one word since I came in here. She must be too preoccupied with her own thoughts to care about what we are talking about.

″Don't get me started on that. I have a long day ahead of me and trying to get stuff done so I can let Alina say goodbye.″

″I wonder how that is affecting her. A lot for one person to handle in such a short time.″

″She is good at hiding her emotions. She was raised that way to become the beta, even though she never wanted it. Her father pushed too much on her. That's what I saw from the sidelines.″

″I doubt being Luna was on her list, either.″

″No, and I don't know how she will react to that one either, since she wants to be the head warrior of our pack. I don't have any objections to that.″

″Give her time. She will come around sooner than later.″

″I need to eat breakfast and make sure no issues last nights during night shift. That bastard will know I am alive soon.″

″I am leaving tomorrow morning, so anything I need to do before I leave?″

″No, you have done enough for me. Take a break Lynn, see you soon.″

″Take care, my friend, and don't give her a hard time now.″

I walked to the fridge and pull out the pre-made breakfast sandwiches I made up yesterday. The pack makes their own breakfast since they always relied on them self. I am sure Alina pack had omegas make the meals, but I don't want that in my pack. They should not feel like slaves here.

I took my breakfast with me on the way to check on the borders and my new pack members. I really enjoy this view from the pack house. It is calm and beautiful. Pack members are already getting to work on those small homes for the new pack members that I brought with me. I bet in no time they will be done in 2 weeks, seems everyone has gone back to their normal duties here.

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