Hello dear brother.

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I knock on the door and my brother's wife opens the door and I can tell she wasn't expecting us. She has long brown hair in French braids, with some purple flowers clipped in between the braids. Bright green eyes and ivory skin. How is she so white living in the swampland of Texas?

''Um, hi I'm Claire, Jacob's sister.''

Her eyes go wide, and she looks over at shay to confirm that I am telling the truth. She looks back at me and has a wide smile on her face. She steps down and tries to hug me, but I step back a few steps, which causes her to stop dead in her tracks. I don't like strange people touching me.

"Sorry. I was overly excited to meet my other sister-in-law. I see you don't like physical contact and I will tell the girls and remember for next time you come.''

''Thank you, a handshake will do just fine. Can I come in and see him, please?''

''Oh my God, yes where are my manner's, please come in. Jacob is in his study getting ready for a coven meeting tomorrow afternoon.''

We walk in one by one, and she asked us to take our shoes off near the front door and put them on the shoe rack. Well, this going to feel odd for me since I don't take my shoes off unless I go take a nap or shower. I don't take naps every often anyway, since vampires don't need sleep, but sometimes I get bored and just fall asleep for like 30 minutes.

Seems like Jacob has added on to this house and nothing is the same when I left 20 years ago. I wonder why Jacob changed everything. Did he have an awful childhood like me? I really never paid too much attention towards him, since dad always had him studying or doing any physical labor the coven needed done.

I see some painting of us as children. Jacob had an elder paint those when shay was born. Mother loved how they turned out, but we all look so different from each other. I wonder if I was an affair baby since everyone else had brown or ginger hair. By convincing a hairdresser, I was able to transition from dirty blonde to almost ash blonde for free. I am lacking the funds to do or buy anything. Using my compulsion to get what I need. I know it's wrong, but I have to make a living somehow.

I walk down the hall near dad's old office, which is now a library/study. My body is moving on its own accord, meaning it knows where Jacob is. It's odd knowing my body knows where to go. I miss my siblings and I hated that mother and that asshole banished me and I have lost time and memories with them. I am sure mom did it to make dad happy. She never had a backbone and look where she was now, alone and widowed.

I had no choice but to leave him. I wanted my children to be safe because I did not know what would happen to me if he knew I knew about what he and the alpha did. What would have happened to my children if someone had murdered me for knowing too much? What would happen to Alina if he knew the truth about my affair and that she was not his child? The way his wolf reacted told me everything I needed to know how he felt about her.

I have arrived at the door, and I am trying to decide what I am going to say to him. What do you say to someone you haven't seen in 20 years? Swaying back and forth on my feet while chewing on my nails. I have never been this nervous in my entire life. I knock on the door, and he says, '' Claire, you can come in. No need to be nervous about seeing your brother.''

He knew it was me the entire time and made me stand out here like this. Typical of Jacob to be a clown, I see he hasn't changed in 20 years.

Opening the door, and sees him smiling ear to ear with his ginger hair slicked back and almost to his shoulders. I am surprised to see not one wrinkle or eye bags on this man. I wonder what magic his wife does, because I know for a fact that Jacob doesn't use his black magic. He despised black magic after what it did to grandpa. Grandpa burned from the inside out using that magic, giving nothing in return.

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