Chapter Two: Welcome to school newbie

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Riah's pov

My phone went off on 5:45 in the morning. Mainly I would wake up to take a shower and get dress for school. And so I did causing TJ to get up and say, "Man, I'll get you for this."

Laughing, I said," Come on, TJ, I love you." I got out of the bathroom and head to our bedroom while TJ, sticking her touch out playfully, got the bathroom. I got on a fresh pair of bra and underwear, a Black Butler t-shirt, a pair of blue jeans pants, and my white vans shoes. Meanwhile TJ appeared in her tie dye t-shirt, some boot cut jean, and some white flats. Meanwhile, my parents, who woke up before us, made us some pancakes on the table with syrup on them.

After eating~

At around 7:15, I got my supplies and my backpack and followed my parents and TJ to my dad's Chevrolet. I saw our house and wave it.

'Hello new school,' I thought holding my stomach. I'm not afraid of the teachers, I'm afraid of people would do once they see a chubby girl.

"Hey, you got your big sissy TJ with you, I'll beat them up," TJ said hugging me.

"Yeah," I replied.

At school~

When we got to the school, it was pretty big with a "Welcome back Deloris High Go Jackets" sign. I saw many students talking while others sitting down on the benches on their phone. Me and TJ got out of my dad's car.

"You ladies have a great day at school," my dad said with my mom blowing kisses.

Bye mom, bye dad," me and TJ said waving our hands.

'So long,' I thought.

TJ looked at me and said, "Let's get our schedule." I nodded and said, "Lead the way, Captain TJ."

~At the principle's office.

"Excuse us, Principle Newman, can we get our schedule?" TJ asked.

"Of course," Principle said handing out our schedule.

"Hey, I have cheer class," TJ said. TJ was a cheerleader alright. I remember how she cheers her heart out one basketball game back in Middleton High.

'Guess I got theater for six period and man do I like it,' I thought remembering being in a play.

" Thank you, sir," I said with a cheerful.

"No problem, ladies," Principal Newman said.

We left Principal Newman's office and looked at our schedule. Here is my schedule in order:
Math Models(I had that class)
Lunch(free period)

'Best schedule so far,' I thought as me and TJ walked outside and saw a brunette haired girl approached me with a bubbly personality along with a guy with long blonde hair.

"You're the new neighbors that my parent has been talking!" The girl said so fast me and TJ couldn't understand. We got so puzzled that we both said, "What?"

"Britney, baby, calm down," the guy said the girl name Britney. Now that I recalled that, our neighbors, the Parkers, have a daughter named Britney.

"Oh, our neighbors have a daughter," TJ said to me.

" And it's me, cheer captain, Britney Jeanette Parker, and I like you shirt," Britney said to me.

"Aww thanks, I'm Riah and this is Tracy Jean, or TJ, for short," I said to her.

"I'm also in cheer," TJ said.

"And I'm her boyfriend, or bun-bun, Daniel Hastings, I play football," the guy name Daniel introduced himself.

"You guys are cool, let's be friends!" Britney said and we all couldn't help but to agree and hugs

"Hey, Britney, who you being friend with?" A blonde guy, who looked more of a jock, asked butting in.

"Ugh, Noah, it's the Nixon sisters, they moved and their new," Britney said with irritation.

"So the newbies are a cheerleader and her fat sister?" The guy name Noah asked her. I got unease, but Daniel hold me and Britney back.

"What did you said, punk?" TJ, with a PO face, asked approaching him looking like she was getting ready to fight.

"Back off, or I'll hit you!" Noah said to TJ.

"Shut up, you're arrogance will get you hit, Mr. Star Quarterback!" Daniel snapped.

Noah backed away and approached to me. He had a smirk on his face. "Welcome to school, newbie! Have a nice day, loser." He walked away, but TJ grabbed him by the shirt.

"Get out of my sister face, or you'll have a date with my fist," TJ whispered. she got back to me, Britney, and Daniel.

"Ok?" TJ asked me with concern.

" I'm ok," I said, "I'm ok." But I was lying.

I headed to my first class, which was Chemistry, followed by Britney, who had the same class as I do.

Noah's pov

'Boo hoo hoo! Guess the fat newbie leaved with Parker and Hastings,' I thought.

I'm like the bully of this school. I run this place. That new cheerleader and her loser fat sister are new?! Really, they'll never fit in, especially the one with the curves.

A/N: Uh oh! Looks likes Riah has a bully on her tail what will happen next!

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