Chapter 13: Getting out

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Riah's pov

Today was the day that I was getting discharged from the hospital. Dr. Endez gave me my medicine including some supplements for my depression. Because of the bullying of me be curvy and my weight not being perfect like the popular girls have, I was forced to stay at home from school until I can get my feet back up thanks to my parents and the school. My dad said that he'll take some days off to be with me while my mom will start working enough so she can provide for the family. TJ will be going to school and turn all my work in to my teachers for me. I can't believe this, everyone seems to be sacrificing their time for me. I guess their some people who care about me. Notice that "some" people, not even my bullies might care. Noah, however, will never change even if he apologizes to me yesterday.

"Make sure you take your medicine, Miss Nixon," Dr. Endez reminded me, "and don't starve yourself."

"Yes, ma'am," I replied as she pushed me to my wheelchair and to my dad's Chevrolet.

"Call me if theirs any problems, " Dr. Endez told my parents.

"Ok, will keep an eye on her," my dad replied getting in the car.

Dr. Endez waved goodbye to us as we drove off.

~Time Skip to home brought to you by Foamy the Squirrel and bagels


I was at home with my dad. TJ was at school since she had go to cheer practice and turn in all my work I did and my mom got a job at a restaurant as a waitress to provide some money since dad agree on taking time off at work for  "Father and Daughter" time. Usually we'll watch tv shows, go out for a walk, or go shopping for clothes and stuff. Today was different, we didn't go shopping, but we did watched reruns of Steven Universe. Right now, he's fixing me some chicken soup and pouring me some water to drink while I'm lying on the couch wearing my outfit that TJ ordered for my birthday last year.(outfit pic is above)

"Thanks, dad," I smiled tasting my soup," it's delicious."

"No problem, kiddo," he said patting my head and sat next to me.

"I guess... " I took a deep breath on my words,"you actually care." I finished up my food.

My dad grabbed my hand and smiled weakly. "Of course we do, you're part of our family."

Maybe my bullies were wrong. Whenever they say that I don't deserve to live, I always think about my friends and family. Britney, TJ, KJ, and others who care about me. They always bring me out of the darkness and into the light. They really do care, and allow I did was listen to my bullies.

I'm getting out of the darkness and reaching towards the light.

You hear me, Noah, I won't listen to your lies, you liar.

My dad's smile almost made me cry. He really does cares about me, and wants me to be safe. He then broke down in tears and hugged me. I hugged him back and wiped away his tears. His heart must've break when he learned about me being bullied by just by my looks.

"I don't get it," I heard his muttered during his sobs," I just don't get it. Why would they hate you, you're beautiful just the way you are, I don't get it."

"I don't know," I replied looking at him," I guess society can choose what they like and dislike." I began to hold his hand.

"But why you?" He sobbed," why you?"

"I don't know, dad," I said," I just don't know, but what's important is that I'm getting out of the darkness and reaching for the light."

My dad smiled at me with tears still coming down. "And nobody is going to stop you."

We continue watching more Steven Universe afterwards. I smiled knowing that I had some reasons live.

A/N: Another chapter done. If you're wondering about the character's name on the picture, that's Germaine Endez from Neurotically Yours/Foamy the Squirrel before reboot. I'm sorry about my tardiness due to the holidays, you know how they are. I decided my New Years resolution is write more stories, focus on education, and live my life. So Happy New Years to all, and from the words of JiM, may Foamy be with you.~ A

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