Chapter 5: What I learned from school

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A/N: Hey guys, sorry I was being slow. It's a long story. Please enjoy.

~At school
Riah's POV

TJ lefted with Britney for a cheer meeting. Since then, I was with Daniel and Daphne. We talked about what happen yesterday and what tv show we like.

"Daniel, Daphne, there was a hate page about me, I don't know why," I said to them nervously. I looked at Daniel with angered on his face.

"Daniel, are you ok?" Daphne asked him.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Daphne," he replied going back to his neutral face.

I could've sworn that he was angry and thought Noah and the cheerleaders, with the exception of Britney and TJ, would be behind the hate page. He must've saw the hate page and Noah joining in the bullying. Him, Britney, TJ, and Daphne had a grunge on him.

"It's just..." Daniel tried to explained, "has Noah ever try to take thing too far with the bullying?"

"No, he hasn't,"I lied just to shake it off.

"If he takes it too far, you got us," Daphne said, "I'm hoping he doesn't tell you to kill yourself."

I knew Daphne, Daniel, Britney, TJ, and my parents would be there for me. I wish this bullying would go away, and I could have a good school life.

But it didn't...

I saw Noah, who approached us, smirking. Daniel flashed a glare at him while Daphne grabbing my arm. This is my bully, my nightmare, the one who made my life a living hell. He had a smirk on his face.

"Hey, fatso, why don't you go somewhere else," he said," oh wait... you don't even belong here, you waste of space!"

"Noah, you gone too far," Daniel said," she's been through hell because of you!"

Maybe he was right. Maybe I am a waste of space.

"Shut up, Hastings, she's just a freak who deserves to die!" Noah told him.

Daniel grabbed Noah by the wrist. " You say that one more time and I'll take you out of football team," he whispered.

I wanted to thank Daniel. He was defending me from Noah. I remembered him, TJ, and Britney defending me when we first met. They believed in me and would never judged me. They were the only popular kids who liked my style, heck, Britney and Daniel like anime and manga. Then came Daphne, who was also Britney's friend, who had the same thing in common. They were like my siblings, but not by blood, but by friendship.

However, Noah's words haunt me

I got my personal journal/diary from my purse and wrote:

"What I learned from school:
1. I was a fat
2. I was a wasted of space
3. Noah James Smith says that I should die
4. Daniel Hastings, Tracy Jean Nixon, Daphne Strauss, Britney Parker, my parents, and my teachers are supports.

I put my journal back inside my purse. I knew this day would probably be bad or worse. I walked with my group of friends inside the school.

Noah's pov

I saw Riah and her friends walking away from. My wrist still hurt from Daniel's grip earlier. I just found out how beautiful Riah was especially her picture on Acebook of her cosplaying as Kitana in her Mortal Kombat X costume. She had a such a beautiful face. I was only bullying her because I listened to what society said. I guess I took things too far.

That was me inside... but in the outside, I didn't care. She deserved to die.

'Riah, you make me feel this way,' I thought, ' it's your fault for making me feel this way, but I like it. I love you, Riah, I want you to myself.'

Riah's pov

~2nd period Math Models

The classroom had group of three desks. The teacher, Ms. Preston, was a nice, yet stern, teacher. Her desk was at the back left corner.

I had Daniel for this period, so I sat with him and one of his friends name Kyle Sanchez. Kyle didn't mind that I was here, often me and him would talk.

"Riah, I see that you've made friend since your first day," Mrs. Preston came by to our group and said.

"Mrs. Preston, that pig doesn't deserve friend, she deserved garbage," Noah, who was sitting with two other boys,said.

"Noah, I will have you in the principal's office in a snap!" Mrs. Preston scold at him.

"Yeah, Smith you gone too far," one of the boys said. Noah let out an irritated sigh as Mrs. Preston started class.

I got out my journal again.

What I learned from school:
5. I don't deserve friends
6. I deserve garbage


I got a baked potato with ham and cheese. My drink was strawberry milk with tater tots and ketchup. I saw with my friends and TJ. I began eating my baked potato until Noah and the mean cheerleaders said something.

"The fat ugly cow who ruins our school sits with a football player and two cheerleaders?" Laura said.

"What a loser, I hope she dies!" Noah busted out.

"Too bad she can't hang herself, she's too fat!" A cheerleader name Priscilla Walters.

"Fat! Fat! Fat!" The group chanted.

"You guys quit this bullying right this instant now!" A teacher said as they shut up.

I throw my food away. I was full anyway, but I didn't care no more. I sat outside and cried.

What I learned from school today:

7. I ruin everyones' lives
8. I'm too fat
9. Nobody loves me!

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