Chapter 11: Why me

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Riah's pov

The next few days I had received get well cards from Britney and the rest of my friends. A gift bag with a Italy plush doll and some blue bath bombs from the theater class. I can tell that the plush doll was from Daphne since I found out her Acebook username was @/the_hetalia_kid and she watches Hetalia. I never gotten to watch that show.

I guess everyone really cares about me. But I had one question in my mind while doing my work that I had to do for school.

Why me, Noah, why me?

That question always rings into my mind. Everyday. But I don't care, I don't want to forgive after what happened. I don't like him. I hate him.

Why me?

I heard a knock on the door. Well, that interrupted my thoughts, but I let the two people in. It was a mother, middle aged, and blond hair. She was wearing a peach dress with pink flowers, similar to what Germaine, from Neurotically Yours, was wearing along with white boots.

Another person was a man. About the same age as the woman, with dark brown hair. He had on a batman T-shirt with blue jeans while wearing black sneakers.

"Are you Riah Nixon?" She asked me.

"Yeah," I replied, " what's up."

The woman sat down on a chair next to me. She had a gift bag saying "To Kyle Clarkson." Wait... could that be from Kyle. Does she know Kyle? The man put him hands on her shoulder.

"This is from my stepson," she said giving it to me, "he told me that you were hospitalized here."

"Wait, you're Noah's mom?" I asked feeling astonished for a moment.

"Yep, and Kyle's step mother," the lady replied," this is his dad."

"Hey, kid, my name is Joseph, this is my wife Margaret," he said as we shook our hands.

"Please to meet you both," I said.

They seem kind, very kind. I don't know why they have a hard time with Noah. They cared about me just like Kyle did.

I opened the gift bag and found a package of Twizzlers, a drawing of me smiling saying, "Stay strong and keep smiling", a package with the Lapis Lazuli cosplay clothes, and a Kingdom Hearts necklace in a small box.

" Tell him I said thank you, " I told him.

"You must've been having a hard time with Noah picking on you," Margaret told me, "Kyle had been telling us that."

"Noah is always popular and thinks he's better than everyone in your school," Joseph said," seems popularity got the best of him."

I sighed. So they have a hard time with Noah.

"But the question is, Riah?" Margaret asked me," why you?"

Yeah, why me?

"It's hard to believe someone like you would be his target," Joseph said.

"I tried telling Noah that that's not the way you treat, but..." she had tears coming down in her eyes," he... wouldn't shut up."

I really feel bad for them both. Having a stubborn boy must've been hard for them to raise. Kyle was the one who's always been there for me while Noah torments me.

Outside the room. Noah's pov

Riah, I only did it to make you notice me and that I like you. But it was that stupid popularity that made me who I am. Why won't you listen to me? That right, she'll think I'm a fool and a imbecile.

I leaned against the wall and sighed. Right now, I deleted everything on my Acebook account and blocked everyone who targeted Riah. Britney, Daniel, the rest of football team, Riah, TJ, and Riah's friends blocked me now.

I'm the most hated person in society. I deserve every ounce of hate.

The messages I received were liked:

'You're such a a**hole, you should apologize. '

'Rude freak, I hope you learned your lesson. '

Yeah, I deserve it. Maybe popularity changed me for the worse.

I'm such an heartless freak. I'd really messed up.

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