Chapter 8: It's your fault

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Nadia pov

"911 operator, what is your emergency?" I heard the dispatcher lady speaking.

"Yes, my daughter has overdosed on sleeping pills," I replied sobbing," please send help, she attempted suicide."

I told her my address and they said they'll bring help. I hung up my phone and sat next to TJ. I grabbed some tissue for her while my husband waited for the ambulance to arrive. If Riah was being bullied to the point that see wanted to die, she could've told me, and maybe we could've talked to the teachers. I should've realized it sooner, she would never lied about anything to us. Not even her family nor friends. This isn't like her, she would never do this.

I heard the sound of the sirens outside. Thank goodness the ambulance are here, I hold Riah's hand and hoped she won't die on me. Why would people treat her like this? What did she do to those kids that made her hate herself? She's just like you, a kind hearted kid who harmless to others.

The doctors can in with the stretcher and took her to the ambulance car. TJ and I got inside, while Raymond got in his car and follow us. Luckily, I got Riah's phone from her pants pocket. When I pressed the power button, I saw something that'll make a parent feel sick to their stomachs.

Im_so_pretty181: Kill yourself already, or I'll kill you.

Endinan_goddess_is_ugly: If she's dead, let's laugh at her grave.

I got to the comments and told them this.

Endinan_goddess: This is her mom, and I blame all of you for putting my daughter through a living hell. This is all your fault and you know. She is right now in the hospital and you should all apologize to her or you'll be sorry.

I started to cry all the way to hospital. It was too much pain.

The next day at school

Britney pov

Everything went quiet after last night. For breakfast, I ate cereal and didn't bother talking. In fact, Daniel and didn't feel like talking to other people, but our friends, heck not even the cheerleaders. TJ was absent today and so was Riah. As I got to my first period class, the announcement intercom was sound and it was Principal Newman.

He said:

"I have bad news. Our new student Riah Lee Nixon is now hospitalized due to an attempted suicide caused by bullying. We will have a class meeting for all the classes to be here. Other than that, if anyone is willing to come forward about Riah's bullies and their names, please do so. We will suspend the bullies for three week or ISS for 10 days.

Thank you."

I had to do something for Riah. This is my only chance to stop Noah and the cheerleaders, except for TJ. For now, I saw Laura getting nervous all of a sudden. Why that, she didn't want to get kicked off the cheer squad. Beside, the cheerleaders here are skinny and Noah is a popular jock who's rude to her. As a cheerleader who's been seeing her friend getting bullied, I hated it.

I have to tell the truth to Principal Newman or they'll get away with bullying. For Riah and her family. She was in the hospital according to Daphne's mom, who's a nurse. Things got lonely without Riah. Throughout lunch, our table didn't speak, just a little.

"Hey, Britney, where's your fat friend and her sister?" Noah approached us.

"She's in the hospital," I replied and went back to eating.

"Why?" He asked with an oh-so caring face. Like he cared.

I got out my phone and got on Acebook. I gave him my phone and showed him the hate comments on Riah's page. He looked at them shaking nervously. I knew he was gonna be in big trouble.

"B-But why?" He asked again looking at him.

"Your bullying caused her to almost die," I said.

"I was just joking around," he replied, "I never thought she'll do this to herself."

"Maybe you should learn to speak before you say something, a-hole," I said snatching my phone out of his hand. Me, Daniel, and Daphne threw my tray away. I didn't bother talking for the rest of the day.

'He's a no good punk,' I thought heading to heading to the principal office. I knocked on the door.

"Come in," Newman said as I opened the door.

"Mr. Newman, can I talk to you?" I asked him.

"Alright what's up," he said.

I explained everything what happened to Riah.

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