chapter 3

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Bangpink's pov~~
We came to school and as usual we came out of the car the screaming started.

Girl1: Taehyung oppa be mine
Girl 2: jimin oppa fuck me
Girl 3: yoongi oppa be my boyfriend

Boy1: Lisa be mine
Boy 4: rose be my girlfriend

As soon we(BTS) heard that we gave the boys glare cause why not we are protective over our sisters. We were ignoring them and  walking towards our classes when we heard some students saying

Boy 1: i heard there are new students transferring in the school and university.
Girl 2:i hope they are boys.
Boy 5: so that you can cling onto them.
Boy7: leave let's see.

New students, we didn't knew that their are new students coming. We are the 30% owners we should know. We ignored it and were walking towards our classes when we heard horns.

We turned around and saw three persons in bike and two cars. The person remove the helmets and it revealed three boys. That means more fanboy ( for blackpink). Then the two car door opened and it revealed one boy and a girl. Aish one more fangirl ( for BTS).

As soon as the person removed their helmets the girls started screaming like crazy.
Girl 5: oppa you are so handsome.
Girl 7: oppa be mine.

These fangirls have nothing to do only scream their name. Then the car door opened and it revealed one boy and a girl and the girls stopped screaming. Now it was boys who started screaming
Boy3: oh my god she is so hot and sexy.
Boy8: i know now she will be my girlfriend soon.
When he said that the new boys gave him a death glare, their glare is so dangerous even it scared us for a minute. We were thinking them of a slut/playboy but they ignored us and went inside.
We also went inside to attend our classes/university.

[Note: so jin, jisoo, yoongi, Jennie, jhope and Namjoon are in University while jimin , rose , Taehyung , Jungkook and Lisa are in school. ].

Jimin's pov~~
Me, Taehyung and my other siblings were walking towards our classes , when i felt an urge to use the washroom so i told Taehyung to go first i will come after.
After i was coming back to the class when that bitch seulgi (a/n: no hate to any idol).  came to me and started clinging onto me.
Seulgi: oppa why didn't you came to school for three days ?
Ahh this bitch is getting on my nerves.
Me: none of your business and stay away from me. Understood ?
I walked towards my classroom and that seulgi was following me. I looked back at her and gave her a death glare but i bumped into someone.
I looked up and saw it was the new girl from the morning. Then a boy went and helped her in getting up.
??: Y/n are you okay ?
Oh so her name is y/n. I can make her my new toy😏.
A/n: yaah who are you to decide ?
Me: aish this a/n came again*mumble*
A/n: did you said something ? *Giving him glare*
Me: Ani. So what are you doing here ? Why don't you go and continue the story.
A/n left to continue the story.
I ignored them and went to my siblings. I saw them standing near the class. I went to them and put my hand on Rose's shoulder. She flinched for a minute and when she saw me
Rose: yaah you scared me.
Me: sorry. Why are you all standing here ?
Tae: we were waiting for you.
Me: oh ok now let's go that bitchy teacher is gonna come soon.
Kook: Hyung why worry we are the owners of the school she will not say us anything.
Tae: she will not say anything but Hyungs and Noonas if they got to know then they will teach us a lesson. Come on let's go. We are already late.
With that we went to our class.

Y/n's pov~~
The teacher told me and kai oppa to introduce ourselves. We went in front and started to introduce ourselves. Just when i was about to start someone opened the door with a loud bang. One of them was the boy whom i bumped in the morning
Teacher: Kim jimin , Kim Taehyung , Kim Jungkook , Kim lisa and Kim Rose you guys are late. Detention after school.
The Kim siblings: we don't care.
With that they went to their seats.
Teacher: okay you may introduce yourself.
I nodded and started introducing myself
Me: hello my name is lee y/n. Stay away from me if you don't want to end up in hospital. ( Cold tone).
Kai oppa: hello i am Lee Kai. Same as y/n. And stay away from my sister. ( Cold tone).
Teacher: okay anyone wants to ask anything ?
A boy raised a hand.
Boy4: y/n are you single ?
I could see Kai oppa giving the boy death glare. But i calmed him down and said
Me: i am. But don't try otherwise you will end up in hospital.
The boy shut his mouth.
Girl 2: y/n do you use makeup ? Your skin is so good.
Me: i don't use.
And with that i went to my seat beside kai oppa. The teacher started teaching.
Teacher: okay everyone open your books on page34 and read it.
During the class i can feel some stares at m, turning around to see who it is it was the so called Kim siblings and some girls with full make up. I raised my middle finger at them and concentrated on my class.

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