chapter 19

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*timeskip to 1month later*
(Sorry for too many skips like this )

Taehyun's pov~~
Today yn is coming back and we are also going back to lee mansion. Finally!! Thank you God.
Me: mom are you ready ?
Mom: yes Hyun i am here.
I took her luggage and kept it in the car with others bags.
Me: mom you come with Soo Hyun Hyung me and Yeonjun Hyung are going to the airport to pick up yn.
Mom: okay. Drive safe.
We nodded and then went to the airport.
Me: Hyung it's so good that we are going back to lee mansion. Isn't it ?
Yeonjun Hyung: yes it's good but honestly speaking i will miss the days we spent here with the Kim siblings.
Me: hmm me too Hyung. Do you think we have started to accept them ?
Yeonjun Hyung: we can say that. Let's see what happens in future.
I nodded and continued driving to the airport.

After like 50 minutes we reached the airport and went to where our private jet will land. Well we are the owners so, yeah. We were waiting when we saw our jet with 'THE LEE'S' on it. We saw our sister coming down and running to us and jumped in our arms.
Yn: gosh i missed you so much.
Me: we missed you too bubs. How are you ?
Yn: perfect and in front of you.
Yeonjun Hyung: that's great. Come let's go.
She nodded. We were going when i noticed her. She was thinking something too serious. I think Hyung also saw this.
Yeonjun Hyung: *whisper* we'll talk with her at home.
I nodded and started the car and drive off to lee mansion.

Y/n's pov ~~
When i entered the house i was met with a bone crushing hug and i knew who it was, my brothers. I chuckled and hugged them back.
Soobin oppa: i missed my bunny so much.
Me: me too oppa i missed you all so much.
Mom: looks like someone didn't missed me ?
Me: and that someone is me i Guess.
I giggled and went to mom and hugged her as well. After all the hugging session of ours i went to my room and got changed into some comfortable clothes and plopped on  my bed and off to my dreamland as i was too tired.

*In the evening*
??: Yniee wake up.
Me: let me sleep mom.
Mom: no baby it's already Evening. Come on get up and have something.
She removed my blanket and made me sit.
Me: okay i am up mom.
I got off the bed irritated and went to wash my face. After washing my face i went downstairs to the dinning room where everyone was.
Me: good evening everyone.
All: good evening.
I sat down beside Soo Hyun oppa and he served me the food. I thanked him and started to eat. After eating oppas asked me to come to the meeting room and i went there.

(Incase you forgot)

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(Incase you forgot)

Me: yes oppa ?
He took out a file making me shocked.
Soo Hyun oppa: when were you going to tell us about this ?
Me: ac-actually oppa i thought i can handle it but the matter has gone out of hands now. And we have to go to India to solve this matter.
Beomgyu oppa: but you could have told us about this na ?
Me: minahe oppa.
Soo Hyun oppa: it's okay. But now how will we go to India ?
Me: i have a plan for this. *Smirking*
Yeonjun oppa: and what is that plan of yours ?
Me: come with me.
I took all of my brothers with me to the living room where mom was sitting while reading a magazine.
Me: mom.
Mom: yes baby ?
Me: can you call Mr Kim tomorrow morning for breakfast ?
Mom: why ?
Me: i need to talk about something related to your wedding.
I looked at my brothers and they understood my plan. Soo Hyun oppa have me thumbs up.
Mom: oh okay i will call him tomorrow morning for breakfast.
Me: thank you mom. Love you.
I kissed her cheeks and ran to my room with my brothers following me.
Me: so how's the plan ?
Soobin oppa: the plan is awesome.
Beomgyu oppa: but one thing i don't understand.
Me: what ?
Taehyun oppa: that how does this little brain of yours get so many ideas.
Me: what do you expect from the mafia queen. *Proud*
Yeonjun oppa: it's not about being the mafia queen, it's just that there is a fast blood circulation in short people so there brain works faster. *teasing*
I gasped and hitted Yeonjun oppa slightly on his arms.
Me: i hate you all. *Angry pout*
Them: we love you too little sis.
They hugged me together making me choke.
Me: oppas i can't breathe. 
Yeonjun: see they even have less oxygen in them.
He said and ram out of the room making my angry pout grow more. After that all the oppas left the room and i also went to sleep.

Timeskip to morning
Yn's pov~~
I woke up and got ready. The Kim's are about to come.

After wearing my coat i went downstairs and saw my brothers there

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After wearing my coat i went downstairs and saw my brothers there.
Me: good morning oppas except Yeonjun oppa.
They frowned but wished me back.
Yeonjun oppa: why not me ?
I looked away from him and went to the kitchen to make myself a cup of mango milkshake.

After taking my shake i went to the living room and sat down beside soobin oppa

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After taking my shake i went to the living room and sat down beside soobin oppa.
Soobin oppa: why are you drinking this ? The weather is cold.
Me: chill oppa i am hot.
Just when i said that i received a snack from mom.
Me: maaaa *whined*
Mom: what ma ? He's right. You will catch a fever.
Me: no.
I drank it in one go and stuck my tongue out at soobin oppa.
Mom: if you caught a fever don't come to us then.
Me: ma i won't.
Yeonjun oppa: yah why are you angry at me. Tell me first.
Me: who was the one to tease me yesterday night ?
Yeonjun oppa: yah i was just joking and you took it seriously. Okay i am sorry. Come here.
He opened his arms for me and i teased him a bit by not going but went and hugged him. Just then we heard car honk. The Kim's are here.

Okay so what she wants to talk ? 🤔🤔

Stay tuned for next part ❤️❤️.

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