chapter 11

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Soobin's pov~~
We came inside living room to see bangpink sitting on the sofa and couches. We also went and sat down there but still we have to finish our homework first or Yeonjun Hyung will kill us today. I asked them as well

Me: ummm do you guys have homework to complete ? *Cold tone*

Jin: yes we have but we don't know about the maknaes.

Bangpink's maknaes: no Hyung/oppa we don't have.

Y/n: we have. We have four projects to finish in two weeks and we have to submit today's homework in two days.

I could see the maknaes in shock. Then the boy named Taehyung spoke

Taehyung: we-we-we have th-this much sch-school work ?

Y/n, Taehyun and kai nodded their heads.

Jimin: how come we don't know ?

Kai: you should pay attention instead of sleeping and using phones in class.

Jungkook: but we don't have our books.

Jin and Namjoon: who told ? We bought your books as well with us. Here.
They took the books.

Me: okay then first we can complete the work and then we will decide what to do.

Rose: but we can do it later as well ?

Me: it's upto you guys. But we have to complete it now only because Yeonjun Hyung told us to do so.

Lisa: are you that scared of him ?

Y/n: miss Kim you don't know him. He is the scariest when it comes to study.

Me: okay enough beomgyu, Taehyun, kai and y/n go get your stuff here. And you guys tell them what do you want for school and university work if you are studying now. And beomgyu bring mine as well till then i will go and get some snacks for all of us.

Then my maknaes went to get their study stuff and i went to kitchen to bring some snacks for them.

Soon i came with the snacks and they also came with the stuff.

Me: okay then everyone start doing your work and here y/n your chocolates and if you have any problems ask me.

Y/n , Taehyun, beomgyu and kai nodded their heads.

Me: what are you doing first ?

Y/n: oppa me, kai oppa and Taehyun oppa are first completing school work then project because school work is not so much. 

Me: okay start doing.
Then everyone started doing their homework and other school work.

Timeskip after completing all the work.
Author's pov~~
Kai : finally work is done.
He said streching his arm.

Y/n: yes. Now what ? There is still two hours till oppas and mom comes.

Soobin: wanna go to game room ?
He asked bangpink.

Bangpink: you have a game room here ?

Soobin, beomgyu, Taehyun, kai and   y/n: yup. Come.
Then they all went to the games room.

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