chapter 1

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Y/n's pov ~~
I was sleeping peacefully in my room untill my alarm clock started to ring. At first i switched it off but

After 5 minutes
It started ringing so i take the alarm clock and *SMASH* in the wall.

??: Y/n you broke another alarm clock in this month. Get up or i will come to wake you up myself.

I know who it is so i wokeup and said

Me: sorry i am up oppa.
With that i went to bathroom to get ready and went downstairs for breakfast.

In the dinning room
?? , ??: Good morning sissy.

I turned around and saw Soo Hyun oppa and Yeonjun oppa. I went and hugged them both


Me: good morning oppa.
Soo Hyun: how was your sleep last night ?
Me: good. Where are others ?
I said looking everywhere.
Jun oppa : they are still sleeping.
Me: wait i will go wake them up.

With that i went to Kai oppa's room first because he is easy to wake up.
I went into his room , went and backhugged Kai oppa first
Me: oppa wakey wakey
Kai oppa: yah y/niee let me sleep baby.
Me: no get up oppa it's already 8 am we have to go and pick mom from airport as well.
He woke in a speed of light. I chuckled at him.
Kai oppa: oh yeah mom is coming back today.
Me: yes now get up, go and get ready i have to wake up Taehyun oppa , beomgyu and soobin oppa as well.
Kai oppa: okay. ( He kissed my forehead and got up to get ready ).

I then went to Taehyun oppa's room and started shaking him.
Taehyun oppa: Bubs let me sleep (whinning like a baby )
I chuckled at him. And what i said next mad him wake up.
Me: oppa wake up mom is here.
He woke up so fast. I was laughing at him and he looked at me in confusion. I stopped and
Me: sorry oppa i just said to wake you up.
Taehyun oppa: aish you bubs.
Me: okay now get ready we have to go and pick up mom as well from airport.
He woke up and kissed my forehead. I kissed him on the cheek and went to beomgyu oppa's room.

Hmmm now comes beomgyu oppa. First i knocked on his door but i didn't got any reply so i went inside to see him peacefully sleeping like a baby. I clicked a photo of him and started waking him up. He still didn't budge so i laid beside him and shouted
He woke up so fast and took his gun from the table's drawer. I was laughing so hard and said
Me: so sorry oppa i was just trying to wake you up. Sorry
I cutely holded my ears with hands and pouted.
Beom oppa: it's okay but you know how worried i was when you said that we are attacked. Huh ?
Me: sorry oppa. Now get up and get ready we have to go and pick up mom from the airport and i am going to wake up soobin oppa.
He got up and kissed my forehead. Yah why everyone is kissing my forehead ?
Yah you a/n why are writing all this ?
A/n: just to tease you. Sorry*pout*.
Y/n: okay now continue the story so i can go and wake up soobin oppa.
A/n: aye aye captain.

Now i went to soobin oppa's room. I opened the door and saw him sleeping like a Bunny. I went and laid on top of him and started shaking him.
Me: oppa wakey wakey rise and shine.
He whined and hugged me, wrapping his arms around me. ( Keep your pervert minds away )
Me: oppa wake up we have to go to airport to pick up mom.
He opened his eyes.
Bin oppa: good morning bunny.
Me: good morning oppa.
I got up and sat on the bed. He kept his head on my lap and closed his eyes. I knew he slept again.
Me: oppa wake up and get ready. Everyone is waiting downstairs for breakfast.
Bin oppa: okay i will be back.
He got up and went to his bathroom and i went downstairs to see Kai oppa already there. I sat beside him and waited for everyone to come.

Author's pov~~
Soon everyone came. And started eating breakfast.
Yeonjun: Hyung at what time mom's flight will land ?
Soo Hyun : at 11 and it's currently 9 am. So after breakfast everyone go and get ready because it will take time to reach there as well.
All: okay oppa/Hyung.

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