chapter 5

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Y/n's pov~~
I came to my room took a shower and changed into my PJ's. I went downstairs and saw everyone in the living room. Taehyun oppa saw me and came to me.

Taehyun oppa: are you okay y/niee?
I nodded my head. I searched everywhere for mom but she was not there.

Me: where is mom ?

Soobin oppa: she is in the garden. What happened ?
Me: oppa do you all accept her relationship ?
I can see oppas were sad but still they nodded.
Beomgyu: listen y/n i know it's really hard for us to accept her relationship but did you saw how happy she is after getting into a relationship. After dad died a part of her was lost somewhere but now i think now we have found that missing part of hers. So i guess we have to accept it.
Soo Hyun: so how many of you have accepted her relationship?
All the boys:🤚
I also raised my hand.
Y/n: but i am not going to accept him as my dad.
All the boys: same for us.
Kai: now shall we tell mom ?
I nodded.
We all went to the garden and saw mom sitting on the bench.

            (Imagine it's night and her back is facing them)

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            (Imagine it's night and her back is facing them).

We went towards mom and i wrapped my arms around her shoulder. She flinched for a second but relieved when she saw my hands.

Author's pov~~
Mom: what happened y/niee?
Y/n: i am sorry mom.
Mom: what happened ?
Y/n: i am sorry for not caring about your feelings. All i cared about is myself , i am sorry.
Then she turned around and saw all of her children standing there. She sighed and called them all towards her. Then they all sat beside her and some on the grass.
Mom: now tell me why are you talking like this ?
Y/n: nothing mom i felt that i was wrong. That i am not a good daughter, a daughter who doesn't care about her mom's happiness , a mom who did so much for her.
Mom: no y/n you are not a good child but you are the best daughter and you all are the best sons i could ever ask for. Now stop crying and tell me what do you wanna say ?
Kai: mom how do you know that we have to say something ?
Mom: see soobin and beomgyu.
The rest turned to the brothers and saw them shaking their legs due to nervousness.
Mom: they are shaking legs that means they have to say something. I am your mother and i know everything about you all.
Soo Hyun: aa mom we have to say that we are accepting your relationship.
She was shocked.
Mom: wh-what?
Taehyun: yes mom we are accepting it.
Mom: really?
Then she hugged all her children.
Y/n: but we want to meet him first.
Mom: okay i will tell him and then we both will decide the time. Now everyone come and have some dinner and sleep you have school tomorrow.
All: yes mom.
Mom: i will just call him and come back.
Y/n: soobin oppa Taehyun oppa get to your work. I want all the information about mom's boyfriend till tomorrow morning.
The siblings gulped seeing this side of their sister.
Soobin and Taehyun: yes queen.
Y/n: aish i told you not to call me queen me here.

Maya's pov~~
I am so happy that my children have accepted my relationship. Right now I am calling min ho to tell him about the good news.
On the phone
Min ho: hello honey.
Me: hello to you too.
Minho: what happened you sound so happy?
Me: i have something great to tell you.
Minho: what is it ?
Me: it's a yes.
Minho: for what?
Me: aish for our relationship. My children have agreed.
Minho: really. This is such a good news.
Me: yes it is. What about you ? Did you told your children?
Minho: no i am going to tell them right now. They are here I'll call you later.
*Phone call ended*

Bangpink's pov~~
We all were in the play room playing room and having a siblings time.
Jungkook: guys don't you think dad is behaving different these days.
Jimin: yes even i have noticed.
We were talking when a maid came
Maid 1: young masters and young misses sir minho is calling you all downstairs.
All: okay we are coming.

We went downstairs and saw dad on phone

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We went downstairs and saw dad on phone. We waited for his phone call to end and arranged ourselves on the sofa. Soon his phone call ended. And dad's princess went and hugged him.
Dad: aigoo my princesses missed me.
Girls: yes dad we missed you.
Bts: dad your princes also missed you.
Dad: aigoo my jealous princes come here.
Then we shared a group hug.
Dad: come i want to talk to you all.
We sat on our places and dad spoke.
Dad: so i want to say that i have a girlfriend and i love her a lot and want to marry her.
We froze on our places.
Lisa, kook, tae and jimin: WHAT??
Dad: don't shout at me.
Jin: but dad how i mean why ?
Dad: what do you mean why ? Everyone needs a life partner and after your mom died i really wanted to have a life partner. I love her a lot and we want to marry each other.
Maknaes: sorry dad not accepting her.
With that the maknaes left.
(Now there are only jin, jisoo, yoongi Jennie jhope and Namjoon and ).
Jhope: dad are you sure about your desicion?
Dad: yes hobi.
Yoongi: okay then dad we are accepting this relationship of yours. But we want to meet her first.
Dad: sure. But maknaes?
Jisoo: don't worry dad we will make them understand.
Dad: thank you so much children. Thank you. My babies are all grown up.
Then we hugged dad and went to maknaes room cause whenever they are sad or angry with us they always Stay in one room.

In the room
Jin: why did you all came like that ? Do you know how much this affected dad ?
Kook: Hyung we are right.
Jisoo: no you are not kook. Just think about dad once. He did a lot for us. And what we are doing. Can't we just see him happy?
Jimin: we can noona. But why getting married?
Jhope: listen chim everyone needs a life partner who can understand them be with them. You will not understand now but when you will get into a relationship then you will understand. But atleast for now try to accept dad's happiness.
Namjoon: and moreover we are first going to meet them and then deciding Anything. Okay ?
Maknaes nodded.
Jin: yoongi-
Yoongi: done Hyung but the files will be uploaded till tomorrow afternoon that means after coming from school/ university we can see.
Jin: okay then ev-
He got cut off by a message. He checked it
Jin: it's dad he is saying we can meet her tomorrow.
All: okay.
Jin and Jisoo: okay everyone now go and sleep tomorrow we have college and school.
All except jin and jisoo: okay eomma.
Jin and jisoo: aish these kids.

Maya's pov~~
Finally! His children also agreed. And tomorrow we are going there to meet them. I messaged soo Hyun about this. And he is okay. He also told everyone.

Author's pov~~
Now all are having dinner made by ye ji and mom.
Yeonjun: woah Noona today's dinner is good.
Ye ji: thank you Yeonjun.
Mom: okay now everyone go and sleep tomorrow you all have school.
All: good night mom / eomma.
Then they all went and slept.

Hey everyone i myself don't know what i was writing during bangpink's pov. I am sorry if you didn't like it.

Stay tuned for next part ❤️❤️

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