chapter 43

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Author's pov~~
Yn was in her room when she felt her tooth paining. She went downstairs and didn't saw anyone.

Yn: where is everyone ? Aunty ju ?

Aunty ju: yes yn ?

Yn: where's mom and oppas ?

Aunty ju: Mrs Kim went out with Mr Kim. While your brothers are out to office. What happened ? Do you need something ?

Yn: actually I need cloves. My lower teeth is paining so much. That's why.

Aunty ju: is it some Indian remedy ?

Yn: yes. Mom told me once. Can you please ?

Aunty ju: sure.
She gave her the cloves and she kept them near her paining tooth. She was going upstairs to her rooms when she heard someone.

??: I don't care. I am doing everything to lure them to you but you guys are doing nothing. You all are useless. If mom got to know that she will rip you all.

Yn thought maybe they are talking to someone so she went to her room and sat their thinking what to do now.

Yeonjun's pov~~
We all came back home from office and plopped onto the couch.

Mom: my sons are back. Tired ?

Me: yes mom. Very much.

Beomgyu: i am happy in school rather than going to office.

Soo Hyun hyung: that's what we tell you guys. To study. But you guys don't listen to us.

Mom: okay enough. Where's your laadli ? *Darling*

Me: how will we know mom ? We just came back.

Mom: mhmm i also didn't saw her when I came back home.

??: aahhh mumma.
I looked at the stairs and saw yn coming downstairs while her right cheeks was swelled up.

Me: yn!
I went to her and saw slight tears coming from her eyes.

Soobin: what happened bubba ?

Yn: my right tooth is paining so much.

Mom: what did you ate?

Yn: I don't know. It suddenly started paining in the morning so I ate cloves but now when I woke up and saw this.

Taehyun: *laughing hard* sorry cherry but you are looking like a potato.

I tried to control my laugh while yn glared at him.

Mom: ayyy stop teasing my baby like that.

Mr Kim: what happened ?

Mom: nothing much. She just got toothache. I think her wisdom tooth will be removed now.

Yn: no no no. I won't be going to the dentist again. I am telling you mom.

Taehyun: you have to cherry. Or else it will pain more.

Mr Kim: yes yn dear. You have to go.

Yn: sorry for being rude but i didn't asked you.

She went upstairs while mom and hyung sighed.

Soo Hyun hyung: sorry on her behalf dad.

Yes! Soo Hyun hyung started calling him dad. We didn't wanted to but what we can do ?

Mr Kim: it's okay son.

We all went to our rooms to get changed.

Yn's pov~~
I was sitting in my room with dad's photo in my hands.

Me: I won't go to the dentist again dad. I always used to go with you but now I don't want to. Never. Let me bear this pain. And moreover the mafia queen is not so weak to bear this pain.

I sat on my bed trying to distract myself from the pain but nothing worked.

Me: ahhhh waeeeee why is it not going ? Do I really have to meet that bad dentist again ? No no. I won't.

I put the duet over my head and slept.

In someother place.
??'s pov~~
I was walking to my car and was asking the guards if everything is okay.

Me: did you kept everything safely in the basement ?

Guards: yes ma'am. We did.

Me: good and make sure you prepare it nicely till their arrival because they don't like to wait. Okay ? They are very famous and known people.

Guards: sure ma'am.
I nodded and they left from their. Suddenly I felt someone back hugging me and I knew who it was.

Me: you woke up ?

??: yes. I missed you so much. I am not going back on business trips again.

Me: me too. I missed you to.

He picked me up in bridal style and took me to our bedroom and we both got lost in ourselves.

Author's pov~~
Jin was in the garden with soo Hyun as he wanted to talk about something important and we all know what's that important talk.

Soo Hyun: yes jin. What you wanted to talk about ?

Jin: hyung do you really consider me as your younger brother ?

Soo Hyun: of course jin. Why are you asking me ?

Jin: hyung then why didn't you told me about you being mafia ?

Soo Hyun got shocked listening to jin. He was trying to find words to tell him but nothing came out.

Jin: now why are you silent ? I always considered you as my elder brother but today I am feeling like I did something-

Soo Hyun: no jin. It's not like that. I wanted to tell you but i didn't because I don't have any orders to tell this to anyone. Mom also doesn't know about anything. Please don't tell this to anyone.

Jin: I won't hyung but what if something happened to you something ?

Soo Hyun: nothing will happen to us. Don't worry. Let's go and sleep.

They were about to go when they saw yeonjun and taehyun standing there.

Soo Hyun: what are you guys doing here ?

Yeonjun: we heard everything. And now can you ask your dear brother that when he was going to tell you about him being the mafia king ?

Soo Hyun again for shocked and jin too. Jin thought that they have hidden the identities very well.

Soo Hyun: jin ?

Jin was having his head low thinking what to say.

Jin: sorry hyung. Just like-

Soo Hyun: don't. You are the mafia king. No one can order you.

Soo Hyun sighed and hugged jin. After that they all went in and slept not knowing someone is planning to destroy their family.

Stay tuned for next part ❤️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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