chapter 28

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Jin's pov~~
These gunshots ? I looked at my siblings and dad and nodded at them. We were about to go when I saw lee siblings, astro and got7 running out.

Everyone here was panicking and they are going somewhere. I can't let them go like this. I told my siblings that I will be back and quickly ran behind them.

When I came outside I heard their conversations which shocked me to the core.

Yn: got7 you take the back. Astro cover me from the front. Y-

I couldn't hear much as I dropped the vase which made a noise making me curse myself. I quickly hid myself behind a pillar. I heard their footsteps going outside and i went to my siblings.

Me: no need to go outside.

Lisa: what! But why oppa ? Innocent people are here. We can't-

Me: i just saw mafia queen and her team outside. Maybe she can handle them alone.

Jisoo: but jin-

Me: I am telling you!

I looked over at uncles and saw them talking by their eyes.

Mr Lee Joong ki: I'll be back from the washroom.

Mr Lee hyung sik: I'll also come hyung.
They both went outside and i knew where they went. We checked for a safe way to take out all the innocents and when we found one we took them all out.

Mom: but you guys ?

Jhope: mom, don't worry. We are just behind you. Relax. You go with aunts (lee sibling's aunts).

After we made sure everyone were out, we took out our guns and went to help them.

Yn's pov~~
We were knocking each and every guard out but they were getting more in number minute by minute.

Me: aishh! What did their boss feed them today ?

Jinjin oppa: stop talking and knock them out.

I was knocking them out when suddenly I heard a gunshot. I looked back and saw a guard on the ground and my allies standing there.

Rm: queen, as soon as we got the news, we came to help you.

I just nodded and after an hour of fighting we were finally done.

RJ: queen, we'll take your leave now.
They bowed to me and I just gestured them to leave.

After making sure there was none alive, we asked our guards to take care of the bodies and went to our mafia mansion.

Me: how the hell they entered when we had the best security ? TELL ME!

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Me: how the hell they entered when we had the best security ? TELL ME!

Wolf: the security was on the high level. We made sure every guard was alert.

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