chapter 12

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Y/n's pov~~
I am missing you dad. I am missing you so much. I remember how i used to ask mom when dad will come back from office.

Here little y/n is running in the house and her mom running behind her to make her sleep but she is a dad's princess so she was waiting for him to come back. Her other siblings have already slept except for her.
Mom: y/n come and sleep appa will come soon.
Little y/n: no mom i will sleep only when appa will come. Today he will read me a bedtime story.
Mom: okay but atleast change yourself into PJ's.
Little y/n: no mo- *doorbell rang*.
Little y/n: yayyyy appa is here.
She said while running towards the door. As soon as the door opened and her dad entered the house she jumped on him and he immediately catched his princess.
Dad: aigoo my princess Didn't sleep till yet ?
Mom: no your princess was waiting for you. She wants you to read her a bedtime story.
Dad: is that so my princess ?
Little y/n: yes appa.
Dad: okay then you change into your PJ's and appa will go and get changed then i will read you a bedtime story. Okay ?
Little y/n: okay appa.
Then she went and changed into PJ's and till then Jong suk also came fully changed. Then he read her a bedtime story and they both slept together.
Flashback ended.

Without my notice my tears started to come but I wiped it off before someone sees it but it was a little late kai oppa already saw it. He cam to me
Kai oppa: it's okay y/niee i know you are missing dad. But we cannot do anything now.
Me: i know oppa. That's why i am controlling myself not to break infront of mom.
Mom: okay kids go freshen up till i will go and ready the dinner.
All: okay mom / Mrs Lee.
Then everyone went and got freshen up. Bangpink and Mr Kim went in the guest rooms to freshen up.
Soon everyone came for dinner and sat down in the dinning room.
Today mom made very yummy food.

Author's pov~~
They all started to eat the food and everyone was complimenting Mrs Lee when suddenly
Mrs Lee: oh Soo Hyun will ye ji come home ?
Soo Hyun: no mom she won't, a patient is critical so she will stay there only.
Mrs Lee: her food ?
Soo Hyun: mom i already sended some food for her.
Mrs Lee: okay.
Y/n: aww oppa is caring so much for our ye ji unnie.
She said while wiggling her eyebrows.
Soo Hyun: leave it madam your turn wil also come when your husband will care for you.
Y/n: oh please oppa i still have so much time in getting married. First my all the oppas will get married then me. I have so many brothers who will get married first. Thank you God.
Mrs Lee: okay now leave and eat your food then we have to eat desert also.
Hearing the word desert soobin's eyes lit up.
Soobin: what we have for desert mom ?
He asked being all excited for desert. The Lee's chuckled seeing him all crazy for desert.
Mom: it's a surprise.
Everyone finished eating food and
Soobin: now it's time for desert. Mom please bring fast.
Mom: okay okay i am bringing. And after eating desert we want to talk to all of you in the living room.
Then she went and brought the desert.

*This is rasgulla

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*This is rasgulla. It is specially eaten during festivals. It is a Bengali sweet dish*.

Lee siblings's eyes almost popped out of the socket seeing their one of the favourite sweet dish.
Yeonjun: oh my holy eyes am i dreaming ?
He said rubbing his eyes.
Soo Hyun: yes it's like a dream only.
Mom: stop it and eat it fast.
Lee siblings: love you mom.
Mom: love you too kids.
Mrs Lee saw bangpink are in confusion.
Mom: umm what happened children ?
Jin: umm what is this ?
Soo Hyun: jin it's called rasgulla. It's an Indian sweet. Remember once i told you in Japan about that white spungy type ball soaked in Sugar syrup ?
Jin nodded.
Soo Hyun: it's this.
Bangpink's mouth formed a 'o'. Then everyone started eating
Kai: wait it tastes different.
Beomgyu: you also think ?
Yeonjun: it tastes like it's made by y/n.
Soobin: y/niee baby did you made it ?
Y/n: how you guys know ? I thought you guys won't be knowing.
Taehyun: y/n we know you very well.
Soo Hyun: and thank God uncles are not here if they would have been here then we won't get any.
They all laughed after his words except for kims ofcourse. They all finished eating and now sitting in the living room. and Mrs Lee were seeing eachother in nervousness.
Soobin: mom what do you want to talk about ?
Jin: yes dad what do you want to talk about ?
Then they both stood up and hold eachothers hands and
Both: we are getting married.

Y/n's pov~~
I was numb at the announcement. My body just froze. Without my notice tears started to bring in my eyes.
Me: why mom ?
Mom: y/n li-li-listen to me ba-bay.
Kai oppa: mom some days before you told us you are dating and now you want to marry him ?
What mom said made me shock.
Mom: no kai i am dating him from last two years.
Us except soo Hyun oppa: WHAT?? AND YOU DIDN'T TELL US ?
me: mom did you forget dad ? listen y/n-
Me: don't interfere Mr Kim. It's our matter.
Jungkook: miss lee y/n don't talk to our dad like that ?
Taehyun oppa: then tell him not to interfere in our matter.
Then they all went quite.
Me: tell mom. Why did you hide it from us ?
Mom: this. Because of this i hid it from you. Do you think of i had told you guys earlier you would have accepted it ? No. You could not and especially you y/n because we all know that you were the closest to your dad. 
Now i cannot take this anymore.
Everyone was scared now.
Mom: no i didn't.
Beomgyu: then why mom ?
Mom: beomgyu i can never forget your dad. He was my first love and he will always be. But i also need a life partner with whom i can share all my feelings. You guys are not understanding anything right now but when your time will come you guys will understand. i think we should leave right now. Let's talk tomorrow.
Mom: o-
Soo Hyun: you can't Mr Kim.
Everyone was confused.
Jin: but why Hyung ?
Soo Hyun: it's snowing outside and government has asked everyone not to get out of their houses. So you guys have to stay here for today.
Woww just wow. My life cannot be more difficult. Without anything i just rant to dads room with tears continuously flowing from my eyes. I locked the door and was continuously crying.

Stay tuned for next part ❤️❤️

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